Question for Canter

Fred you’re STILL acting!! LOL. I agree, for some of us, you can never have too many careers.

I’ve been a tromp’d’oeil artiste, a clown, a sous chef, record buyer for a large chain of record stores, a producer, an art director, a famous Canadian folk singer, and now I don’t have a clue what I am.

Here’s a suggestion. Do you have any interest in Landscape Architecture? It’s a booming field right now - bonus* if you live where there’s snow, it means winter down time!!!

Because his right ear drooped (Drew P. Ear) when he was born at 3am on a show day, the night after another mare foaled. Sorry the first picture was sooo dark, but here’s a picture of Drew, right after he was weaned.

As this thread seems to be in need of all the help it can get, to surpass the 36-page milestone set by Question for Merry, we must keep all posters healthy – even if they happen to be American in-laws-to-be.

Jamie Lynn, go soak in a hot tub sprinkled with epsom salts. Do not, however, take your computer with you into the tub. We’ll give a half hour reprieve from the thread.

your going down tonight, the jr’s are gonna out thread you

ErinB from Florida never ever give cpr to a lizard

…I have 30 seconds to post in an internet cafe before the train leaves, I can’t get into my email after a frustrating 1.5 hour attempt, I am no where near a phone that can get an international line, I have no idea if New York still exists, I have no idea how my ponies are (a fact which is distressing me more than the water which is causing problems that I won’t get into) so where else can I go for friends…COTH!!

Hi all from South Africa, I’m still a Canadian and loyal at that, so long live the war and good luck my dear friends. Lead on Heidi fearless leader!! (I will try and send a message next stop if there is such a thing a computer in the desert).

just get insomnia sometimes, and I had to make this post to page 12!!! I was taking beast to school, and cooking at the same time!!! If you remember correctly, part of my “initiation” to the Canadian Clique, was to drive a Zamboni while drinking a case of Labatt’s in a matching set of orange toque/thong, while singing “Oh Canada”. I SWEAR you were there, and trying to drag-race me in your Super-Turbo Zamboni!!!

ETBW gave me the idea (joining us?), about Eggs Benedict, but I’m gonna up it one. Ever heard of “Breakfast at Brennon’s”? (a form of eggs bene)

For those who don’t like that, I have prepared scrambled eggs with ketchup, and cooked that back-bacon…

Bloody Merry or Mimosa anyone? Hmmmm, what do you call Blue mixed with orange/tomato(e) juice???

I sent one of my horses to Lorne’s barn for retraining. One of the women there did the riding and he helped her. Amazing results with a horse that could have rivalled any rodeo bronc.

How on earth did my brother get over there?

Hey, Palisades, I’m here, just too busy sometimes to formulate anything worth reading.

I think the winter is getting to me. I really need some vitimin D and I want to see my filly and take a gazillion photos of her so I can show her off to everyone.

Way to go Tosca - I’d say you added a nickle’s worth!

JumpTheMoon - never fear. I will say hello to YOU at Collingwood. If for some reason I can’t find you, just look for a sumo toddler carting an Asian, a short blonde and a woman waving cat-sick yellow shag carpet and you’ll have found the 3 musketeers.

Try having 18 inches of snow, and going out to plow–only to discover that the tractor has a FLAT TIRE!!! Having a bad day…

Tin, has that mare popped yet???

Okay who pissed off Infopop?

You’re having a party and have stolen away to check out your thread. How embarrassing if you got caught.

Excellent fun.

My mother did exactly the same thing tonight right after dinner. She disappeared to check out the hockey scores. Low, mom, low.

I’m a little dense, what can i say…! Your job(s) are much more fun than a real one anyway - I have to be careful not to use too many horsey examples in my ecology lectures, but i can’t resist now and then…

Miz Scott - great pics - she’s starting to look less like a giraffe and more like a horse. Hooray!!! She’s sooo cute. Maybe next time I’ll be able to come with you - after shedding season is over

Please Tin… come on, we’ll love you forever!!! Promise!!

As far as my worse accident, I have been soooo lucky to have never been seriously hurt. The worst ever was last year, cantering around a tree on the trail, misjudged where my knee was and the distance between it and the tree. youch! One major bruise and numerous ice packs later, I have learned to not canter around trees!
However my oh-so unlucky sister, who rode for only a year, and gave it up, flew off her pony and hit her head on a rock (no helmet), flew off another time and hit the metal wall on the indoor, crashed through a jump only to fly off on the other side to get steped on, got taken through a door while on the horse and was scraped off, and got wacked on the nose by the pony again, this time with a severly bruised nose… and blood-everywhere. All this in one year! I wonder if that has something to do with her not riding anymore…

I should not be adding to the delinquency of a nation by contributing to this thread…but I can’t help myself.

Sayonara! We are gonna win this battle, or whatever the heck it is, if it takes us posts of single words like “Like” or “omg!”

KBird…reiner-in of the JR Clique. It’s a thankless job.

My ignorance is overwhelming. How can a dutch warmblood also be a pinto?

I’ve never see a spotted dutch warmblood. . . .

Favorite horsie possesion: I also would have said my Moody bracelet, especially now that Moody has died. Given to me by a penpal when he was alive.
special for both their memories! And what a great gift, something I’d never have bought for myself.
Bits- ALWAYS dip them…ewww…how would you like to be the horse iwth tht slimy disgusting thing in your mouth, not to mention the discomfort due to all the little sharp edges on the crud.
Do you all realize it wasn’t the CaC that had the longest thread- it was actually NHR… about the presidential election? Wasn’t it like 350 pages???

Heidi - you’ve got your Watt info on backwards, girl!
Watt, daughter of Don, owner of big design firm, WattGroup best known for redesign of Loblaws and original PC products labels. Wife Patty, partner in said firm. Now deceased. Daughter Sarah - riding in Europe, riding in the States.

Canadian Tire heiress, now that would be Donna Billes, not Patty Watt. Daughter of Donna - none other than dressage Olympian, Diana Billes (Ureherber or however you spell it) and daughter Karen - oftseen at Palgrave doing the jumpers.
Donna’s a Gimcracker. Off and on.

Hubs is having a few good earned days rest(from what I not sure) and is at Rama(casino to all who are not “in the know”). He is going to buy me another horse if he wins(and even if he doesn’t for goodness sake). I figure that I am going to ride again soon enough and I might as well be prepared. Prepared for what, you ask? Not sure, but I have a ‘need’ that needs fulfiling. I’m collecting mares.

I like PD James too, but always find myself skipping 2-3 pages at a time when she decides to get descriptive. How many pages does it take to explain how someone died of hydrochloric acid poisoning.