Question for Merry

TARYN - there are actually three suffering right now. One black horse, one two-colored horse and one blonde horse (see, now I’m not naming any names).

As for the show in Pomona, I hope it offers lots of useless frivolities which I love buying.

BEEZER, at Circle J I always rode Clifford. They would put an old Argie hunter saddle on him for me. RB&L stables is where I once rode my poor horse in Western classes in the a.m. at a little show we went to, on the premise that I was there and I was sure he’d be a world beater in both (we did not ribbon in any Western classes, needless to say).

Remember old Bill Williams Stables in Huntington Beach? Now covered with houses.

I had to be on Acacia in the Back Bay this morning. I feel bad for the people who live on the Irvine Ave side of that part of town, because one office building after the other is going up. But I always did want one of those places on Mesa Drive…

This is so cool that this thread is still going! I don’t really have much to add since y’all are talking about people who are far south of my radar, but I am enjoying it nonetheless

It’s still a bit chilly up here in San Francisco, so I’ll be bundling up in my cooler tomorrow thinking of you guys on your trail rides

I lived there for 4 years and cringed at the show attire, but was hoping since that was afterall 20 years ago…

Dublin, I remember your sisters name from the show s at PHC. I would probably recognize her if I saw her.

Great picture! Loved the plaid coats!! Here’s a publicity photo of me for a horse show up in the Pacific NW in 1968. It’s got everything…girl, horse, obligatory horse show mom (OHSM) and girl’s dog! Plus a madras choker…

And for an added connection to this topic, this is the horse we purchased from…you guessed it…Cynthia Campbell!

[This message was edited by dublin on Feb. 18, 2001 at 01:44 PM.]

Beezer, Suave Reno grew up with Bonnie and Kathy Ebsen! Kiki was pretty small then and Susanna didn’t really like the horse thing. They had a house on Balboa Island and we all rode at Al’s in Corona del Mar. Their Mom, Nancy used to scare the living daylights out of me!!!

From what I understand, Kathy is into dressage and Bonnie still likes the Western horses. I think they are in Arizona and I think Bonnie is an editor of an equestrian magazine.

Small world

Love the name PamM. Diffinitely California Dreaming, even if it is raining!!

You know you will have to come sidesaddle with that outfit. Heavy navy veil, skirt, boots all the trappings. You can lead the procession.

I love this topic!! Anyone else want to jump in and reminisce???

Does anyone have detailed info, or a website with info for the equine affair? I was thinking of going, but would like more definite times, especially for Linda Allen’s sessions.

Nice to hear you did so well!!

Looking Glass, Caron Gilbertson’s old horse, was up here late in his/her career.
I recall seeing him at a show at the Evergreen Fairgrounds in Monroe late 70’s.
That distinctive blaze and socks are hard to forget.
I keep thinking someone famous had moved up here with him, but I don’t think it was Kramer’s, (movie producer), daughter.

Oh, and as for the brown field boots: I guess this means I shouldn’t have THROWN AWAY my beautiful cordovan dehner field boots? They still fit me; they just needed new lining. Sounds like they could’ve fetched some $ on “Antiques Roadshow”!

I’m all for them coming back in style, too. Will we all live long enough?

CWP: Sorry that question is haunting you! “One Way” was a popular Fundamental Christian slogan in the 80’s, as in “there’s just ‘one way’ to get to heaven.”

Now, onto… Jamie Mann. Coreene, your HB trainer, Tracey Jacox, used to be Jamie’s assistant at Orange Co. Fairgrounds. I had two very close friends in that barn at the time. In fact, one of them bought their baby green hunter from us and put it in training there! Anyway, Tracey did much of the riding/training because Jamie would split to catch ride jumpers and GP horses. I guess that’s the way to pursue a goal, but it kind of ticked off the clients at home who were paying boku bucks for her behind to sit on their horse. Eventually Jamie took a job with the Leone’s as a barn manager/rider. By all accounts, it didn’t last long. Problem is, she had no barn or long list of clients to return home to. Plus, she had a child to raise. Now she’s starting up again (I believe at LAEC along with another trainer). She’s also judging again. It’s no secret she had one of those personalities that rubbed some show professionals & exhibitors the wrong way. I once read her judge’s cards, and every horse in the class got negative comments from her, written in long-hand, so everyone could read things like “bad jumper; no scope; lame horse; poor mover”, etc. Hello??? A recent LA Co. show manager told me Jamie has become a “new woman” and has become much more pleasant,easy to work with, and more cordial toward exhibitors. I hope so, as she had a lot of talent and a good deal of knowledge to share.

I take my daughter to the snow today and this thread takes off.
I have noticed the chips in the movie The Horse in the Grey Flannel SUit, and some of the other faux pas. I am really beginning to notice them after watchin g them quite a lot last week. I think four times in the last five days. My two year old likes to watch the horses jump. No I am not brain washing her.

N2Jumpers deseperately needs a horse so we can can get her out of the Hack and Lack classes (for those with no horse)

Well shoot, I was going to answer the Emmett Kelley and scrolled back to find PamM beat me to the punch - do I get extra credit for knowing it was Laura Davies’ jr. horse when I’ve never even BEEN to California?! And that she was Best Child Rider at Devon on that horse?!

Oops! Sorry, you asked about Kimmie. Remember she showed Stride Rite? Geez, I saw Bob at Indio last year (looked exactly the same, just a tad less hair!) and he showed me all sorts of photos. I forgot to ask about Kim, but their son, Ryan, is very blond and cute, and a great hockey player. Not sure if he rides much if at all.

I too remember McStahill. Only ever met Stacy though. It still blows me away that Hillary is a Ridland now.

So what ever happened to Cassandra Karassissi?? I always liked her horse Kruggerand. A stopper that was a star when you could get him around. My all time favorite out of FMF was Notorious. I got to ride that one long after his retirement, but he (I think it was a gelding if I remember correctly) still had an awesome jump in him after so many years. A bit of a spook though.

And Foxfield. My junior hunter came from there. The trainer at the time was Don somebody??? Curly hair - totally 70s/80s looking. Or am I mixing a face up with another place and barn?

One more thing. Can any of you tell me if John Annello is still out West. A good friend of Ed Marcy’s, he came west to ride and train for the barn that replaced Bob and Debbie’s when they moved to Idaho. He moved back to Conneticut for a while I know, but then I heard he moved back to CA. Anyone know??

In the '80’s Melissa Cardinas (sp?) had a farm near Santa Cruz. I went to look at a horse there. Funny thing was that although I did not buy it, a friend from Colorado (who I had not seen in 15 years) did and I ran into him and the horse on the Arizona circuit the next winter.

I believe she has since divorced (Good guess, Pam. 99% of California has gotten a divorce since the '80’s).

The only other factoid I remember about her was that the farm was right in the path of that HUGE Santa Cruz fire in the 80’s. Her barns and ring made it through, but the surrounding hillsides were a black, burnt mess.

Merry could you desribe the horse Imagine THat?
I sold a very nice Chestnut Mare in the late seventies, I am wondering if we are thinking of the same horse. SHe could of possibly ended up with CIndy Hough. Thanks for any information. If it is the same horse I still wish I hadn’t sold her.

They’re predicting it in the hills around here too. If so, it will only be a 15 minute drive up to the summit to go play in it!

Rusty, I noted your east bay valleys reference…do you live anywhere near Sunnyvale??