Question for Canter

almost done, I promise!

I’ll share doubletake - we can be co-saints.

elizabeth, you slumming or have you defected now that I hold the key to your romantic future and a lifetime of bliss?

SAM- it’s me…now what wassss my name back then? WackyRider? Remember, or did you leave, when the E-Search board went down twice a day and I had to choose a new name every four hourse? ANYways, it’s me, Lisa, in Calgary.
Splash the pony is sold, I have a new one who is still for sale, Janie is sold, um…who else…everybody else is pretty much sold… I got into a horrendous car accident coming home from Edmonton-> Calgary in Nov… got hit by a truck… some people say they saw it on the news… we were in a black GMC 1/2 ton that people said they saw but couldn’t recognize as a truck… we were very lucky and walked away, but I sold everything b/c I couldn’t ride… but now I’m back on a horse and have to relearn everything… looking at some WBs right now, although we said we wouldn’t buy anything this year…all the news I can think of…

Where’s Jean Cretin!! We need Jean Cretin!!! Preferably before the server crashes again.

Nope can do-ee. Don’t not believe yer. Shared stabling space with her, eh, couple o years aback eh and she ain’t no size 10. Tall gurl, yup, but she ain’t but a sprite over 8 eh.

Great site, BTW, Tin. Here’s another slogan for ClipClop.

Don’t feed the country slop, vote for ClipClop.

or how’s this for the opposition

Enough banter, vote for Canter

So, when is that book of Canadian horse adventures coming out…terrific stories, as usual.

Well, seeing as I’m at the library I felt motivated to help our thread along a bit

But really, I think our MUCH BETTER Canadian thread ( ) should be allowed to rest in peace quietly when the time comes. In the truest of all Canadian customs, upon its demise we should celebrate its former existence with a good ol’ kitchen party!!

Seeing as I live only a few blocks away from the Molsen Brewery, I volunteer to bring the beer!!

But, our thread is still a spring chicken, so we don’t have to worry yet! Heck, its still got a ways to grow doesn’t it?

I just came from a good morning at the barn - Alice and Bambi were both very good, and am now on my way grocery shopping before doing some gardening. Not that you really needed to know that, but I knew Heidi would be wondering

Talk to you guys on Monday!!

Glad to hear that the mare’s well.
->But look on the bright side, Tin- when you get up so early, you can start your day with a nice, frustrating round of virtual golf.

Most often times, broodmares are either leased for a breeding season, where the owner of said broodmare gets her back in foal to sire of first foal, or they pay a lease fee-get foal- and work with you to get her bred back, while keeping the original foal(from the lease).

OMG–there are so many alternatives, but if there was no obligation involving the foal, and if there was no clause involving that the horse be returned in the same condition that it was received…


oh should ask, what kind of feed everyone keeps their broodmares on. We’ve been recommended 10% sweet feed so that the baby doesn’t grow too fast, thoughts?

Where is Canter, BTW? I hope she finds a job soon and resumes her residency on the BB.

Don’t you know that this thread is a metaphor for life itself, lol? Where it goes, no one knows…you just have to keep reading.

30 more to go lol

I cook on the weekends to relax and get over the thanklessness (SP?) of all of the little brats that I teach during the week. I really like the ridin/training part of my job much better, the horses don’t talk back(much), and they know who feeds them.

Baby quiche anyone???

Can’t cook in an orange toque however, it mught make me sweat, and I don’t usually add salt-it’s not healthy…

We can hook the dog up to a hose, then light the end, and all toxic fumes will be eliminated…

Can I still post on this thread even though I am not Canadian? Or am I officially banned from here?

Tonight, in a segment so apropos at this time of swelling Canada pride and heads, The Complete Rider profiled the finest jumping horse ever to come out of the frozen wastes–Big Ben.

And now back to your regularly scheduled programming. . . .

You need to meet my dad. He is so stupid it’s not funny and he has an astronomical IQ. I did’t get it obviously, but we won’t go there.

Thanks for the photo comments, I take thousands. I’ll do the vet photos. Do we want him posed or “in the field” being a vet.

I also remember Lorne Siegle (sp?). I was at a schooling show at the old Breakaway about 18 years ago with my then-young OTTB (BOB, now the Farm Manager and still the most annoying horse in the world!). Lorne, who I didn’t know, came up to me and said, “Best horse on the Grounds”. I’ve had a high regard for him ever since! he is known to be a real horseman.
Bob, now 23 and big (17 H) brother of Lucy, Cricket, and Fred was a fabulous horse in his day. and he has found his true calling, “brood mare manager aka the Big Tease”

Come on, Canadians, let’s keep the thread alive! The weather must be getting a lot better, therefore resulting in a decline of posts. I know that it’s really sunny and not very cold out here. But that doesn’t mean I’m not dedicated to ensuring the success of my fellow Canadians!

P.S. Is Canter really 61?!?

Yes Tin, she’ll definately pop when you want to be there but can’t!