Question for Merry

I think Gary was mentioned a few pages back, way back.

The Winter issue of ‘Typo Circuit’ - how appropriate - just arrived in the mail yesterday… Now if they would just send the Fall, Medal Finals and Holiday issues they owe me sigh

You can sign me up for the ‘Hack and Lack’ club as well!!

It was “Master Dan” who was a wonderful horse no matter what was sitting on his back…

I almost posted on the previous thread when Merry mentioned Bob and Debbie. I did not exactly ride with either Ed or Bob and Debbie myself, but I rode in both of their lesson programs. I started at Ed Marcy’s place in the late 70’s I guess (I must have been 8). He had an awesome working hunter (I think) named Hoi Polloi. When he quit, the woman teaching our lessons moved over to Bob and Debbie’s and I continued there until they left to Idaho. At that time Rogue was “the” horse in the barn. I remember Kimmie well. She was moving in with her Mom when Bob and Debbie left, but that’s the last I ever heard of her.

I stayed on with numerous other trainers at the OC Fairgrounds until I quit riding in 88.

As for Gretchen, she is now in Arizona still riding and teaching.

doubleclearjumper: You’ve got to be kidding? You had your horse at Dixie’s on Laguna Canyon Road? When? Were you there when that young boy, Manuel, rode there?And Liza’s married name is Mortimer. She’s an AHSA judge and a trainer at Del Mar Horsepark. I taught lessons at Dixie’s with Liza and kept my horse boarded there during my first few years in college. (My one experience with being “pro” and see how it soured me? Amateur for life!).

Dixie was a… tense person. I totally lost it when I found out she disposed of two of the oldest school horses. I thought she had the dear old things put down. But no, she proudly told me she sold them to a pack station!!! Needless to say, that was it!

Joe Lifto’s place was called Stoneridge and it was down the back road from Dixie’s. I met/knew Joe when he had just stopped riding in rodeos! Wow, and I knew Bob soon after he had stopped selling furniture!

My sister’s post (Beezer) about the alleged horsekeeping lots in our town is so true and very sad. When we moved out here it was totally rural. We came straight from the Orange Co. Fairgrounds to our own place, with this great view of the hills and a valley. We could hack thru the hills on our show horses forever. Now, we can see Target and Starbucks!

Unfortunately, I lived in So Cal and had to compete regularly against Candice and Meredith. (Truth be told I was NEVER competitive in the Junior Hunters. Jumpers were my forte.) Candice is here in North Carolina, and I always think some day I might introduce myself. We all know where Meredith went! Don’t know about Mia Woods though.

Ok so here’s another question. In the 80’s there was girl with the last name Garcia who rode a horse named Celebration in the jr hunters. Her father is the man that put up the millions (only to go bankrupt) to build Griffith Park. Anyone remember her first name?? And does she still ride?

Spunky, where will you be? I work in Irvine. I can’t think offhand re a lesson for the very reason that everyone at my barn is in Indio. Maybe call down to Sycamore Trails stables in San Juan Capistrano (they are 949 area code too). They have several HJ trainers and may not all be in the desert.

This is for CWP or other Northern Californians –

Is Patrick Rostron still training in this area?? I do remember him being very successful up here in the 70’s and 80’s. (and cute, too…)

Hey, don’t forget the brown gloves too! Maybe even a short brown crop to boot!

You all will look so smashing. Don’t forget the camera so you can share with all of us who won’t be there. Wish I could join in the fun!!

AAJumper, if you can give us an approximate date/time of your ride, we can individually take a moment and light a candle in your honor in front of a photo of our patron saint, Fleet Apple, and chant our mantra:

“Rust be free, breeches be free;
Show bows they aren’t at all for me.
Lipstick and chokers and stock pins bright–
No one can possibly get my plight!
Rust be free, breeches be free;
May the power of Fleet Apple be given to thee!”

(Well, it’s either that or we can all just carpool out there and heckle you from the rail!)

Melissa rode with him too. Or so she say’s. Also i seem to remember her telling me she knows Jan Tops too. Humm?!

Sorry, I know it seems I’m all “hung up” on this MC subject…but you all mention these names that she has mentioned before, sooo… Besides, the only other person I know of that lives in the sunshine state is Archie Cox.

Rusty: I’m getting things together for you. Do you want it all on CD or do you preffer video?

SuaveReno - Funny you mention them b/c I took one look at your Lexi and thought she would make the perfect match with my girl. Does she happen to resemble Dr. Evil? Because Jade would certainly look like Mini Me next to her…

I just had more Strawberries and Tequila delivered. So the Margaritas will be rready momentarily.

that we probably know each other?? Or at least know OF each other??

Anyway, not sure if Tammy “officially” owns any horses herself. She’s one of the main riders at Hunter Hill (Sandy Nissen’s place), still shows on occasion and judges. But mostly she rides the babies.

As for Mickey Hayden, I haven’t seen him in awhile. I remember the name Anita Linn but can’t really recall hearing it around the shows recently. But that doesn’t mean much … I hang around the jumper rings mostly these days and have discovered, as I’ve gotten endlessly older, that my neurons are basically too filled up to pay attention to much more than the course directly ahead of me.

I’m just not wanting to let this thread die. I am trying to think of something else to reminise about but I am having a senior moment.

according to John Quirk (FWIW) Judy Spreckels just got tired of the monthly grind and deadlines of putting out the magazine. Plus, she really enjoyed the western end of it, and that went into such a decline in the late 70’s, early 80’s that it was practically just a H/J magazine anyway.

So John bought it. But then he ran into fianancial troubles with it and Joan Irvine Smith bought it from him (although she was always the unknown owner). That’s when John got all grandiose and started calling it the offical magazine of the AHSA and USET. So it lost it’s unique flavor.

To me it had already lost its uniqueness since I loved the gossip articles that Judy wrote – all the “guess what junior rider’s mom is sleeping with the trainer” comments…

I am guessing, but am pretty sure, that it must have died a financial death – it was a magazine without a solid focus in the 80’s when John ran it.

Too bad. It was unique – I can still remember my HORROR when I saw my first issue. Coming from the east as a kid, the only magazine I had ever read was COTH. And my wonderment that an entire magazie was supported by “Congratulations to me” pictures! (Of course, as soon as I had something to congratulate myself about, I was a happy contributor, too). And my doggies Emily and Charlotte (the Bronte sisters) were proud horse show dogs of the month. I sure wish I had saved those magazines…

Don’t tell anyone, but I’m really the long-lost love child of Jackie O. and Bert deNemethy, and my sister, Beezer, is better known under her Pulitzer Prize-winning pen name, Jane Smiley. You think you liked “Horse Heaven”? Wait’ll you read her next book, “Horse Hell”. It’s all about life growing up on the Calif. show circuit, as seen through the eyes of Fleet Apple!

Somehow, as often happens, I get inadvertently logged off. I had just composed a profound reply but it wouldn’t post as I had been bounced and didn’t realize it

This is what I remember saying:

I defrag with Norton’s Speed Disk twice a week.
My DSL connection is through my ISP,, to PacBell.
I ONLY have trouble with this topic, but it’s probably one of the very few I read that are this long. I’ll check out others (if I can find one that’s pretty long).
I’ll take a look at purging my cookies, but that always creates minor problems for me.

Wasn’t the the name of Robert Ridlands grey?
Most likely from the Beatles movie HELP.

[This message was edited by Bumpkin on Feb. 23, 2001 at 01:45 AM.]

Elfin Magic is January’s Best’s MOM??? Now, how cool is THAT? I remember Elfin…oh…ten years ago? maybe more?..In Don Stewart’s barn. I want to say Lee Ann Morris had her but I don’t think that’s right. She had Bold Headlines. Who I saw in the ancient adults at WEF last year! He must be pretty far into his 20’s…Who had Elfin??

And quit hogging the artichoke dip!