Question for Merry

CWP, Cougar-2 posts over here sometimes also. I had her make me a Lucien pony and a Portia pony, and I love them. (Yeah, 42 years old and still playing with stuffed animals.) I got the Portia pony to give to my trainer for her birthday, and after it arrived I had to force myself to hand it over. But I still have my Lucien pony at home.

Here’s the link to her site –

As for Jim McAvoy, he was a saddlehorse person but then went into doing more officiating/managing type-stuff. He was the barn manager, I think, for the World Cup in San Diego a few years ago. He is still Hap Hansen’s partner.

Merry, I sat at the top of the covered bleachers, wondered if one could get bottom problems from sitting on cold metal for so long, kept looking around for you and then thought I’d ask Linda my great question: “Could Beezer and Merry please stand up?”

And then with that thunder and downpour - well, you were there so you know what a great stampede we all did under the metal roof! Always something I think of after the opportunity of being hit by lightining strikes.

But on the whole, I didn’t think the exhibitors were wildly exciting. Nothing much different from the one in Del Mar in November … although those ladies with the fake hair things did a roaring trade.


Equestrian related?
Separate photos or together?
Rust breeches or bridesmaid dresses?
Newport Beach Pageboy or Show Bow?

So, let’s continue. It’s becoming humorous! I’m just oddly embarrassed that my name is associated with it. Funny thing is, we still haven’t answered the question, “So, whatever happened to Kimmie Mc Donald, and does she still ride?”

However, we do know that Young Fleet is NOT related to Fleet Apple!

Coreene: The photo of the pinto horse is indeed my pinto WB mare by Art Deco, which my sister now rides and shows. But the photo is of me on her back at one of her first shows. As for the Warehouse restaurant: Ah, the days of trying to explain to the customers that no, that’s not a 4-inch cockroach crawling across your table, “It’s a water bug that’s come up from the docks.”

Suave: I believe we recounted our respective crushes on the young, svelte Kenny Nordstrom about 11 pages ago, LOL! Even Caron Gilbertson came up. I saw her at Indio 3 yrs. ago with Ronnie Freeman, another name from your past! When you have nothing else to do, start reading this thread from the beginning. It’s a hoot!

And, just for MO’s sake, will someone PLEASE say they either rode with or knew Melissa Cardenas?

Ah, I see it’s raining here, too. Must go out to my arena and sprinkle fish food on the koi pond once again…

PamM: I love your “Bear”. Now that, to me, is my idea looks-wise, of a hunter. And just colorful enough to be snazzy.

Coreene: I e-mailed Ginny about the horse, but haven’t heard back. Maybe you’ll see her and let her know I’m not some nut case? No wisecracks, people!

Beezer, yes, Suave knew Jeanne Stevens, from whom we got Hoyden. I’m so ahead of you, sis. We’ve been dishing stuff via e-mail, nanner-nanner-nanner!

This thread CANNOT END until someone calls Bob McDonald and finds out if his daughter Kim is still riding! 703 posts, and we still do not know!

Seems to me that the answer to that question is the appropriate final post to this thread –
Merry, it is your civic duty to put this important issue to rest.

I, for one, need to start sleeping again at night.:smiley:

Villa Park, Villa Park! YES!! But I fear that like most things around here, it has been paved over. Those shows used to go on forever, didn’t they? And during the worst of the summer, they’d start in the afternoon and go way into the night. We thought we were so cool, being able to stay up past bedtime to SHOW.

Two horses I can still see clearly from those days: Day Tripper (a big red roan with a lot of white) and Sand Duster (I think? It was Sand something), a chestnut with a lot of white. What made the biggest impression on me about him was that he would be orange every winter after his body-clipping. I thought that was too cool and always wanted an orange horse. Oh, the things that stick in a kid’s mind!

I don’t know if they ever solved his murder, but I do know it was a major story in the papers at the time up here in Northern California. The details of his death were so gruesome, and I remember they actually traced his identity through the tags in the custom made riding shirt he was wearing at the time.

They still have a memorial jumper class in his honor at the Menlo Circus Club show each year.

Such a talented rider, and his death was a great loss to the horse show world…rest in peace, Gary.

[This message was edited by dublin on Jan. 29, 2001 at 03:07 PM.]

I havn’t met or heard anything about Andy. It seems like everyone has been offering to either ride Dave themselves or send him to one of a million trainers.

I’m really looking for someone who is kind, as Dave has had so many meanies in his life thus far. I also want someone I can work WITH, not just send my horse away for training. I need to learn how to deal with his specific personality. I will definatly talk with you this weekend.

I was beginning to wonder where you’d disappeared to! And what did you do with Taryn?

Re getting together on Saturday … what say we try to “find each other” after the first Linda Allen seminar? That way, if we fail, we have a chance again after the 1 p.m. one.

Thanks for the congrats on Indio, Merry. I’m going back again for week 6, and I am planning on doing that crazy childrens/AA jumper speed class at night on the GP field. I think it will be fun.

As for Pomona, we left the Linda Allen 1pm clinic right before the massive downpour…we were in the car when that hit, VERY thankful we weren’t outside. We would have stayed till the end, but it was just too miserable out! I’m bummed that I missed the beige lady incident though…I missed that booth!

I mean sheesh you even provide photos!!

The gal that has the back issues of HORSES is Sonya at was selling them on ebay but she will sell some directly. She has most of the issues from 1971 through all of 1976.

MO: Hack & Chat Definitely refined…hmm let me think

Greasy Burger + Hack & Yak? How about hack & Big Mac

Ok If you are having an affair with your trainer how about hack & shack

or, if your not, but terribly lonely it could be hack & whack

or, if you like to camp it could be hack & backpack

or, ??? I guess it’s time for me to fade off here and go finish my book that I am reading called “Riders” It’s about the International Gran Prix Circuit. The catch line on the cover is “Sex and Horses. Who could ask for more?”

Have any of you read it? It’s a fun read

I just logged on and noticed via eBay that someone has outbid me on the Horses magazine auction that closes this afternoon. I am crestfallen. But I will laugh when I go to up my bid in a sec if I discover it is another one of us…

by Merry, no less, to close this thread…

So I am doing it. If anyone wants a copy for posterity, I will make an =Adobe Acrobat file of it when I get back to the States, so write me in April…

Do you really want it closed, Merry???

And I learned that I have some serious work to do before Indio…and I’m leaving next Wednesday! Aaaahhhh!!! I had two absolutely HORRID rounds in the jumpers. I now must continually repeat to myself, while on course, “I will NOT soften my body 2 strides before the fence”!!!

Beezer, Scott King and Kyle are on the road. Probably will be at Indio this year. They tried Florida, but decided to come back. Kyle has been very successful in the GP’s.

Love this thread, still have a bunch of Horses magazines, hmm think a couple from the late 70’s too…

I had a horse off the track that Bumpkin’s race trainer left with me to ride and hopefully sell.
He was a flashy large chestnut with chrome.
Actually a sweet horse but he got me in the forehead while lunging him, and I now sport a horse shoe shaped scar on my hairline.
Anyways shortly after that Jimmy Kohn bought him, and I was off to Europe for 4 years.
I heard that the horse did very well and represented the USA, although not in the Olympics.
This would have been I believe, approx. 1975-77.

No, Coreene, I don’t write for West Coast Jump. Think BIGGER!

I thought velvet collars looked very nice and elegant, too. I mean, we are ladies… right? Why can’t we have a little touch of elegance. And frankly, I had a very pretty, antique pin I wore as a stockpin. No, it wasn’t a shiny horsehead with ruby eyes! I thought it was very tasteful.

We shall see each other at the conclusion of one/both Linda Allen clinics. If she has a question & answer portion, guess what I’m going to ask?

“Alex, I’ll have ‘Rust Breeches’ for $200.”…

Merry, if you need someone to design a really slick drainage system for you (including French drains), I’m your engineer!!! We’re doing all the civil engineering for an equestrian project at work right now, believe it or not!

That story about that evil Kentucky woman is hysterical! I should have gone shopping with you rather than hang out in the freezing rain watching the clinic!