Question for Canter

Just adding my 2cents. We are at 84 and sunny today. I love the heat. It warms my aching and aging muscles!

Tin- thanks for the ancedotes on the club foot. I’ve reviewed the pics and have been changing my mind. Now I’m thinking her conformation is actually really good for what she is… shorter pasterns, more upright, but then I want that with a baby-going-to-be-huge WB, not my typical light long slopey pasterned TBs. And she is just a yearling (i-yi-ie! she’s going to be BIG).
She is a Holsteiner/ Anglo-Trakenher. With what I would consider gross breeding, but hey, you have what you have in front of you.
I also looked at that lovely grey mare, but her leg was shaking. Wether because she was cold, or standing on a funny slope, it didn’t really matter, I still took it as a bad sign!
Anyone have any experience with shaking legs?? What was it??
We weren’t planning on buying a horse this year, what with the accident and all, but if they go for these rediculously low prices, we just might anyway.
I took some pics which I will develop today.

Jaime Lynn> but that would be effort wouldn’t it? Maybe I’ll make up some homemade tack wipes today and see if that motivates me to wipe off my tack

Stuck horse? Hope he’s o.k and has recovered from his atomic wedgie We had a stuck horse once but it wa as 13.3h pony who had been walking through the snow, forgot the ditch was there and sunk into snow up past her chest. We had to dig the tubby out, I was kind of funny.

Lorne would probably be the 50’s and 60’s version of Eric or McLain. A horseman’s horseman from the other side of the tracks.
If you stop bye to say hello and he does not know you he can be a little abrupt. But if you get past that and ever get to ride there, you learn to really ride and how to bring on a young horse.

I have to admit I haven’t really evolved into adult books, and no I’m not talking about adult books as in dirty-hide-them-from-your-mother-need-ID-to-buy books. Get your minds out of the gutter, geeze just cause you guys are perves doens’t mean I am. Yes I’m talking to you heidi

I talking about books WITHOUT pictures with chapters more than 2 pages long with large text

I’ve read The Hobbit God knows how many times, but couldn’t even name any other books by Toilken (sp?). And I have no clue what brought on the Stephen King phase but for about 2 years I read a new King book pretty much every 2 weeks.

I’m also one of those people who can’t put down a book once started no matter what time it is, how tired I am or even how crappy the book is.

To make this horse related, I’m reading a book about Women and Horse’s by Gawana Pony Boy (is that his name? It’s something like that). I was given it for chstmas by a student I teach.

Oh and almost forgot!! You can’t beat a James Herriot story!

one advantage off being shorter is a lower center of balance. It’s way easier to tip over a tall person than a shorter person. Shall we perform an experiment?

lol I’m not even CLOSE to you guys post wise. I must say though, thanks to this thread I’m getting my numbers up :stuck_out_tongue:

you have to give him a lot of credit. Poor guy, to ride into the ring, have the announcer say your name, and have EVERYBODY look (and critique). I think it took GUTS and I admire him for it. as far as I know, he did Trillium/Futures. he and sue have not been together for some time - about 2 years
Great songwriter too - But the rest of the Junos - industry butt kissing. nothing to do with actual talent, just schmoozing, networking, industry crapola. IMHO.

What are you naming the soon-to-come foal?

The husband of one of my best friends owns a long distance trucking company - my husband is a musician - and we found we had sooo much in common… mostly the isolation - the having to make all the decisions on your own, and deal with all the little and sometimes not so little emergencies on your own. Wishing they’d come home. Wishing they’d leave… Independance is great, isolation, not so great.
If I could go back, I think I would have pursued the acting more -… but I didn’t see that as a “serious” career. The thing I’m pretty sure of is that your job matters less than your quality of life… although I must say that at social gatherings, people were always a LOT more impressed when I answered “television producer” to the question what do you do, than now when I say “breed horses”. Unless the other person loves horses…
Canter, if you really ARE Anne Murray will you answer the question once and for all what inquiring minds want to know???

When you arrive, don’t worry about the rottie–he loves beer, just crack one open for him as a sign of peace–he only kills cats. He brought the # of wild ones down significantly around here.

It just NOW dawned on me that the “Question for Canter” title is a spin-off on the “Question for Merry” title.

I’m not the brightest bulb in the box.

Good luck, heidi, on your thread. Those CA people are a different breed. They have tenacity. I guess it is b/c they NEED tenacity when they keep having to rebuild homes, cities, barns after every earthquake. I digress. . . .

I feel so honored!! I am now an honorary member of the Canadian clique! I will wear my thong and toque with pride! So how is everyone? A nice sunny day for us Northerners… and is that grass I see? Who changed our 5 star rating?

oeck someone get the stomach pump, I just ate 8 Pilsbury cresent rolls and now I don’t feel that well. I couldn’t resist, I was amazed at how domestic I’ve been today and thought a tube-o-cresents would be a nice treat. I guess I got carrier away

now where did that tube of cookie dough go…

I’m not sure you want me for Prime Minister… LoL, I don’t think Canada could handle me!

I love you guys!

Tin, the point at which you suggest tongue twisters, tis indication that you’ve fallen into the abyss of desparation.

We’ve covered riddles, blonde jokes, haikus, literature, written a few smashing campaign slogans. I refuse, though, to venture into tongue twister territory.

How’s about: The horse from hell - greatest horse purchase mistake.

I’ll start. Our first horse was a ‘trakehner cross’, suitable for hunters.

Well, in fact, she was a Clyde cross. Pulled like a freight train, 15.3 but built like a brick poo-house; the feathers on her legs should have been an indication of her breed. We were eager neophytes and I swear the man who sold us that horse saw us coming a mile away.

And oh yes, I was on the verge of buying a 2 year old cause, “look Hans, I want a black horse and she’s so pretty”. Her front leg was crooked. I did not notice. I am no longer allowed to even look at a horse cross-eyed without professional consult. Though, come to think of it, no one said I couldn’t purchase semen online…

I have some lovely bound olde horse books from 1945 - 1949, that are pages and pages of advertisements and flowery articles of how horses did at shows, mostly on the West Coast but there is one “Gentleman” Hunter who put in pages of ads of his horses and their accomplishments.
I think because one of his horses, “Gold Lode” was from California, a CA bred TB, and won at Madison Square Garden in the 40’s.
Gold Lode was Conformation Champion at Pennsylvannia, Harrisburg, and Madison Square Garden in 1948, he also won Amateur, Green, Pairs and Teams.
His owner’s name was Vernon G. Cardy. Edith & Helen Ferguson rode for him, he married Edith.
Goldlode also won the Aimilius Jarvis Challenge Trophy at the Royal Winter Fair.
The Cardy Stables hailed from Val David, P.Q. Canada and Southern Pines, NC
They rode with the Eglinton Hunt, MFH Vernon Cardy rode Times Square and his imported from Ireland hunter Viceroy of Cork.
What was interesting to me, was in the late 60’s we had a wonderful older lady at our stable who had a Christmas party at her lovely house, just down the street from where Bill Gates now resides, to show her photos from a trip to Africa.
Mrs G- brought out some old photos of her showing in Canada when she was younger, and I immediately started naming off the names of some the horses! They were Mr Cardy’s!! haha

She was good friends with the Ferguson sisters!
So there is some very ancient Eastern Canadian History

[This message was edited by Bumpkin on Mar. 03, 2001 at 10:29 AM.]

Merry> tell you what, you can keep the blonde haired french mountie, but can I have the brown haired brown eyed mountie back. He lacks the tattooed haunch but also displays and ownership tattoo on his buff chest. Please? come on you can’t keep both!

Not fair

Geez, Heidi, I’ll help you reach the 40 page goal!

Here’s my meaningless post re: question for Canter: What inspired you to pen “Teddy Bears Picnic”, Canter?

I haven’t checked the other thread yet, but dear Heidi, do you need directions???

I could even put you up for the night in my mansion, and you could meet your future DIL, and I’ll even let you pet one of my horses!!!

lol!! well since you asked for it…

Our barn manager has been having fun with Galli and she is now pretty much completly halter trained thanks to her. She has some great manners but is fiesty!! And has attitude! She was turned out for 15 mins with her leather safety halter on and she bucked, twisted, turned and did pretty much every thing she could to get that thing off her face. And of course when she couldn’t shake the thing she pouted, drank and then played. Too cute!!

The stallion’s owner is coming to take some pictures of her this weekend and she got her first shots today. She was a doll!