Question for Canter

I just found out it’s Craig Collins Birthday and I’m having a virtual party for him.

Please go to (our BB) and wish him a good one. Thanks - I owe you all!!!

Especially when you accidentally found (in with the other horses) a really really dear sweet filly who looooves you but has terrrrible action and is only 15.2 max!!!

I go away for one day (ONE DAY) and look what I find!!! I just spent an hour reading through all this. Don’t you just love the great frozen north? You can tell that everyone had freezing rain and was trapped at home last night.

My riddle contributions (a couple pages late, but that’s okay):

30 white horses on a red hill. First they champ, then they stamp, then they stand still.

Alive without breath, as cold as death; never thirsty, ever drinking, all in mail never clinking.

This thing all things devours, birds, beasts, trees, flowers; Gnaws iron, bites steal, grinds hard stones to meal; Slays king, ruins town, and beats high mountains down.

These are fairly tough (at least to my feeble mind)… have fun guys!!!

Hehehehe. Now that we’re languishing in obscurity, safe from the prying eyes of those vile Californians, doesn’t it seem like the perfect opportunity to spread some rumours about those thread-stealin, omm-chantin’, therapist-possessin’ CA cliquers?

Lemme start.

Merry is really Anna Nicole Smith and she’d still be ridin but gravity ain’t her friend.
We gotta be nice to her though cause she just wrangled $400 million from the estate of her dead-before-the-honeymoon husband.

You are so correct!!
More than once I had to walk away from a lesson, as I was certain Elliot was giving me the evil eye, every time he came past me.
I refuse to be a mother who tells her child how to ride, and especially in a lesson.
Our trainer reassured me in private that what I was looking at in horror, was very ineffectual and Elliot was just fine and chose to ignore his rider and trotted over the fences safely and did the lesson his way.

Perhaps someone can enlighten me - what happened to Jennifer Ramsay? I know that she had a baby but haven’t seen her compete in two years. Has she decided to retire from riding?

Tin, cute pony.

Heidi, you have no idea how much it makes my day to think that someone finds me intimidating! I’m the one everyone picks on… and now I can fight back, hehehe!

When it comes down to it, I could kick Katie’s a$$ in the written word, but she’s got an edge in physical fights. She’s a nasty little person… did she ever tell you the story about the time she dumped steaming coffee on a guy’s lap?

Don’t let it die, people! We’re so close!!!

Lee Aaron!! Yikes!!! Heidi that’s going way back to the days of “Hollywood” and well…er…Holly Woods. I always think of Lee Aaron and Holly Woods in the same context: The BlackHawk Motor Inn, Richmond Hill. Saw both metal queens perform there in my teens. Saw Rush play there too, but that was courtesy of a borrowed ID.

What a cutie!!!

This is what the first baby picture ended up looking like:

and April:

They do change drastically when they shed thier baby-coat, and often times lose alot of white as they grow, and gain more darkness(pigmentation) around their muzzle/eyes.

I’ve seen this before… Keep itching Tin—how many graphics have ya drawn???

more to show off.

She is looking more giraffeish. Necks are good. It will be interesting to see what is under that coat when she finally sheds it out.

She is nine month old

Horsey query.

John Pearce has a stallion named Air Jordan, who shares very similar pedigree with my favourite horse. Think the horse won the CT class last year for five or six year olds; I haven’t seen him go, however.

So I’m a thinking I’d like to buy a nice mare and breed her to Air Jordan. Anyone have any thoughts - besides, don’t do it Heidi, don’t do it!

Here’s the link BTW to the horse’s ‘bio’.

Oh, here’s another one:

How many women does it take to change a light
None, they just sit there in the dark and bitch.

And this should it make 1,000 replies!!

Anyone want to try to answer my riddles?
Or do you just want the answers…after all, our brains start to wind down at this hour.

In your search for people to speak with, try contacting some NY trainers—shoot, all the ones from Buffalo are in Florida… I used to go to Canada for the Bolton shows, and a few others, and as I vividly recall, I remember the colors of the ribbons being different during my first experience there. I came out of the ring crying (I was 7) that they’d given me the wrong ribbon (it was red) and I was soooooo confused… I’m scarred for life!!!

ya! Looks like I get the “page starting tiara” back from BossHoss does touchdown dance

I’m an insominiac (is that a word?) too, except since I don’t have school tomorrow I don’t suffer from it. I started taking these herbal (non addictive, all natural) pills to try and help me sleep. Well so far, they haven’t worked but they smell HORRIBLE and you have to take 4 big capsuls a night so it makes you feel like your trying something. Tried sleepy-time tea too, yoga and meditation.

I find I sleep the best if I do some really strenious exercises (ie push ups, crunches, thigh pushes…), then yoga and then meditate. The pills will give me a really DEEP sleep if I ever get to sleep.

Snow and ice obscure the damage that a lab puppy creates in the backyard. It is clear, reasonably warm, and I can see from my throne:

-mountains of poo
-chewed up and torn lawn chair pads
-logs from the side of the house which he’s improvised into a chew toy
-uprooted plants
-destroyed bird feeders
-upturned lawn chairs
-plastic sheeting
-Fisher Price toys
-a wading pool

And look, here comes the puppy with a bamboo pole from a deccimated lantern.

I think it would have been safer to have a miniature pony in the backyard.

[This message was edited by heidi on Feb. 28, 2001 at 12:26 PM.]

Yes, I’m picture happy.

Here’s a pic of a cute baby, since I can’t post any pictures of our baby because the darn thing doesn’t want to come out

You’re welcome, Tin. I highly recommend the Nabisco Minature Golf.

You guys are beginning to lose ground to the only thread the Californians can understand

What happened to your “views vs posts” stats? Slowing down at age thirty three and a third, tsk, tsk.

Where is my toque? Clever of you Canadians to have Jair divert them from the true path Keep the other cliques busy playing dress up with Jair - I am on to your tricky ways