Question for Canter

LoL, the blondes need to stick together, against all this harassment!

Heres up for discuision:
Is it blonde, or blond??


Heidi/Canter psudo X-Files moment. I have been engaged in battle with the City of Toronto who insist that I own not only my house but the house across the street. Then to add insult to injury, they sent a collection agency after me because I haven’t paid the Water Bill on my neighbours address.

Burocrats are the worse. And then there’s Rogers@home. Worse. Much worse. When you’re ready Heidi I have a cocktail waiting.


on another board. It was a thread about horse meat. and I was just about to post about this woman I knew who actually DROVE her horse to the slaughterhouse!!! but as I scrolled down, the woman in question posted that herself, but made it sound as if it were justified. ie what else could I do? I needed a new pair of Serenghettis (that last bit are my words, but you get my point). I just had to put a mare down last week ( I posted about it on the SH Breeding Forum). I just can’t imagine or condone anyone sending a horse to the slaughterhouse. I mean W’underware one day, wonder where the next. so I “wonder” if I’ll get torn up as you sso eloquently put it. or ignored. oooh ooh or get “kicked off??”
Heidi - I knew you were Gefillte Fish as soon as I saw the name - that’s just too funny. I’ve got to think up one.

lol! JAM is my nickname, but you have to say it cool like JAM!

Doubletake> you neice is doing great and is firggin stong! man when those legs get going, watch out! And don’t tell me you just asked for more pictures? big mistake! You asked for you, here are some more.

Hopefully I’ll be able to get them up on my website soon, I just have to figure out what the heck is wrong with our network… (I do my site on the fast computer and publish it on the computer hooked up to the net)

Good idea, I think that now we’ve gotten our 40 pages to out do the “question for Merry” that we now need another 20 or so to out do the wake thread.

Sabra> how did you like Biochem? I was going to take that before I got into the courses I am now, and I’m reconsidering it. Thoughts? One more question, what exactly is an Evironmental Enginner?

children running around my estate, and at least one more on the way… Last spring, I finally got the “keeper” a colt, who should mature to at least 17.2, and georgeous (although looks a bit gawkey right now–I’m hiding him out back), who won’t be gelded unless he goes through a major mentality change–he thinks he’s a dog, and follows me everywhere… He’d follow me upstairs and sleep with me in my bed if I asked him.

One of the horses that I showed to prospective buyers, cracked it’s back REALLY hard over an oxer, and I think I have whiplash. In mid-air, I exclaimed “HOLY-SH!+” and the group of people watching the spectacle were in hysterics.

Wow! You guys, the Jr’s just might out thread us! We need to rally the Canadians, this is the only honor the Canadian Clique holds! We need to keep the honor…

Let’s keep this thread going! What do you think of these horse horoscopes?

Jamie Lynn no way should you be driving a zamboni under the influence. It’s going to take a couple of days to repair the icemaking machine!! Just remember, winning isn’t everything - I won the beer chugging contest or were you hugging the porcelain throne when the winner was announced?
Are you still in bed nursing your hangover? You guys party waaaay too late.
Nice of Merry to remind us all about food. Wonder what they’re serving for breakfast?

My favourite horse-related possession is my very first show jacket…favourite, not really, but I marvel at the fact that I was once sooo tiny.

Think we could start a whatever happened to?
Someone mentioned Gail Greenough. What’s she doing now?

I hear Heidi runs a dominatrix service for male grand prix riders. True or false?

[This message was edited by Canter on Feb. 26, 2001 at 09:20 AM.]

Just go done fixing the indoor ring door–the BIG one!!!

I know of the stupid horse tricks thread, but what’s the most stupid thing you’ve witnessed a horse do???

check your mail!!!

JumptheMoon, just look for the best preserved 61 year old at Collingwood, venture up, look down (she’s short)

No, no dear heidikinns, I was asking about Canter, not you.

How do you reply to someone’s post now? I can’t seem to find that button.

They had us jumping courses way before we were ready…I cannot believe the stuff we did. The lessons were total mayhem.

Okay who pissed off Infopop?

An ode for the gals of the Earthquake Zone:

Your eyelids reflect and refract
the turgid limnations of an eel
trapped in the flickering
paralysis of Chaplin’s cinematography.

I’m feeling so Allen Ginsberg-ish.

Please let us get to 40 pages tonight as I’m hosting a dinner party and can no longer be held accountable for anything I post.

perhaps I’m going about this the wrong way…instead of going to school I should be looking for a rich guy…hmmm search is on! lol!

this horse wouldn’t make 16HH—He’s now 16.2 (solid) and has been competing quite sucessfully with a certain AA member of this board.

PS–a Mandarin baby as well…

MissD> ouch!! Hope your feeling better soon. Stay relaxed and out your feet up

Lets see…worst accident… well I think I’ve had maybe 3-4 concussions (nothing like yours MissD, no memory loss)…no broken bones…no sprains…nothing major so far I guess knock on wood. There was a time where my horse fell on my left leg and I was wearing my field boots but didn’t want to take them off until my classes were over (once off they would have never went back on). After my classes when I did take them off my leg swelled up about 3 times and throbed so bad!! But in a day or two was back to normal. And another time where I dismounted my pony oddly and bent my ankle weird. It killed and I could hardly walk on it, of course I didn’t tell my parents because I had a major party to go to that night and they would have made me stay home But 3 days later I tripped, heard a “snap” and all was good

Speaking of amnesia, I heard Ainsle Vince was kicked by a horse and lost about a years worth of memory, that she thought she was still with Eric Lamze and didn’t know her real fiance. Anyone else hear bout that? Any comfirmation to thses rumours?