Question for Canter

I cannot wait to see the photos of the new “Filly”

“Happy Birthday to Canter, Happy Birthday to Canter, Happy birthday dear Canter, Happy Birthday to you!”
(Be glad we’re in cyberland and you can’t hear my singing- total tone deafness, I’ve been told)

I had a great night and am in a wonderful mood… Hope everyone else is having a good weekend!

Found our little thread moving down page two again. Sooo…how is everyone today?

are the scurge of civilization. I can never get them to work.

How am I doing.

I may be very interested in that mare. Could you please email me with a price and some more info. Is she strictly a broodmare. I breed and show CSH. I am looking at possibly buying a new mare to expand my herd. I prefer something that is somewhat rideable but if not thats ok. Is she for sale in foal? I would love AFR baby!!!

K i have two more then I can call it a night.

This is a most unusual paragraph. How quickly can you find out what is so unusual about it? It looks so ordinary you’d think nothing was wrong with it - and in fact, nothing is wrong with it. It is unusual though. Why? Study it, think about it, and you may find out. Try to do it without coaching. If you work at it for a bit it will dawn on you. So jump to it and try your skill at figuring it out. Good luck - don’t blow your cool!

Which is correct to say, ‘The yolk of the egg are white’ or,‘The yolk of the egg is white’?

now for my haiku:

Oh Collingwood
If only all shows
Were as great as thee

ClipClop, will you single-handedly be bringing the thread to page 11?

might as well try to keep it going until it reapears somewhere. Maybe it’ll apear in Ireland or Austrailia and we’ll have to follow it

I loved the Hermes, but Mallory and her trainer did not feel the same awe of it I had.
Poncho being aged, did not fit the Hermes without more than enough padding to bring the cantle up.
So to purchase the Beval that did fit Poncho, I had to part with the Hermes to a Juniour who shows different horses on the A circuit with it and is the envy of all her buddies.
Elliot did not exist to me at that time, or he would most likely be happily trotting around with it on his back.
I did ask the buyer if she wanted to sell, and she refused.
Dublin’s sister’s Hermes is atleast back on the circuit and I do get first refusal if the girl decides to part with it.
Also, , those County’s are nicely padded!!

Ahhhhhh! I used to ride with Doug waaaaay back when Terri Leibel was there. Boy does that ever date me LOL!

BTW have you guys noticed our thread has earned a cute red background behind it’s flame?

I love the way Maddie’s ‘constructed’; she is rather imperious isn’t she? You’re gonna have fun with her Wings.

P.S. your toque’s in the mail.

Merry, we’ve been convening on an appropriate California icon to steal as retribution. Unfortunately, the only cultural Californian icon we could come up with was David Hasselhoff.


Just had to sneak across the border to take a peek. Glad to see that there are signs of life in the frozen far north. The foal is awfully cute.

As for your soon to be record-setting thread, don’t get too cocky… the year is yet young, my beer-swilling, Anne Murray-loving, snow-shoveling, sword-bearing, Queen-worshipping friends!

Heidi> you’re killing me!

MissD> that was my first thought too, I love riddles! Are you going to Kempville at the end of the month?

as of today.

I have the worst cold and I nearly lost a lung laughing at those and am still coughing uncontrollibly(sp).

Thank you.

stupid icons.

Diane - that will give you more fodder for chestnut mare topics.

Cornerstone cancelled? Only 1 indoor left? Yikes.

I’ll chuck in a horse related question too, does anyone remember Mario Delauries mount named “Ariel”? It was a few years back (read: maybe up to 8), he used her strictly for derbey’s and she was a bay SF mare.

*editied, why? Holy spelling mistakes BatMan!

Heidi my girl, I had no idea you harboured a little green monster! Muffy is cleaning up (well, doing rather well) at West Palm with Kas.

Must now go back and finish reading pages 7 through 10 LOL

nope, you got me last night because of tack cleaning We got alot of pages done last night