Question for Merry

Well, Mo, with that hairdo, and the way she was selling/selling/selling, you could be correct with the first spelling!

AAJumper, I’m afraid the new footing/drainage system will have to wait until the next rich relative passes away and leaves $$$!

[This message was edited by Merry on Feb. 13, 2001 at 01:03 AM.]

That’s a good one! A new topic name, “trivia Question’s for Merry”

Bumpkin; yes please do keep me informed!!

Pam M, where are you? Did you see what Bumpkin found on Melissa Cardenas? High Barbaree 1971!? Ring any more bells?

Bumpkin, her other horses (that she mentioned) were, “Halcion”, “Buenos Aries”, and “Lumpy”

Oh well, c’est la vie!

New Hack and Chat careers:

Hack and Flack - for PR people
Hack and Hack - for broken down journos
Hack and Black - for fashion mavens
Hack and Track - for joggers
Hack and Stack - for the well endowed
Hack and Crack - druggies on horseback

Emmett Kelly was a Laura Davies (Lakeside) owned and Champ and Linda Hough trained horse.

I remeber Fleet Apple from when he was up here.

The August Santa Rosa Show is no longer Ireally liked that show. As I explained earlier I don’t get out much except locally any more. But the old PHC I heard is now called Brookside or something like that. Menlo still has a great show in July.

I am trying to help save one of the arenas that one was used for one dqay shows. The city is trying to turn it into tennis courts, so me and my big mouth started puttiong on shows there. So hopefully not all of the arenas will be paved over Thanks for letting me vent on your thread.

Clark’s Feed and Western Wear! Oh, the brain synapses are firing! They had the mobile tack truck that went to all the big shows. That was back in the days when the western classes were mixed in with us, and those fancy braided romal reins, with the silver beads, were popular. I remember Luis Ortega, who made those reins, would sit outside of Clark’s tack van and work away on the reins.

William Shatner— obnoxious? Captain Kirk? Why, my universal translator must be malfunctioning!

Sarah Baldwin:Bumpkin would probably know better, but I’m supposing she’s one and the same, since she’s from the NW and has indeed red hair! She’s of the Baldwin lock/deadbolt fame (go into any Home Depot). She made the World Cup team and rode her horse Pacifico to some great wins. We sold a couple of horses into her barn when she trained at Paddock in Burbank. Now she has her own fancy place, Brookwood, in San Diego area. Absolutely do not travel in her circle, though.

And no, the ostrich and camel races are not involved with the current incarnation of the Indio horse show (HITS). But you can still see them at the Date Festival, the county fair.

I’ve got a toddler, so bear with me! Let me feed her, play time and then put her to bed, then I’ll let it all out…why I’m so interested in Melissa Cardenas Johnson. My hubby is away on bus. so, It’ll be pretty late…but I will tell all!!

Stay tuned…

Ah yes, the double-knit coats. Perhaps that’s why I can’t get into those Equine Athletics huntcoats: that stretchy fabric just reminds me of the huntcoat version of leisure suits back in the Bob Newhart-70’s!

coreene: The lovely Vanna will now reveal part of today’s puzzle… My sister totally understands why I don’t just come out and say what all I write, because I really don’t want my writing to be fodder for the BB. I’m just a hard-working freelancer. I write for a major equine publication (not PH), plus I consistently work on books that are sort of horse-owner manuals, guides to various breeds, etc. I just finished a section for a dog book on Jack Russells, which is fascinating, since I don’t OWN one! Then there are the equine websites I freelance for. I’ve also freelanced for ahem, a major newspaper on decidedly non-horsey topics. Right now I’m working on a fiction book set on a ranch (sort of a personal mission). Frankly, sometimes I get sick of seeing my own name, so I’m sure others do, too! But hey, it pays for my showing and I get to actually USE my degree in English!

Kind of weird, but he used to ride for some barn I trained with, but gosh darn if I can’t recall which barn!?!

Wait… I know he had a really nice baby, a bay, he showed on the line 2 yrs. ago named Gomez. Perhaps something more will drift into the fogbank that is my mind…

By the way, I’m figuring that by judging the depth of the pools of standing water on our property, I should be able to raise a crop of koi by springtime. Carp, anyone?

“I keep… trying to walk… away… but they keep pulling me… BACK IN!”

I swear, I thought this thread was done. Finished. Buried. I was composing its epitath. But what was Mark Twain’s great line? “The stories of my demise have been greatly exaggerated.”

Along comes Suave Reno and new life is breathed into this thread again! Please, tell: When did you ride at Katrina’s/the fairgrounds? I recall just about everyone you mentioned: Jackie Kruckenburg had Magic Moment. What about Janet Gonghwer (spelling?). She had a dark bay mare named Solar Light. And the Oertley’s!

Katrina’s SO (Al) died a couple of years ago. I haven’t seen/spoken with her in a few years. My sister and I grew up riding with her as our first instructor. She was a like a Russian ballet teacher! However, she totally taught us to ride and how to care for a horse. Don Swan: now there’s a name! He and Katrina were always at war.
Remember when the old Orange Co. Fair show was an A show? Now they hold motorcycle races in that arena during the fair.

And good ol’ Ralph V. Walker. What a classic ring steward! My friend had a little beagle puppy, and she named it Ralph after him!

Oh gosh, now are we back to another episode of "As the Horse World Turns?"LOL!

Carlene Blunt!

The ‘really bad equitation rider’ that comes to my mind is Poncho Frankel. Do I win???

Too weird, Coreene…WE were at Fleet Apple’s retirement too!! (OK, now my goosepimples – like yours – officially have goosepimples!)

And Rusty, the bratty little sister can spill at least ONE of the more amusing Kosti-Merry stories. Twas late at night. Only thing open is this coffee shop. We’re leaving; he’s walking in. She is DYING here. Our trainer bustles us all out. Merry, at the loud and obnoxious urgings of us younger teenyboppers, decides she’s gonna go back in that coffee shop and get Kosti’s attention. So she turns, marches back to the glass door, and THUD! Runs right into the door. In front of Kosti. Seems he’d walked in right as they were closing and they locked the door behind our group.

Needless to say, Merry’s entourage was mortified for her. That is, between the gales of laughter.

Now, Tim Postel from Foxfield … HE was a crush-worthy young man!

I just found an olde article, but alas, no mention of her breeding.

Wasn’t that Caron Gilbertson’s first big winner?

I’ve read EVERY one of the 300 something posts and have been lurking all along. Unfortunately I don’t have much to add because I wasn’t even born yet when most of this went on! (Yes Merry and Beezer are my ahem “older” cousins and have now drug me into this insanity.)

Merry- are you still planing on that fact finding trail ride for your book with the horse shoer? Last I heard your mom was not very happy about it and still didn’t know how to drive a Jeep!

Oy vey, but we don’t have turnouts in the sense of an East Coast Turnout. Out here, you get to go “into the turnout” for a half hour or so. Well actually you get to go for 15 minutes, but if you time it right you go longer. Scary, isn’t it?

Let me know what part of OC because you wouldn’t want to be in a stable on one side if you were working on the other. Traffic is a nightmare. Can’t think of any stables in Long Beach I’d want to board at, but there are some lovely ones on the Palos Verdes Peninsula, which Chef knows all about, being as she’s a PV Kind Of Gal.

Ok This one is easy for starters…

Which Blond Horse Show Mom (BHSM) could always be seen wearing incredibly, tight mini-skirts, make-up to the 9’s and flirting with all the judges and one particular trainer in mind???

Well … while here I’m acutally emailing updated information to about 900 people at the same time, so since I can’t do anything else AND because I was on a mini-roll here, I just had to share why I am not a comedian or poet.

So true Merry, I would feel guilty if we caused Infopop’s servers to crash! Besides, it’s just pathetic that I’ve been reading this board for over a year and have only made 40 posts!! I will try my hardest to help represent the So Cal contingent.

Coreene will be heart broken when she hears the news tomorrow. Damn shame her question was never answered…


Ah, yes, the Bushkins. There was a rumour that Mrs. Bushkin was a “witch” and stood on the rail and cast spells against the competition. Like, when you buy your kids horses like Joe Hill and Natty Bumpo you need to use witchcraft?

And here’s the name to beat all names: ERICA PETAL

Remember Erica and Francie Steinwedell always going head-to-head in the medals?