Question for Canter

I’m outta this town once my workaholic hubby decides to show up.
Happy posting!! Keep the thread alive. We’re so close to surpassing 36 pages…

I tried to enter this earlier and something went wrong - so I’ll try again.
Bruce showed trillium/Futures I think. I really admire him for doing it. Just imagine how he must have felt, riding into the ring, having the announcer say his name, and KNOW that EVERYBODY on the show ground had stopped what they were doing to watch him (and critique his riding). I think it took a lot of guts, and I really admire him for it. Great songwriter too. the rest of the Junos? what a pile of industry crap - it’s not about talent, but rather schmoozing, industry ass-kissing and bucks. did i watch? no read a scarey book, “Birdman” by a writer named Mo something - along the lines of Patricia Cornwell, graphic, violent - but pretty gripping and well written.

doubletake> we’re pretty set on Galibrie for a girl (gallie for short; Kalibrie is mommy’s name) but we have no clue about a boy’s name. Some thoughts are Gunther Gladiator, Gattica, Gandolf and Galian. Other suggestions would be great!

Don’t sob Tin, there’s no reason why we can’t keep it going!!!
Darn, I was hoping to post on the same page as my age, but felled internet access has kept me away. Oh well, I’ll just have to settle for the big 4-0 a little early.

Anyone else have a Birthday this weekend???

Isn’t that annoying when that happens? Always seems to be the long posts too…grr!

Our path of 2 inch thick ice is finally showing some gravel underneath!! Who would have thought a foot square patch of earth could make such a big difference?
Heidi are you baaaack from your excellent adventure?
Diane, now that I’ve gone through $600.00 worth of paint, I say go for the R.L. Leather. It looks really, really nice - so long as you’re talking house, not barn!
Oh, one other bit of advice? Hire a professional painter!! LOL!

Explain. Now. 'nough said


With an extremely spicey Bloody Merry… I’ve been told that I make a great one…(bartended for 15yrs).

Elizabeth, I’ll have to find the link, but there are actually pinto TB’s as well. Kaliedoscope is 1/2 Dutch, and son of Art Deco (full DWB and homozygous) in case you didn’t read any further than the cover-page… There are alot of Art Deco’s out there doing extremely well…

may be for sale!!! Where’s Colin with the list???

I second the notion! ClipClop for Prime Minister!! I’ll make campain buttons:D

how bout the cheapest/best investment???

$50 pony—

Bumpkin. I’m guessing the origins of The Cardy stables would be the gold mines in northern Quebec and Ontario.I thought there was a Cardy on the board of Canadian Pacific or one of the big banks.There is a reference to a Gordon A. Cardy in the hotel business in The Canadian Establishment Vol. 2.
There is a lot more ancient eastern Canadian History out there. The 50’s and 60’s version of conspicuous consumption is a pale cousin to the last decade.
Around Toronto there were a lot of private stables that looked like mansions.

Why are you so hung up on your Mounties? Are you lacking in manly men in the great far north? What, you have no one to bring in logs from the woodpile to keep the fireplace going? No one to carve a hole in the ice so you can fish for dinner? No one to skin the elk so you have a warm blanket? No one to drive a spigot into a fresh keg of brew?

Can’t you share? We like men in uniforms who ride horses, too. The closest we come to that is the San Diego County polo team.

Not April—she’ll jump ANYTHING!!! Her older sister Roz…

How’s Sunday afternoon? How far are you from Garrison? Can you email me directions?

Beast child can meet her future father in law and probably sister in law, Kate; but we’ll have to wait to unveil her sumo hubby-to-be - he’s staying with grandma.

I shall gift you with good Canadian beer - what kind you want? Have you tried Creemores? Tres yummy.

This thread has now been viewed more than 10,000 times… does anyone else find that sad?

was on Silly Mommy’s Red neck thread, not this one…am i the only one who forgets what was posted on which thread…?

Don’t do that to me LOL. I hate riddles, i’m always too stupid to figure them out. Heres an easy one though.

Whats mightier than god
Eviler than evil
Poor people have it
and rich people don’t want it??

OMG, you’re right. Every clique has a caterer but us. And I don’t think Timmy Horton’s qualifies. We’re going to have to run a contest…

  1. Who’s ever cooked one of the following:
    -whale blubber
    -elk/moose/anything with antlers

  2. Who can start a fire using only frozen horse poo and butane?

  3. When serving Kraft macaroni and cheese, how much ketchup should one add?

  4. Which of the many delightful Canadian beers is best for beer stew?

  5. President’s Choice Fireside Pie or Tourtiere - which is better?

And our own version of Iron Chef, what would you do with the following ingredients:

-ground pork
-canned salmon
-bottle of HP sauce
-an onion
-can of Blue
-ground coffee beans from Timmy’s
-maple walnut cruller
-two strips of back bacon
-cup of rice vinegar
-two pieces of raw sea urchin

Troops assembled for your pep talk I assume you’re going to give heidi

Hey! Take that thong down… we need the Canadian flag up there!- barks heidi…