Question for Merry

Beezer we still don’t know who you are. WHat no pictures? I probably rode in your age group when we were Jr.s.

I too heard the rumor re: El Toro and OCF, from a friend who boards there and is friends w/ the (former?) center manager. As someone who used to keep my horse there, I try to stay informed. I thought that they were going to go ahead w/ the airport sometime down the road, so it does seem strange that they would relo the Fgrounds there.

Beezer, it will start to rain five minutes before you, Chef and I leave the office. It will rain through tomorrow, then Sunday we’ll get a “big” storm, since we seem to be doomed to soggy.

Really, if it must rain, why not just on Monday???

Re Emmett Kelly, I always thought he was gorgeous.

Another name from the past. I was between “real” horses and kept my Fun Mare at Big K when Kenny was there. He’ll always be “Kenny,” what else could he be?

Sarah and her sister use to ride at Woodbrook, with Butch and Lu for awhile but starting with Leon and Sue Butts.
I think Merry and Beezer could fill in what she is up to now.
I think she has jumpers and trains?

John Baumann died several years ago.
It was very tragic that a nice young man who had a following of dedicated students would take his own life.

Pam M don’t forget Anne Kursinski!
Anne is from California, and
she has been on the Olympic Team

I sooooo badly wanted one of those coats with the brass buttons! But I could never convince The Ultimate Horse Show Mom that one was truly essential to my happiness and development as well-rounded person. Sigh.

Weren’t they called “continentals”? Or were those the coats that had two vents in back and the squared off hem? Now, Mom did fork over to buy one of the those! It was olive green. In that then-cool knit fabric. I sure was styling!

(Confidential to Merry: I have outed another lurker on this thread. Katey, come out, come out wherever you are! Think the cute bay horse in the back pen… )

[This message was edited by Beezer on Feb. 07, 2001 at 03:47 PM.]

Dublin that is also what I heard. Is your sister still training? If so where? and who is she?
If you want to you may email me the answers.
I have now had my 5 min. break so I am off the BB to do some serious work.

Does anyone remember Bettye Lynn Heskett, of Heskett’s Carpets fame?? I remember her having lots of ads in HORSES.

Also, how about Blaney and Fashion Plate, two very nice hunters from the late 60’s?? There is an awesome jumping picture of Blaney on the cover of an issue of HORSES in 1967.

And in the western category, I’ll have Seatac and Mr. Spats for $500, Alex…

[This message was edited by dublin on Feb. 17, 2001 at 07:29 PM.]

Okay, Merry and MO, I’ll admit to knowing Melissa, however not well, but I was pretty into the horse owner mode back then so saw her at shows often. She isn’t really a flake and probably isn’t actually lying, only perhaps stretching the truth a bit.

She was the trainer for a private barn, Rancho Loma Prieta, up in the Santa Cruz mountains, very near the epicenter of the 1989 earthquake. The facility was owned by the Reed family. For some time they also boarded a small, select group of outsiders, but eventually did away with that due to insurance considerations and reverted to a strictly private barn.

Now you have to remember that I’m having lots of “senior moments” so don’t remember all I want to from those days. I did drive by there on the way to the barn Christmas party (the hostess lives just down the road from the old Rancho Loma Prieta) and it looked a bit inactive, but still a lovely facility.

Anyhow, the mother and 2 daughters rode – their names all escape me. They had a bunch of nice hunters and equitation horses. Melissa trained them all well and she did some of the open class riding also. The barn was pretty successful in those days, and those were the days that the Rancho Murieta teamster-built facility was in its hey day. Larry Langer was putting on lots of A shows there then.

Okay, onward. The Reeds eventually did branch out into jumpers, basically for Melissa to show, if I’m remembering correctly. Though I can’t remember any of the names, Melissa did quite well with them as she is (was?) a good rider. I think a jumper name or two was mentioned several pages back and they sounded right on.

If it’s of great interest, I can do some more digging (taking notes this time) once Indio is over and maybe come up with some more juicy tidbits.

but what’s this help you are getting. I will have to look in the rule book to see what the penalty is for outside help.

NOW: Silver Lining was a gorgeous gray horse who started in the hunters and slid, effortlessly into the jumper ring.

he was owned and/or ridden by (pick one):

Carlene Blunt
Jimmy Kohn
Ann Kursinski
Someone with realy bad equitation whose heels were always higher than their knees in mid-air.

Another fun one that went by the wayside. Or the old Forum horse show. I remember Fleet Apple’s retirement ceremony there - gosh, I must have been 13 or so.

About Randy Redmer and Barry Manilow…Remember his big hit, Mandy?..nuff said

About Bavaria…I believe Shana bought both the sire and dam and tried many years for a repeat. Never happened.

So, as the story goes, and i’ll try to sum it up, my husband and I move from the East coast, (where you can travel 10 minutes in any direction and get to a show) to the midwest. We soon discover that the closest trainers are 2 hours away! Eeeek Gads! So, we train with one, travel etc. , learn we’re not impressed at all! What to do? Enter Melissa…We work with her, personally she’s a little cooky, but hey, we can live with that. She is a good rider, and she did help us out with our big, 17.3 Hanovarian. So we decide now’s the time to sell him. This is where thing’s get bizzare. She had always bragged about “owning” this fabulous farm (Sea Breeze Farm) in Calf. how she rode on the team, blah blah blah, and has great connections. Susie, Hap, Bernie, and ANNIE are great friens of hers…we’ll send them video’s etc. Well, bottom line…videos were crap! Contacts, there were none!For 2 years she had this horse boarding at her barn which is I must say, an awful, dirty mess! Unlike where she said she came from. She’s very unprofessional! Back in september I went to the Gold Cup at Devon. Bumped into an old friend of mine who happens to ride with “Annie”. So, I asked her if she remembers M.C.J. being that they were such great friend’s way back when. First of all, noone reffers to Anne as, “Annie”, and no she didn’t recall her! Hah!! Then I bumped into Erica and Bert Mutch, they didn’t seem to recall her either (or the names of her horses). Two stikes against her. I start to wonder, who is this ***** (woman) from Calif. who loves to talk about herself,well, brag about herself. Just thought you gal’s could help. There are many other stories that just don’t piece together, but I tried to keep this short. Sorry! Now of course we’re trainer-less again. Melissa has started up a TB breeding operation where she is, and has a decent crop, but she’s so unproffesional, I don’t dare get involved. Thanks for listening!

I am laughing so hard, not at you, but with you Dublin I still have mine too!! And they are Dehners. Hiding at the back of the closet. They’re not really the brown, but mahogney. Well, maybe someday we will be back in. Keep trying them on, just to check that they fit.

We have seven turnouts.

This thread goes crazy again! I feel like Regis Philbin:“This place is OUTTA conTROL!”

Oh please, SUAVERENO, can I have horse show scandals of the 60’s and 70’s for $500? I[/I]Oh wow! A daily double! So, give me a good one, okay? Just anything without subtitles (have to see the movie, guys!)

Love the Hard Ice photo. That horse went into Judy Martin’s barn in the mid-70’s and everyone rode it for their eq. classes. Pretty funny; the gate would open at Del Mar, and he’d come in with a different rider/different saddle and troop around again!

As for the Don Swan bunch, Mary Ketchum, last I heard, went back into nursing. Mary Gail J. is still riding jumpers (somewhere). Gosh, I totally remember Lee Garrett and DeeDee Beauchamp! I, however, was a mere 14 or 15 back then; I’m 45 now, so do the math. I know, it’s amazing I still have brain cells that can think that far back!

And now, a word from our sponsor…I called on an ad for a puppy (I’m in desparate need for a smallish NON-Jack Russell puppy). It was a Corgi ad; the breeder got her dogs from---- and the lovely Vanna will now turn over the name…Cynthia Campbell,who apparently is alive and well and living in Riverside and breeding Corgi dogs!

As for the western horses, not only do I recall Seatac, but what about Linda Baker and all the Chex reining and stock horses, like Bueno Chex and Shirley Chex? Ah, the days of trying to school over an oxer in the warm-up ring, only to get cut off by a stock horse in the midst of a spinning frenzy!

And yes, I do remember Blaney and Fashion Plate. When I showed, Myra Moss Milburn owned Fashion Plate (liver chestnut with all the white) and rode with Flintridge. I always remember how she got in that exaggerated Flintridge 2pt. but her calves NEVER had any contact with the horse’s sides.

June Fallaw is long since gone from the scene.

PamM: Mousie (Marcia) Williams is at a nice training barn with mostly amateur adults in Pasadena. She usually instructs/manages. We sold a horse into her barn about 3 yrs. ago. She judges a lot (“R” AHSA).

Finally, I’m negotiating with the TB of Calif. magazine on a possible writing assignment, and so they send me a copy of their various publications. In their montly magazine for trainers, who is profiled? With a big color photo?You’ll love this!John Sadler! Geez, weren’t we talking about him, oh, 14 pages ago? How I thought he was so cute, rode at Flintridge on O’Shea plus some of Jimmy’s jumpers, and then I ran into him at Hollywood Park about 5 yrs. ago? Gee, LOL, should I e-mail him this thread?

Now, must go to bed and dream about men with half their heads shaved, and flying thru bamboo trees. (Maybe I should go see the movie AGAIN!!!)

[This message was edited by Merry on Feb. 18, 2001 at 02:11 AM.]

coreene, you really must get a hobby! By the way, are you highlighting any of the names of the copies of this thread that you’re printing? Or you could interject remarks in the margin, like, “Here’s where JJSmith comes up for the first time…”

You know, Suave, too bad my sister, Beezer, just bought a house in Yorba Linda, as your Lexi mare would probably suit her jeesstt fine!“Alex, I’ll have ‘The Top Ten Reasons Why Your Husband Leaves You Due to Horse Obsessions’ for $500.”

Who would have known it would grow up to be such a fine thread on the BB? First, there were just a few posters…Coreene (the mother of the thread), Merry, Beezer, Bumpkin, Dublin, C&C, Chef, and Elizabeth, just to name a few (sorry if I forget any names…I’m just too broken up to think clearly here) and later others like SuaveReno joined in the fun. The thread inspired some of us to meet in person in Pomona, and I found someone who knows my old horse, Tulie, in his new home.

And the memories, ahhhhh, the memories, even though they weren’t my own. I will miss the thread. Yes, I know there will be other threads, but no thread can ever live up to this thread. It will have a place in BB history, 34 pages and all. May it rest in peace.

Sniff sniff…

Beezer, another post full of names from the past. Wow, it’s like every morning I’m logging on and flooded with memories. This is great!