Question for Canter

I was reading all the pages I’ve missed over the past day and the Millarville event is June 2-3, the first event of the show season!! woohoo!! I’ll be taking Nikko along for our first event together. How exciting.
Usually its a back to back event, our it has been in the past, 2 horse trials.

Just a gentle reminder of why I live in Ontario. The most savage thing we have are the killer squirrells. Thanks BossHoss!

There are two less poo-eating dogs on the planet today. Thursday night, both my Keeshond, Kasey, and my Great Dane, Tango, were hit by a car and killed on the highway in front of my house. The driver who hit them didn’t stop to see what they had hit, or what condition the animals were in. My next door neighbours heard the impact from their house, and ran out to see what had happened. Their house is about half a kilometer from where the accident happened. The neighbours found Kasey already dead, and Tango standing beside her, keeping guard. By the time the neighbours got the dogs back to their house, Tango was dead too. This is one of the saddest things that has happened to our family. Tango was only 16 months old, and we’d only had him for 7 months. My dad doesn’t work outside the home due to a construction accident, and Tango was his best friend, his true soulmate. Kasey was my little friend, and I planned to take her with me when I moved out of the house. Everyday when I came home from school, the first thing I encountered at the front door was two dogs wagging their tails and licking my hands and face. Those dogs were my life, and a huge chunk of my heart is buried with them in the cold ground. I went to see their graves today, and it was so hard to say the final goodbye. I miss my dogs so much, they were the light in my world, and now they’re gone. If the driver of that car knew how much Tango and Kasey were loved, they would have done everything they could to make them live. But they kept driving. And now my life is half empty. I miss you and I love Kasey and Tango, and I’ll see you again some day.

I’m I a page starter or what? does running man

Well I’m going to bed now (yes at 8:00pm) actually no…I’m going to have a bath!! a mint bath! man I haven’t had the time for a bath in a loooong time! No shower for me tonight

why did your mare go through so much neglect???

well, this is my first post on this legendary thread. i just wanted to post because i just read fred’s last post… well, i just talked to her too actually, and flea is just great! she seems to have moved in and taken over actually, i think she’ll be completely in charge by the end of the week. so, my weekend’s been pretty darn good so far, and there’s still sunday!

it’s true that selling babies, especially special ones like flea, must be the hardest part of breeding, even though it’s the whole point of it. my heart is with fred, but we both feel good about flea’s new home!

heidi, I was just going to post on the EMG BB about Stable/Canter’s disappearnce. Oh where oh where can she be?

Thank you all so much for cheering me up with those lovely pictures! You all have such nice ‘kids.’
Tin> Glad to see that Galli is doing well. Good luck with your move…and remember…if things get too crowded at the new farm, you can always send Galli to me! J/K! (I bet you’re extremely deserving of that little sweetheart!)

PAGE FIVE! I am content with the world!!!

MissD> Yep that would be her! Great rider and great person in my opinion I’ll have to keep an eye out for you horse at the shows this year, I’m sure she’s beautiful!

Oh and my fav. Canadian beer, is Blue though I must admit I’m a Bud girl at heart and you don’t want to know how much I consume in a month

Sam> Yep, course I remeber you came to Ontario, to work with Lark right? Or did you come down again? The horse your riding right now is very pretty, reminds me of Bean (must be the STB). Glad you ridings going well and your keeping busy (on that aspect anyways). And I’m soo glad you popped in on these posts, it’s so great to talk to you again, we had a lot of fun back in the icq days

To everyone else, I think I’ll stick to plain ol’ poutine for my meals thanks, nothing that’ll take 3 washes and a bucket of FeeBreeze to get the stench out of my clothes. I can make kick a$$ cheese crepes though anyone interested? Can put back bacon on the side

Aren’t you heartened knowing that rather than taking the thread off life support system, we continue to rally around, holding a silent vigil for our beloved thread in BB obscurity?

Do you think we hurt the thread’s feelings by not posting a singular response in, like, two hours? Is the thread holding a grudge and punishing us with the silent treatment? Do you think we might have to resort to an exorcism?

CDNRider- I have to be there to cheer you on! I will know Nikki as he will be the cutest little black blur out there!!
Still looking for a horsie…still lookin… if I find one before the event I will …hmm… I will NOT event anyway… not the heights, but last time I looked it was almost $300 just for one event…yoicks! Enough for a non-rated!!

Defintaly make him strike a pose!!

Jaime Lynn> don’t worry you didn’t scare me :stuck_out_tongue: All is well

Lets see… our farrier isn’t THAT bad looking, I used to think he was soooo hot when I was younger (hey we all did). Really nice guy too and hey did I mention he’s now single?

Canter, yes, indeedies, I cook quite well but only pig parts. Can occassionally do beef, chicken’s okay. Unfortunately, my brood is reluctant to take spicy Thai babyback ribs to school - they’ve inherited Hans’ family’s boring palate and insist on lard sandwiches.

Fred - you asking me to sing?!?? I do, BTW, a great Mel Torme and Ethel Merman impression. Have never pitched music - but have been on the receiving end of music pitches, usually through one of the agencies in town.

BTW, anyone know of decent schooling barns in and around Picton? Friend needs to find a barn for his 9-year-old daughter - even if they had to take a summer lease on a pony.

Query for Fred BTW - has A Fine Romance sired many jumper babies? Sharing LCR’s need for a baby. Thinking of buying a WB mare - I think Hans would be delighted to pay for one, given my heroic feats this morning.

I think that (ohhhhhh flame me!!!) most people in this illustrious industry are crooks. It’s really hard for people to differentiate between “nice” and “so why are you being nice to me today–what do you want?”

I could go on forever, but trustworthy people in this business are hard to find…

PS–I’m one of them(not a crook)…

doubletake> that’s the plan! lol! At first I wanted to make sure I didn’t miss the birth but now, I don’t care anymore I just want that sucker out!! lol!

Here’s a sneak peak of our Galli, sorry they are all attachments but I haven’t had time to put them up on my website yet, will do that today though and do a post on the main board

I choose 3 for you guys, enjoy

Heidi I do believe I have the answer, do you know it?

OK, I have thought of a semi lame topic that will hopefully keep our dear thread alive for a little bit longer. Kinda like CPR, I guess. Does anyone remember the first time they rode? Or any specific memories from around the beginning of your horse life? Do share girlies (and Jair!)

One of my funniest memories is the very first hack I went on. It was my first day of riding camp, my second time controlling a horse by myself. We went through a field, and my horse was a big pig and decided he constantly needed to eat. Everytime he stretched his head down to grab a mouthful of grass, I’d get so scared that I’d just jump off! Horse puts head down, D swings leg over saddle and jumps to ground for dear life! My coach was riding on that hack too, and it was a huge pain in the butt for her because I every time I jumped off my horse, she’d have to get off hers, put little me back on, and get back on her horse. This happened 9 times, and 8 times I managed to gracefully land on my feet. The 9th time my foot got caught in the stirrup and I fell on my butt. The whole incident wasn’t funny then, but it sends my coach and I into laughing fits now everytime someone brings it up.

My preference is a team of Jack Russell Terriers for sled-pulling duty. With Sumo toddler perched regally atop in his fur parka, munching merrily away on a piece of whale blubber.