Question for Merry

Coreene … I guess I’d forgotten that about Mr. Steinberg passing away. I liked him. Is the only store the one there at HBEC? Or is the “first” store still open?

And of course I remember El Dorado rental stable. Circle J was also there. Why, Merry and I did some of our earliest ridin’ there! I can still remember the ancient leadline rental I always rode – Capt. Bones. A fitting name, that. But I thought he was beautiful.

Think there are still a couple of boarding stables in that Santa Ana River area … had to board at one YEARS ago because of delays in getting our place finished. Aanco (sp?) used to be out there, as did Kenny’s old Big K, and R&L (I think that was the name of it). Know that the big boarding stable across from Edison Field is in severe danger of being turned into an office building. SIGH. And people wonder why we can’t get new blood into the sport … there’s no place left for them to ride.

I’ll email you later, I have two ideas for people you might want to talk to re your property idea.

So California Girls, are we just not all beaming re the weather this weekend? Methinks it is time to forego all lessons and just plunk about on trail under the guise of “hillwork.”

coreene I agree with the fashion police The fashions from the other side of the pond are quite unique. I have some clients from the UK and explaining the clothes and hunt seat verses there flat work is some times quite a task. I finally convinced them not to do any clothes shopping while visiting friends.

I am trying to talk about some thing frivolus , since I had to put down a old friend last night. He was 31 and been healthy until yesterday when he coliced. He was put down at UCD after discovering that he had a bowling ball size enterolith. I miss you Jiggs. By the way he was very sound and placed in all of his classes at the show last Sat.

I think that Mr Bushkin represented Johnny Carson.
I recall JJ telling us that when he took us there.

Now Merry, how could you possibly want this to die? Its one of the best threads going. With great recollections, and superb stories, it’s like the perfect pick me up. And Ca. clique people need this!! So don’t go leaving us anytime soon.

Dear Mousie, she’s the best!! Had some great pictures of her at Del Mar jumping a working hunter, then into the big jump class. Actually someone had that on video, or errr movie film. What ever it was called then. She has all her amateurs well trained, and takes them to shows periodically. Loves to come up for Menlo. Likes to get away from the heat and smog during the summer

Dang … and all we had was that funny mare with the “tooth buds” in her ears that dripped that goo…

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> I will never forget crazy lady from KY. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Somewhere in these last 34 pages, there must be another lady from KY to whom you are referring.


I am donning navy blue (since black is too harsh a color against my pasty white feb. skin). I have always wanted to see what I would look like behind a heavy veil (how does one wipe tears away behind such a thing? – Or does one just let tears and accummulated nose production run down face unnoticed?)

Let’s have a “Name the New Thread” contest. That will give us something to look forward to in these dark days.

How about:

California Dreaming (on such a winter’s day)

Bumpkin: yes, I recall Poncho’s “style”. I must say that occasionally Richard Spooner, during a heroic effort over a large fences, recalls a hint of Poncho .

And JJ Smith! He was, ah, “flamboyant” back when “flaming” referred just to fireworks. He was a longtime friend of our original trainer, so I saw him several times. Actually quite an accomplished horseman… and a noted stunt rider for movies.

The last time I saw Erica Petal was at a GM clinic at Diamond Bar in the indoor arena, so you know how long ago that was! Erica was no longer this cute little pig-tailed girl. She was a big young lady. And you know George; he just crucified her. But I thought she still rode very well and was totally accurate to her fences.

dublin: Coreene might be able to tell you more about Mark’s death, but what I understood was that he was a diabetic, and that he succumbed to complications from not following his strict health regimen. I believe when he was found at home he’d already passed away. I still see his sister Janet (now McDonald). She’s a trainer with Carolyn Biava in Cerritos, in north Orange County. In fact, Janet and Carolyn have been out to our place a couple of times to look at our youngsters. I think a couple of them have passed through their hands.

… but I must jump in here!

C&C, yes, I’ll verify it, Wanda was indeed her name, and the family’s last name was Johnson, hence “Circle J”. My girlfriend and I once rented horses at Circle J for all day (I think we were 11 or 12). And along the trail, we saw a man on the riverbed nekked as a jaybird! Talk about a memorable day out riding!

Gosh, I wish I remember where I saw/ran into Wanda sometime later. I’m thinking it was at some now defunct tack store near us… yes! In town there used to be a western store… “Scudders”! And she worked there! But she had been ridden and hog-tied a few times by then, if you catch my drift .

Ah yes, and the saga of Dr.Gene Scott continues!I can’t quite recall which book of the Bible tells preachers to solicit funds for their show horses .

dublin,you might not believe this, but Julie Smith and Periwinkle were my heroes/adversaries. In fact, at my first A show, Indio (where else?) a big hoopla was caused when I won eq. 14-15 over her. I’ve seen her not too long ago, training in the LA/Palos Verde area, if I’m not mistaken.

Yes, Bumpkin, we see Kelli C. all the time, as she trains out of Chino Hills area (about 30 min. from us) and she “does” a lot of the county shows with her students. Remember her great junior horse Paper Tiger? He lived to a ripe old age and was a school horse at Rainbow Canyon for a long time.

I took the baby greenie to Galway Downs (where the hold CCI** events) today. It was a hunter schooling show, his first o/fences. The jumps were considerably more imposing than what I expected! Add some palm trees and I could’ve been at Indio. (I bypassed Ride America to do this, thinking the fences would be easier?) I had 2 warm-up rounds and 2 Baby Green rounds. Beezer and I figured he’d either be broke or crazed by the end of the 4 rounds. He was great! Each round I asked more of him, until we were cantering the whole course. I decided to trot my changes, since I didn’t want to open that can of worms, too. Then: I won the hack!

Guess who was at the show? Sandi Nisson, and Tammy Hickok was riding several of her clients’ green horses. So Sandi says, “Several people have e-mailed me about this thread on the Chronicle’s BB. So, which one of you is Beezer and which is Merry?” My sister and I were just cracking up. The question, though, is who e-mailed Sandi the thread?

So, when & where might we rendezvous at Pomona’s Equine Affaire on Saturday?

[This message was edited by Merry on Feb. 04, 2001 at 11:24 PM.]

rusty: I’m so sorry for your loss of your pal. I know they sound like simple words, but you obviously gave Jiggs great care and love, as he lived so long.

AAJumper: Who knows, we may yet be at Pomona on Sunday, too! But on Saturday, if I see anyone in a Victorian Farm coat or a straw hat, I’m going to be stalking them!

coreene: I wasn’t at all offended by your comment about West Coast Jump. (Problem with e-mail stuff: no tone of voice to be heard). One of the websites I write for is who is sponsoring the grand prix of Indio and a $50,000 grand prix at WEF. But no, I do not write any of the rodeo/reining stuff!LOL!

So, should Beezer and I just stand up in the bleachers at both of the Linda Allen clinics and just shout, “Anyone here from the Chronicle BB?” I will be wearing a light blue puffy down coat and I do have short blond hair in the traditional Newport Beach ‘bob’.

One Way was the key phrase in a Christian “marketing” slogan several years ago. The print versions (as in bumber stickers and billboards) also carried an arrow (kinda shaped like a cross) that pointed upward. Of course, there are also several Bible verses that mention Jesus and his being the “one way” to heaven … but now you’re “forcing” me to try to dig into the deep recesses of my Baptist upbringing, and before Merry slams me again for displaying a faulty memory, I think I’ll stop now.

After reading Erin’s post about BB statistics for this website, I got to thinking that this topic might ultimately have more pages and posts than any other…so I put my brain cells (or what is left of them on this 2nd day of a 3 day weekend) to work to see if I could think of any longer topics. The only one that came to mind was ‘Bush vs. Gore Re: Horse Industry’ (how could we forget THAT one?? ) , so I went all the way back to PAGE 64 of the posts (we have all definitely been a chatty bunch since that time!) and checked it out. It had 28 pages, 557 posts, and ran from 10/20 - 11/8/2000.

Q for Merry is currently 26 pages long, with 508 posts and has run from 11/23/2000 - 2/12/2001. It’s definitely had a second wind the past few days, so it may go on FOREVER…I think we’re gonna be #1 soon!!! (and major THANKS to Coreene for starting it all)

That was the day I first met my now husband!

And… it was the day of our first argument – “No, the Cypress structure is NOT part of the Bay Bridge” said I.

One point for me; none for him.

But just so that I don’t have to make a new thread called “Question for Beezer,” can Beezer or Merry please tell me if my description of Nikki Smith is correct?? (Look two pages back I think; she had a chestnut named Chauncey and a bay who’s name I forget.) If so, she is the same on that lost a huge diamond and gold pendant in the large ring closest to the freeway at OCF. We searched for days with a metal detector, but it was never found. Any OCF riders out there might want to borrow your Uncle Ed’s metal detector and try again!! And yes, that is my final post (said with a tone of fear of being wrong like those taking a wild guess on “Who Wants to be a Millionaire.” )

Merry, I think I remember that horse. Was always drawn to the colored ones.

When Bob got to the Fairgrounds, did he still have Winston and Sunny, his school horses?

Anyone recall a rider from the 70’s / 80’s, by the name of Melissa Johnson (Maiden, Cardenas)? She rode with Jimmy Williams. Her horses were Halcion, Buenos Aires, and Lumpy (just to name a few) Did she ride at Flintridge, Perhaps made it to the USET? She also had a barn named Sea Breeze Farm. Does any of this ring a bell? null

Bumpkin: I remember at Del Mar one year when Christy Fletcher and Cindy Hough were 1st-2nd in the AHSA medal and they had to switch horses in the work-off. I think Cindy was riding Imagine That, and of course Christy had Hourglass. What was humorous was that everyone in the stands was mumbling, “Well, since Cindy broke and started Hourglass at Lakeside…” NOT that she wasn’t an awesome rider, but she totally knew the horse. And of course, she won the medal.

JAGold: Welcome to Calif.!
Feel free to chime in anytime with comments.

Galway is sooo nice; the footing is excellent, although two years ago they tried to host some A circuit hunter shows, it had recently rained, and the hunter folks were NOT happy with the footing. Dragging it only made it harder the next afternoon. So now there is only this schooling show series there, though there is talk of having it county-rated.

We had snow yesterday. Finally!!!
Then it rained
They predict snow throughout the weekend, which I am looking forward to
Elliot and I can have our lesson today, and I can get the goodies one needs to survive snow and then hunker down haha

But Eric’s Layla, being Over There, would have had a velvet collar…