Question for Canter

Hi, all
How are you all this evening?
And Tin, how’s my niece?

And now…
Dearest Thread, Thank you for the hours of amusement you provided me with. All the jokes and riddles told, all the hours I have spent residing here, and all the 1,000+ replies( ), I will miss it all. sniff Good-Bye.
Hugs Thread

If we try, Im game

no filets here only fish sticks… will they do? We can add some special sauce, like ketchup, and make them really fancy, gormet fancy!!

The deceased relative that has a problem with Canadians…the “Merry” thread, of course.

I did go ride my cute little pony, JOANNA!! As a matter of fact, i’m always here lol. You’re not!! You can’t tell me you’ve never heard that joke before? To tell you the truth…the first person I thought of when reading that joke was you… joking joking. Now for the real question, why aren’t YOU riding your cute little pony?

Tin, the common factor in all these definitions is the French Fry Factor.
An easterner names them Prairie Dog.
A werterner (Albertan) names them ‘gopher’ irregardless of the existance of a(nother) actual animal named ‘the gopher’.
A biologist names them ground squirrel,and
WE call them feepers for the feep kinda sound they make while begging for fries.
The distinction and link, as I mentioned, the way to ID these critturs in the wild, is to offer them a McDonalds french fry and see if they come running. If you have an abundance of critturs and you think a few might be faking it for propriety’s sake, then withhold the french fry… the one who sits on your foot and undoes the buckle of your birkenstock proves itself the true feeper and gets the fry.
Also known to have a taste for Dairy Queen, we had one try to jump in the corvette with us, alas he was too tiny, and we thought it would be ‘cruel’ to remove him from his ‘natural surroundings’ not knowing at the time that a feeper’s most coveted place is in a human house beside the plate you are eating off of.

You couldn’t catch me at the Junos! That hip-hop/rap extravaganza isn’t what I’d call music!! Besides, I’m not up for any awards, so why bother?

Daphne - I’ve been posting, but many of the topics are repeated over and over again, and sometimes I get tired of giving the same answers. Once I get out of my “February Funk” I’m sure I’ll go back to wasting space on the home front. Hey hold up here. I have to read ALL THE POSTS EVERY DAY. Doesn’t that count for something? BTW missy, you haven’t been posting that much lately either. February gotten to you too??

As for Miss Heidi - We must guilt her into returning to the fold - at least on a part time basis!!

[This message was edited by Canter on Mar. 04, 2001 at 10:03 PM.]

you are definatly heidi!! Am I right?

Even better Diane, he gave out Tim Bits.

I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up!!! I changed my major 5x while in college–math/art/psych/pre-vet–and ended up with a Biochem degree. I’ve professed in Mixology (at several bars in the Albany/Saratoga area), and Equine Fecology. Hubby is an environmental Engineer…

I wish I’d had a picture of the time that Mandarin was standing in the middle of the ring with an AA on him, consorting with a bunch (at least 5) of other AA ladies after schooling, and all the other ladies were sitting on mares.

Imagine stallion resting one leg, reins drooping, nose-to-nose with several mares—just hanging out with the girls!!!

The ladies were having a jovial chat (hands flying, and not even holding on to the reins), until I screamed, “UM, SOPHIE!!! REMEMBER WHAT YOU’RE ON!!!”, everyone scattered, because they suddenly realized that this serene creature could possibly ruin their show season.

Actually, when we bought him, we had a sperm-count done. We were told that because of his temperament, it was possible that he was infertile. He actually was a bit too fertile, but that is another story…

Happy birthday, Fred. You probably don’t remember, but we met briefly years ago at Twinholm when Fred was there. I had taken someone up to look at my mare(Twinholm was leasing her and the lease was up), who was there as well. As I remember they quite liked him and he was very gentlemanly about all the attention.

Goodbye dear thread.

Nother riddle… how do you keep a moron in suspense?
Remember THAT little gem? Why is it I only know mean riddles…
I went to a special type of school (hmm don’t even start!) where we did alot of those stupid Mensa things. The horse one (which was pretty easy) is alot like the paper one: Welsh Princess is going to get married to one of two suitors. She wants the one but her father the King wants her to marry the other. King suggests that the daughter pick the name of the two suitors out of a hat. The day before she is to pick, she finds out her father has cheated and put the name of the suitor he likes on BOTH pieces of paper. How does she manage to marry the one SHE wants, while keeping the decorum of the family?? (ie, she can’t run away, or make a scene, etc). The solution to this is quite easy, but you must remember the location. OK Tin, that will keep you up long enough to post more!

throws hands up in the air and dances around FINALLY cleaned tack

Tin- I am very relieved! That was scary, and I didnt want to hear bad news.
Of course, I am but a mere flit of a page starter when it comes to your awesome prowess, I kneeel at the feet of your page starting ability humbly praying to page starting gods, though I do believe I will dub you Page Starting Kween and erect a shrine or temple to your honour of attaining such a high position that you must be connected to the gods…
someone’s been hitting the ancient archelogical history books late last ngiht…

Fred> hey, I’ll arm wrestle you for her!!! That pony is mine!!! oh, alright you can have her, my dad said no anyways bummer

Well mare is bleeding again today, this time it’s all dried in her tail too. So we phoned the vet and he said it’s most likely a urinary tract infection because all is well with baby and uterus. So we cleaned her up, wrapped her tail and will watch her on the monitor to watch her health. Anyone else have experience with this? will post this as a main post as well, any info would be greatly appreciated.

oh and laugh coming out of the barn’s driveway my sister (in her truck) was infront of me. The driveway was shear ice so I didn’t give my car gas at all, just rode the brake until about 50 feet away from my sis. Thinking “gosh it’s slippery I’ll leave lots of room between us” I started putting on the brakes…to my suprise I’m not slowing down. So I started pupming the brakes and NOTHING is happening except I’m now on a 45 degree angle inching at a whole 2 km/h towrds my sist who was waiting to pull out. Well at that point I had a choice to:
a) aim for a snow bank, mom may kill me for damaging the car but sis won’t kill me for hitting her truck
b)bail out of the car into a snow bank and run for my life back to the barn an hide in a stall
c) grit my teeth and hit my sis going a whopping 2 km’s/h
So… of course I choose c) and my car actually dove under my sis’s truck. My sis drove forward off my car and then we got out and we could NOT stop laughing!! I checked out her truck, tiny tiny dent in the chrome and then my car… broken left headlight, broken left blinky light and broken plastic grill part eeepp. Still histarically laughing we drove home and I told my mom and she was not impressed. My dad laughed his head off, me and my sis were almost to tears still laughing and then my mom loosed up, pushed me in a snow bank and laughed to phew. So that’s my story, at least it was my sis infront of me and not someone else, or atleast I didn’t just slid into the highway off the driveway

Eglinton, which Bertin did you ride?

Tin, you may wish to send your post to our clique sisters in New York. Do believe they hold the landspeed record for zipping through stage 1 to 5 in under a half hour.

Canter, why don’t you hammer a ‘for sale’ sign on your neighbours lawn. I’m sure the proceeds would buy a few nice horses.

That was MOST DEFINITELY a typo…Neil isn’t really my type!!! Ooooops! Yes a support group would be good…please tell me you didn’t board there. They were always trying to sell us various OLD school horses. Those lessons were crazy…poor horses they were ridden to death. How long were you there? That is very sad that they are turning it into houses though.

o.k, ya. Who sent us the snow? fess up! That wasn’t very nice you know, take it back! please??

Jaime Lynn> I wouldn’t worry too much about it, sounds like everyone is putting in their opinion on that thread and living to talk about it And besides if anyone comes after you with a pitch fork we’ll hide you out here and spray them with beer and throw Timbits at them (hey the ones with raisons in them hurt!). After all you are an honourary Canadian

see what I mean. I’m cursed!undefined
LCRScott, what about CTHS? Cdn TB Horse Society?
416 675 3602 maybe he’s there…
and, good news, the CTHS will be giving out some very nice awards this year, even better than last year, to top TBs competing in hunter, jumpers and eventing (that’s in Ontario)Need to be registered TBs!!
Speaking of Hortons- I had to get up really really early to get AFR to a show (this was when he was EventFred, and I guess I hadn’t quite woken up before driving my Suburban through the take out window…wacked one of those bright yellow cement things…It’s STILL bent over!!THAT woke me up!!
and Worthy - this is my last JUNO rant for this year - I don’t mean to suggest that the musicians who have won Junos are not talented, or deserving, it is the process, the hows and why of the whole thing that is so slimy…hope the bad hair period is behind your husband…
[This message was edited by Fred on Mar. 09, 2001 at 06:37 PM.]

[This message was edited by Fred on Mar. 09, 2001 at 06:48 PM.]