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Question for Merry

Saw in the dressage topic that you used to train with Bob McDonald. I did too, about 10000000 years ago at Hillsview Saddle Club (I’ll carbon date myself even more and say that Ed Marcy was his assistant then and he was still married to Sue). Question is, did his daughter Kim keep riding? I always had fun going to shows with her and wondered if she continued riding.

as I just love to remember the area back when it was such a wonderful place to live!! Before all the multimillion dollar homes perched on hillsides waiting to go down in a landslide – don’t these people learn??

Beezer, yes, Maria did have an appy, but his name was Duke. What a cool horse he was. Would jump over jumps left in the arena when he was turned out. Quincy was a very dark bay that Maria bought not long before she quit riding. Neat that she is getting back into riding after all these years. One other name that came to mind is Julie Gibbons with Ben (can’t rembmer his show name) and Terri Richards with Standing Room Only. Hmmm and their was a girl there too named Brandy that rode with Bob and Debbie too that was really good.

And yes, Judy Martin’s place in LA was (and still is I think) called Seahorse as well. Or is it gone??

And Merry I loved your post on the “rich vs. not so rich” thread. Back in the days at the fairgrounds, I never had much money to show. I had to ride the bus or my bike (traffic wasn’t so bad back then although going past the airport could be scary!) from Irvine to the barn which took an hour after school every day. Then I cleaned, groomed, and rode whatever they would send my way. (I should note that Richard’s Mom worked REALLY hard to give him what she did, and I don’t mean to take that away at all.) I was lucky to work for many trainers over the years that let me have an occational break on a wonderful ride from time-to-time. So now, my motto I think is much like yours, I try to make my own horses and whenever possible give rides to hardworking, talented juniors who have the desire but not the funding to have quality horses.

I just don’t want to let this topic die. So back to the top it goes, event though I don’t have anything alse to add.

I’ve been admiring this thread for a while now, but haven’t had anything to contribute, so I’ve only skimmed the 1st page. But I thought I ought to get your attention!!

I guess I’ll be out in your part of the woods later this week – I’m traveling to Irvine on business (Thurs - Sat). I’d like to hop on a horse once, maybe twice, and actually posted a thread on HJ barns where I could take a lesson, but noone has responded yet!! I guess this is where you Californians are, LOL!

Can anyone recommend a nice barn where I could take a 3’ lesson on a decent horse? I know this is short notice, and probably everyone is at Indio, but it’s worth a shot!!

They are definitely divorced. She had Sundancer, who when he was previously known as Bill Pinch, up in the Pacific NW, was in the stable where bumpkin rode!!

That’s why I always love my dressage stock.

And, in two fingers up to convention, mine has very teeny blue dots on it and I wear it with a flashy-ish pin. So there you go.

Hey … we’re in Southern California! It’s HOLLYWOOD, baby!!!

BTW, my guess is that Tom left Nicole for Penelope Cruz. One hears …

Okay Merry…I’ll remember that. But just one question? Will you all be wearing rust breeches and showbows?

…would the very pretty colored horse on horsecity.com in the English grooming tips be The Beezer on One Of The Sister Horses? Darling horse.

Now I know what y’all look like. Coooooool!

I am staring 40 in the face. November. This totally contradicts with the Guns n Roses CD in the car.

BEEZER! My goose pimples now have goose pimples. Does Tammy still have her own horses or is she riding for other people?

Hey, barge in anytime!

Funny thing: I just happened to speak to Tammy Hickok today on the phone… she just died when I told her, “Hey, your name came up on the Chronicle’s BB!”

P.S. to Spunky: You will also not be far from my place of employ. I’d second Merry’s suggestion of the Orange County Fairgrounds as a possible place to fit in a lesson. Park Place is one of the stables there that has lesson horses. As an aside, I hope you mean you’ll be near John Wayne Airport … though maybe folks in the rest of the world still call it Santa Ana Airport. Just don’t attempt to land at El Toro (inside joke for Coreene )

I thought this might be a good thread to post this question because I think this business is LA or SoCal-based:

About five years ago at the now defunct San Francisco Classic horse show, I came across a booth where the person was taking orders for stuffed horses in the likeness of your own horse(hence the name). You would provide her with pictures of your horse and she would make the stuffed animal and you could have it braided or unbraided etc.

I had one done of my old show horse and it is the cutest thing! I even had her make a dress cooler for him in our barn colors. I’d like to have another one made, but managed to throw away the information I had Does anyone know anything about this? The gal’s name was Lee Ann something and I seem to remember that she used to show??

The Equine Affair was good. I enjoyed the Linda Allen seminars, but it the rain kind of put a damper on things. I had a hard time paying attention while being uncomfortable standing (the benches were wet). I wanted to take notes like I did at the LAEC Equine Symposium, but it’s hard to do when you are standing and holding an umbrella! And it was SO cold…I’m a wimp when it gets below 70. There were a ton of boothes with all sorts of products…we didn’t have time to even visit half of them!

But I got to meet Merry and Beezer…than was fun! It’s always nice to be able to put a face with a name, and now I’ll recognize them if I see them at a show!

As for Indio, there wasn’t too much to report on. I got an 8th out of 23 in one of my AA classes, which made me happy, and my horse was good. We’re still sort of getting to know each other, as this is only our second show together. However, I DO have some VERY interesting pics of a barn setup that I plan to post when I get my film developed. Maybe I’ll drop it off tomorrow!

But I love this going on for about a bazillion pages - it’s so fun!

Chef, remember the field behind UCI? Check on that one again. Proposed plans for more faculty housing seems to be on extended hold.

JUSTA, when did you last defrag? That should speed up your connection considerably if it has been a while. Also if you clean out the cookies every once in a while. Who is your IP?

Please! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me be the one to smack Merry upside the head!! Particularly since she didn’t mention the person that we, Suave and the Mizzy Hoy have in common.

isn’t it Ann Alexander???

Am I getting close???

Ding-ding-ding! Alright, RAF! Honest to goodness, the name came to me while I was sitting in the movies tonight (“The Pledge” w/ Jack Nicholson). Yes, the horse was Pressurized!

I was just wracking my brain trying to remember that stupid name. I knew it started with a “P”.

You may proceed to the head of the class!

I think that So Cal may be suffering from an overload of misguided celebs who think they can buy their champion ribbon. Remember when, years ago, they were all in a mad dash to ride cutting horses? This was after arabians and before arena polo.

Beezer, that is such a nice story! Personally, I wouldn’t expect any less from Alison. I worked for her until I moved down here to So. Ca, and she loves her horses so much. They get the best care, she’s very low key and doesn’t campaign them too hard. I’ll have to send her an e-mail.

Coreene, we should drive up together, but I must warn you-I have all the clinics I want to see scheduled down to the minute, and I have very little room for flexibility!!! I’m sorry, feeling a bit cheeky here at work today. By the way, I’m in Costa Mesa, off Red Hill right by the airport. The noise is mind numbing.