Question for Canter

I had the night shift it seems, since I am on the West Coast, haha
Now I am off to my Trophy Wife needing excess horse money job.
It is just a tweee little couple hours a week job.

[This message was edited by Bumpkin on Feb. 28, 2001 at 11:37 AM.]

Believe me, Canter, I am well aware that I am the elder in this adoptive relationship- mentally if not physically. The upside being that Heidi has legal id and is easy to manipulate when she is frantically searching for a babysitter at 9 pm. “Oh, sure, I’ll watch sumo toddler, but it’ll cost you…danger pay and all…”

OMG doubletake! I’ll have to remember that site for school, my computer at home is just too darn slow (y’all should know how impatent I am by now)but what a cool site! Thanks

Blue Peter. That’s the name I couldn’t remember. Thanks for playing ladies. I knew one if not both of you would remember.

The schmooze factor is a major asset in the horse biz. So are Hollywood looks. Now how come one of our lovely and talented horsewomen (you know the one) isn’t feeling the love from a few wealty sponsors? Is it really easier for a guy to get ahead?

doubletake> of course you can be Galli’s auntie I think you were just as anxious as we were We just adore her, such a sweetie and worth the wait

MissD> yeppers they have a website but I was just there and no class lists. They had them listed last year I wonder why not his year…oh well. Thanks for yor help! If it’s not too much trouble, would you be able to the phone number and name of the person running the shows for me?

I have a weanie (yearling in two weeks) who is 11 months old and he as well is 14.1 (almost 14.2!!). He is my first baby but everybody tells me how big he is. In all his classes last year he was always the biggest weanie. His mother is a 16hh TB and his father is a 17.2hh Dutch WB.

Hey Doubletake, who’s the stallion?

Canter> I could be totally out of my mind but did I catch you with an alter on this thread earlier today? Could be wrong…

I’ve got one for ya.

I am never quite what I appear to be. Straight-forward I seem, but it’s only skin deep, for mystery most often lies beneath my simple speech. Sharpen your wits, open your eyes, look beyond my exteriors, read me backwards, forwards, upside down. Think critically and answer the question…what
am I?

THEN you can go to bed. hehe

complexxion!!! My lovely beast child has one of those faces that matches EVERYTHING!!! (sucking up to future MOL)

Here I have been sitting with my poutine and a cup of steaming Tim Hortons coffee wondering where you have all been.
Who is going to Spruce Meadows this year and which weeks?
Dublin and I are thinking of making a trip to Calgary and want to meet some of you

It’s RRSP season and it’s nuts here.

Tin - anything on the baby, yet. I had a girl doing nights with my mare and she left to go to the bathroom, she was gone 10 minutes, and viola, Daphne was born. Baby was standing by the time she got back. Everyone was so excited, they forgot to phone me until 9am when one of the kids said “hey, where’s Laurel”! A mad scramble ensued.

Heidi - where’d you get on the stallion issue. A friend of mine is looking for her two(maybe three) mares right now and is going nuts trying to decide. So many stallions, so little time. I might end up with a nice three year old(long story, will tell when it has been worked out, one way or another) in the next while and am thinking along the “I need a new baby, but not of my loins” lines.

My slogan would be “If you have high morals, you’ll vote for Laurel”. LOL. That should spark some “conversation” eh, Canter.

What’s this about Donna Billes lurking on emg. I hope I haven’t said anything naughty. She is such a nice lady.

Time for lunch and banking and then more finance.

I wonder how MAZ is, has anyone heard anything more?

Canter, what Fri**ing horse. I haven’t heard about this. We obviously haven’t spoken enough this week!

Minihim proudly told me last night that he did not have to do any time outs yesterday. I am so excited for him.

How’s that for stream of conscieneness(that is definately spelt wrong) writing?

Snow snow stay AWAY!!

It’s actually sunny here so Canter, keep all that snow to yourself! Please?

I’m just about to venture outside, it LOOKS nice out but I think I’m going to dawn the ski pants and toque just in case.

I’ll get some in the morning if the dog doesn’t disappear. We’re supposed to get another 6+ inches…

Incubus is Figjam, aka Toe Jam, aka Mary Kate Rose. I’m right, aren’t I?

but once again Tin—Congrats on a healthy baby!!! Maybe Aunt Sabra will come visit someday.

Next project on this thread–why do some people have NO sense of humor???

Yes this board is mostly horse related, but it’s also fun, and I think that some people around here are WAY too serious.

Tin - we were told to feed a 10 - 12% protien level feed as our foals were growing to fast, our hay was tested at 18 - 24+ %, … but we were told to give them a mineral suppliment to offset any changes in the phsor. and sel. levels in the hay to pasture grass. We were advised to feed Equijet, we get it from our Co-Op and give it to the broodmares, foals and the stallion.

Have lots of fun with Gali!

Willow - I haven’t really done anything with Leeloo (from the movie the Fifth Element, she was the catalyst that saved the universe) other than groom, she stands on cross ties great and loves to be pampered over. Her daddy is our stallion Jacob (aka Rule the Day - his dad was Eyes to Rule) Leeloo’s reg. name is Beyond the Rules ('cause she certainly has been!) her mom was Beyond Reason (an DWB/TB conformation hunter).

Was in the hospital as my partner, Bradley Clack, (BC) was riding Jacob in the excercise ring the night before the Cup and decided that he needed to go back on the Lunge for a bit, just a bit to distracted, then while circling …like a typical 3 yr old, something caught his eye at the other end of the ring and he wanted to go that way when Brad wouldn’t let him he reared up, Brad jumped off and landed on his feet holding the reins and collasped - he shattered his heel bone from one side of the ankle to the other - Jacob just stood and sniffed him like a little angel. five hours later we made it back in time for me to get Jake ready for the cup with Brad in a wheelchair spaced out on percadan’s!

Well I survived grocery shoping but just barely!! Geese some of those people are evil with their carts, I was smashed in the shin twice son of a #$^^& hurt! and cut off so many times I lost count. Not to mention someone stole my bananas out of my cart humph

Rode beast #2 tonight (Reggie) and he was EXCELLENT! He was like butter, I couldn’t have been happier. We even got a compliment from the “dressage queen” of the barn (dub by the dressage riders, not me) I think I should get an award for that

joke: (care of JB)

What’s the difference between a Northern Fairytale and a Southern

A Northern Fairytale begins “once upon a time” and
a Southern Fairytale begins “y’all ain’t gonna believe this sh!t”.