Question for Merry

It looks reddish in the photo though, bumpkin…(and after all, we unfortunately had way too quick a first meeting)

You will be my inspiration for shedding some pounds as well!

Pam, your Bear has such a lovely head. I really like the slight dish and blaze, reminds me of my Maggie.

How many funeral threads do we have going now, LOL?!?

I used to live in Sunset Beach at the very last house (the gray one) on the beachfront across from the water tower. So many kids used to climb it at night, we used to yell at them to get down! I used to drive up past Meadowlark Airport on Warner to get to work. Are there horses still there (you see horse droppings along the mesa in back of the wetlands bordered by PCH)? I cannot even remember the name of the stable on Edwards I was at! I was not there long because they wanted the boarders to train with their instructor or leave beause so many people came looking to board when stables were being sold in the area and stall space became tight. The fee they wanted I felt was too high, so I did not stay.

I have one with Boston Banker I saw it the other day.
Is Bavaria the horse that came from the NW originally?

Oh - well, maybe we should check out this schedule thing out then. I have this potential to get very itchy with all the clinics. Much easier for me to shop and bail. Maybe we should rendezvous this weekend and swap notes. Or you should email me which ones you’re going to. Or we should just all cluster up while there.

SO did Dave get an adjustment from Gesa? Willem did, it was bliss. His eyes are now very big.

…because Merry, her beloved sister, has made Beezer look like an idiot. (And Beezer, really, can do that all by herself, thank you very much.) Beezer admittedly multi-tasks when family members – with their unerring ability to call on deadline or as news is overtaking Beezer – attempt to talk to her through the telephonic device. But in this case, Beezer can completely and honestly claim ignorance.

Merry NEVER TOLD Beezer that the Edricks attempted to ride the lovely Spot (or that during the same “are you SURE you want to buy this horse?” trial period that Dick Carvin and Francie Steinwedell-Carvin also sat their butts on said mare.) Beezer frequently finds out information this way. As in “Yadda yadda yadda … Dad’s surgery went fine … yadda yadda yadda … Arthur has to be laid up for six months … yadda yadda yadda.” Beezer would like to point out that in these two illustrations, Merry buried the lead of the story! Beezer was left wondering: “What Dad’s surgery? Why is Arthur laid up?” Since Beezer has left the family compound, she is often kept in the dark about daily developments there.

So all Beezer knew was that Spot was going away on trial. And then Spot came home and Beezer had a new jumper. Had Beezer known that she was going to be riding a horse that such illustrious personas had found “too spooky” and “too much horse,” Beezer might have wondered just how much sisterly love Merry has for her.

[This message was edited by Beezer on Feb. 06, 2001 at 01:15 PM.]

Am now dying to hear about the Van Teal lady. Was she the same one as the one wearing the scary beige outfit on Saturday???

But, but the ad wasn’t put in by the riders, but the owners or trainers.
Perhaps haha you never knew it??
Curses, haha
I don’t know if I want to know yet

PS Like this old mind can recall which issue!!
My memory is a very tricky thing anymore.

[This message was edited by Bumpkin on Feb. 15, 2001 at 08:45 PM.]

Before I hit the road from my ofice in Glendale and drive to Irvine (58 miles one way thank-you very much… ) Chef and Corrine I envy you so much to work in Irvine…

Merry: Believe it or not I did read the thread, I must apologize for the short term memory loss.

The same thing happened this past summer at the HB July Theme. I was riding in the nefarious Long Stirrup. My first round, I won…my second round I go back in there jump 2 jumps and all of a sudden i forgot the way (and y’know those courses ain’t too hard). I looked at the judge and I said something like Opps! and we both started to laugh and I cantered toward the gate to find out from my trainer (who was sputtering at me) just where I should be going. But my brain literally went on vacation. I finshed up and thought to myself, “what I am reallly good at is sitting on my horse and yakking”. Whay can’t they have a class in that. We could call it the hack and yak class.

Ok obviously, I am brain dead now…thanks for indulging me…

I too noticed the five digit number for the view column! Amazing! I always look for this topic first when I log on because it is so entertaining! I just wish I had something to contribute, but alas, I just haven’t been around the show world very long! Although I’ve been riding for 12 years, I really didn’t start showing seriously until about 2.5 years ago. I’m enjoying the memories vicariously though!

PamM, it IS Ann Alexander! Thank you - now I can sleep at night! LOL

Dublin: Yes, I always admired Gary as a rider; thought he looked beautiful and very sympathetic on his horses. He also seemed to be a “real” person, too. How very sad if his killer was never caught.

On a much happier note, here are a couple more names from the dark ages for those playing along at home: Lise Quintero. Liz Storm. Rusty Leavitt. Randy Redmer. The girl who rode Heirloom and was the little sister of someone more famous (like, I don’t know how THAT feels ) … now I feel really silly because I think that was maybe Lisa Kursinski?? (I’m mixing eras here, I know )

Piggin String magazine. Today’s Horseman (an Orange County-specific magazine that started out trying to cover topical issues but was soon overtaken by pages – and PAGES – of ads for Joan Irvine Smith). Horse World tack shop in Huntington Beach. The saddle shop over by the MainPlace Mall in Santa Ana – Bentley’s, maybe? Sorry, brain fade – that went under because of the financial drain caused by employees pinching the stock for their own horses…

Ah. The scandals we knew.

Then we’ll for sure talk. Andy has worked with both of us and it’s been a real help.

SPUNKY I’ll call you at your hotel and we’ll definitely try and do lunch on Friday, how fun!

Didn’t see you this weekend - did you get caught up in the jousting???

Where you be?

Well, Merry?! Why do I always miss the fun stuff? Beezer why am I left asking for details along with everyone else? Any day now…

Yep, Chef, that sounds like Tulie. I’m glad to hear that things are going well. I figured he’d be moved by now, to her backyard, but now that I know he’s still there, I might have to stop by and give him a few carrots!

On another note…I feel so priviledged 'cause I got to meet BOTH Merry and Beezer in person…ha ha!!! But until they came up to me at the clinic, I kept looking around at people in the stands thinking “hmmm…are there any skinny blondes with a person that looks like their sister???”

SuaveReno no I am not an Equine Vet. I spent to much time socializing in collegeand riding instead of what I was suppose to be doing. I think that was studying at least that was what my da was always asking about. Math Yuck!
I now work for a couple of the local equine vets as an assistant. It is a great job I get to be around alot of different types of horses and learn alot about lameness etc.

I don’t remember Horsemasters. Was it another Disney movie or a TV show. I would like to see it.

Speaking of old horse things my husband brought home a record on Stock Seat Equatation by Ronnie Richards. Some one that works for him bought it at a record show or something like that. On the cover it lists the other one as Hunt Seat Equatation, I don’t remember who taught on that one. Does any one else remember these records? I know there are a few of you who also remember what records are.

I have been blessed my daughter 2 1/2 also has been a deprived child she doesn’t know what or who Barney is.

Mo if you can put all of that on a CD that will be great. I am sure I can get my husband to down load it for me. I am one step above computer illiterate.


“Beezer, do you raise Jack Russell Terriers too?”

Alas, no. I just have two (long “fixed”) full-brothers (littermates) who are more my kids than any kids could have been … if that makes ANY sense at all. And despite the razzing Merry gives them, let me point out that she is the one who always wants them to go to shows, gives them rides in her precious truck and buys them presents every Christmas … like a good aunt should. They are finally settling into middle age (kinda like their mom ) so are not as entertaining as they used to be but they are far easier to live with.

Since I can’t imagine life without a JRT or two in it, I’ll always have 'em. But I’d be the first to say that they are just NOT the dog for everyone and, yes, absolutely … get one only from a good, reputable breeder. Personally, I’m of the belief that it should be someone who believes in the principles of the JRT Club of America but that’s a debate for another thread.

Now back to our regular programming…

Suave … Isn’t Jeanne a kick? I really like her. She was more Merry’s “contemporary” than mine but I remembered the name and, like Merry said, wound up buying one of my favorite horses from her. Last I heard, she was giving up her training operation and aiming to get her amateur status back. It was a question of her just not having enough time for either the students or her family. Haven’t talked to her in quite a while, though, so can’t swear to what her current plans are.

Another name from the past, and one that ties several strings of the thread together: Nikki Smith. Rode with Russell at Winrock. Bought a very pricey prospect from Bob that turned out to be a lovely … under saddle horse.

Merry, after we were done on Sunday (we just hauled in for the day as a practice for Indio) I told my trainer “well, I guess it’s a good thing that we decided to go to this show, because now we know what I need to work on!!!” I suddenly feel like I am back in college pulling an overnight cramming session before finals!

Oh well, I’ll just continue to remind myself that I’ve found my Achille’s Heel (it was gone for a while, but apparently it has come back!), and I won’t let it rear it’s ugly head at Indio!!! I’ll just continue to tell myself “sit away, sit away, sit away, sit away…”

If ANYONE wants to sell ANY of their old copies of Horses, let me know!