Question for Merry

you might recall from about 200 pages back that I mentioned taking my lessons as a junior at the same time as Richard. Well he was taking them FROM JAMIE!!! And now she’s working for him??? My how the world changes! I must say a couple of more things about Jamie. She is a great rider and a fantastic trainer too – she can get her students to really perform well, but she is not easy to work with. I agree with you Merry in that I hope she has finally found her niche. By the way, is the father of her kid a horse person. She was dating a trainer that I worked with briefly, but that was a long time ago. I just always wondered if it worked out.

  1. Merry works for someone I worked for for one week, years ago, where…

  2. I met Beezer (fleeting meet, but I remember her as being very nice), years before I went to work in…

  3. Irvine, where I am down the street from Chef

Haven’t been at work since Thursday, so I must scroll through it all, but I’m thrilled to see that it all keeps going.

SUAVE RENO, I saw a few of your posts and there are more names that I haven’t heard for years just flooding my memories!

EBAY LISTING HORSES MAGAZINE? I’d love the address of the lady selling them. Mine is and I can’t wait to get my hands on some. Talk about all sorts of blasts…

Thanks for the kind word about Lexie. She’s a real personality kid and for the first few years of her life considered herself the family dog following everyone all around.

Is anyone interested on a calaborative hunt team if there is a class at one of the localor regional shows? I am moving up to bigger jumps so I think I could hang with 'ya I have an assortment of horse colors to work with (black/brown, bay and of course chestnut.) I think it would be a lot of fun

Okay - a question for you California types (!) - I had a friend who was from California that came to show in Va. (in the a/o’s) - her name was Ann ? and she showed, I think, w/Jimmy Williams and was friends w/Patsy Bell. Horse’s name was Skylark. Anyone know who I mean or where she is now?

C&C: Hoi Polloi was owned by Joy Carney, who also owned Hit Parade later on… I believe. So you remember Rogie? Who else? Debbie Call and Quiet Place? Jeanne Rodriguez?

There were some kids (a little younger than us), like the girl who had Night Flight and the one with Pappy J. Are any of those kids you guys? Wow, what a small world!

Although I am up North the area is changing just like you are talking about. YUCK
I was also one of those kids that worked for the trainer and braided etc. I am teaching all my students these skills because you never know when you will need to make extra cash. I am going to sign off now because I am to tired to type up more memories of the good old days. I never thought I would refer to the 70’s as the good old days.

What about Banner Farms and the Younger girls?
I think they still have their farm and are standing a “Fleet” horse at stud, although I don’t think he is any relation to the “Mighty Fleet Apple”.
I am going to have to dig out another TON of HORSES magazines out of the attic of my rental house next week.
I have about worn out the last batch I brought home.
Did anyone see the item on Sidelines about a new HORSES coming out? Or did I read that wrong? I mean forget Seventeen Magazine when I was young!!! Where is the HORSES mom?

I’ll be at ConAgra Grocery Products on Michelson Drive. It’s just a few miles from the Santa Ana airport. Where do you work?

And DUH! re Michelle McAvoy. Think I have Monday morning disease. Sigh.

And yes, Dublin, as Merry said, you are the winner for thinking of Patrick Rostron. That sure sounds right. THANKS!

Finally, for all those going to Equine Affair … what say we meet after the Linda Allen demo? Merry won’t be easy to miss: skinny blonde with short hair, dressed in blue jeans and in a dark green Spruce Meadows jacket with a jumping horse embroidered in gold on the back. Beezer, who is the exact opposite in looks, has yet to decide what she will be wearing. If anyone knows a landmark in the vacinity of the demo, lemme know and we can huddle around it in hopes of meeting up!

You’ll need to do a Hollywood trip. Get big Jackie O sunglasses, red lipstick and a flashy pin for your choker with lots of rhinestones, and HUGE diamond studs.

LOL Merry, you are too funny! The date is March 9th…the time, 7pm…the food is free. We are the evening entertainment. I dunno though, somehow fate always steps in and I never end up getting to do a classic, usually because I’ve screwed up earlier in the week. But not this time…NO, this time I will overcome fate!!!

Yes the Chris thing was pretty bad. I was friends withher sister Candy but after that she quit talking to me. Did she do much riding after that. I can’t imagine her as one of Katrina’s top riders is that at that particular show she was not turned out very well and irony of ironies she wins. But then again Eric Atterbury was the judge. Speaking of Eric, he used to be one of the top H/J’s judges in the 30’s 40’s and 50’s judging shows like the National Horse Show. But was a funny old coot tho’. He was a Brit with big pop-eyes and I always felt in was “in the cups” a little.

Quick question: Do any of you now ride at the Fairgrounds?

bumpkin is the redhead, I’m the blond (NOT my most flattering photo…), the saddle is my sister’s 25 year old Hermes, which bumpkin bought.

Hey now, I’m double-dipping in on this! Tammy is married and has a little girl. She totally stopped riding for a while, but got back into it; came out to Sandi’s place, and away she went! She still looks about the same as when she was a kid: small, dark hair, very gutsy, accurate rider.

As for the Betsy Breen accident, gosh, that was about 15 yrs. ago, I’m thinking. It happened outside the ring at a big show (LAEC?) and her horse reached around, caught his bit in the stirrup iron, and before she could rectify the situation, he flipped up and over!

You sure we won’t get “in trouble” for keeping this thread going? Too bad the title couldn’t be changed, like, “Cal vets recall the past”. Guess I’m self-conscious!

Anyway, I’m glad Mia is doing well. Advanced philosophy? Geez, and I thought I was a brainiac! But being around the horse show scene for so long must give her plenty of philosophical points to ponder!

I still occasionally think of Julie Martin, Judy Martin’s daughter. My sister and I knew her, of course, from showing with/against her. But then she became this great cowgirl/barrel racer. Just looked the part! She was winning a lot of $. She came out to our place a couple of times to look at our young horses for her friends who still rode huntseat. Then all of a sudden, she was gone. From what I understood, she just kept getting terrible headaches, then when she finally went to the doctor, they found a terminal brain tumor! I was just so shocked, how such a bubbly, cutesy blond gal could just be gone so quickly.

Her name was Alison Stern, she’s a trainer in No. Ca now. Here is a lovely picture of Fancy Footwork, I’m thinking circa 1975???

There is lady who used to post on the Equisearch board under the guise of Cougar2. One post she mentioned that she made custom stuffed horses and sold them at shows. So it may be the same person??? You could try there, but I don’t think she is around much now that that board went downhill…

…all the way down to the bottom of the second page to bring this back up, ladies!!!

Now how about some reports from Merry and Beezer and anyone else who met at Pomono?

The mind reels, given what I recall of his looks - and rotten teeth…

Lurker, if you just go to the last page will it load easier? When you take the cookies out, go to temporary internet and do it there as well. It seems Windows loves to store these…