Question for Merry

Are you sure we were never in Horses mag? For some reason I thought we had been …

And don’t you DARE tell anyone where we may currently be seen. Beezer would prefer not to be humiliated any more than necessary.

SuaveReno, I like the idea of the hack and yak class. I think it should be a whole division. Something I could maybe be champion in. I am really good at tacking up my mare to ride and have a client show up and want to discuss whatever.

WOW!!!Loved your website and all your pictures from Indio and the other shows. Really impressive

How many shows do you go to per year? I did about 4 A shows and about 8 B last year. I really needed tons more training. SuaveReno stumbles over long stirrup fences but were moving up…finally

You’ve given me a lot of inspiration

I knew her!!! We went to Scripps College together (she was two years later than me) and lived in the same dorm. She accompanied me when we went to Cynthia Campbell’s barn to visit my Maggie…who we had sold back to Cynthia after I went to college.

I just looked her up in my alumnae directory - She’s married (now Pritzlaff), living in Castle Rock, CO and owns a sporting goods store.

We lost touch after college and I had completely forgotten about her - thanks for jogging my memory!

Gosh, I remember Superstar! Mary Warren, who owns HCPEC, named her foal the same a few years ago and I think of the old one whenever I see the new one.


Vauge memories of Peggy O. Do you remember Kim Ostman with Fun N Games? Can’t remember - think I asked this before.

There was also a girl at Hillsview when Bob was there who got a horse named Dominique for Christmas and was killed a year later when she had an accident at the stables. Riding double, bareback, in the rain.

I remember Janet’s horse. Still hard to believe that Mark is gone. I remember when, between Ocean View and HCPEC, he was at some place on Ortega Highway on or near what is now The Oaks. That was when he was working with Victor. One of the arenas at HCPEC is now the Mark Mullen Arena. It was just devastating at the barn when we found out he’d passed away.

Merry, the three of us really need to meet up one day.

I watched a bit of the activities in the morning, got bored and went to play with Dave. I’m sure I’ll see you at least one evening this week!

I’m not that familiar with the Pomona fairgrounds, only been once to witness a Breyer model horse/fancy rat show (oh my ). I think I’m aware of the main entrance, right by the hotel, in front of one of the exhibit buildings. Perhaps we can meet there, or maybe someone else has a better landmark???


Well, well well, seem’s we who could not attened missed all the fun and excitement!! But really Beezer, I being a native from the East (Philly/ Devon area) I must say that mother nature sure did pick the wrong weekend to bless So.Cal. with moisture! Too bad you all didn’t hook up as was planned. Didn’t you all wear the"Chrono-outfits"
as you said?
On another subject, do any of you train with or know Archie cox? I knew him in college.

Finally the identities of Merry et al are revealed…well, really just Merry since Beezer and Katey may have a married name??? Or did I get lost through the 25 pages of posts and names/marital status already revealed.

Anyway, I loved the articles, Merry. I had a faint idea that the real you was you because my friend started for whcih some of your articles were on, right?

And since you hold the power in your pen (keyboard) why don’t you just write an article on how rust (and canary) breeches are making a comeback - as all wonderful (and not so wonderful) fashion trends do. We can all purchase rust breeches, meet a a show the day the article comes out, and awe the other competitors with our up to the minute fashion savvy.


I only have 6 articles to write for 3 different editors, but what am I doing? Playing on the BB! (Bad Merry, bad, bad, bad!)

Ah yes, dear JJ Smith. Wasn’t he recalled with fondness on page 12 or 13? I’m telling you, we need an index!

And JUSTICE… geez, can I guess who you are???

As for the Hack and Chat class, may I remind you posters here that I may be the only living rider who has gone OFF COURSE in hunter hack? At Del Mar, no less? It was at a glorified schooling show at Del Mar, a fundraiser for the Am. Trakehner Assoc., and Dale Pederson was the judge. My horse hacked beautifully. I go into the center and indeed begin chatting it up with my girlfriend. Then I realize I’m on the end of the line-up. Dale has me go first. Was I listening to instructions? Noooooo! I kind of thought something was a little odd when I jumped the oxer backwards . When I got back to the line-up my friend whispers, “Cindy, you just went off course!”

I can’t take anymore rain! Please, God, make it stop!

Great Pics!

Its fun to see Tulie jumping big jumps! He is so cute! I’ll be at the barn on Saturday if you want to come for a visit…I’ll be there between 11:00-1:00 or so.

Should I rub it in that I’ll be riding even if it rains? I have to admit having the indoor is nice, even if the rest of the place isn’t all that spectacular.

So, you can imagine my amazement/consternation when Kathy H. “re-arrived” on the Orange Co. scene and just took up all over again. It’s like, I just stay here, riding the same, doing my thing, and these people keep coming in and out of my life!

Sort of comforting that there are indeed “constants” in the universe.

Scott King has a place in the San Diego area…predominantly a sales barn I believe. My old trainer hung out with him a lot and did a lot of business with him. A girl that I used to ride with works at his place now.

And why did the Quirks stop publishing “Horses” anyhow? Broke my heart.

It has blue lining how boring! Must have been purchased at the end of the velvet collar fad. It also has four buttons .Did my trainer let a dressage jacket go in the ring? I doubt it. THey a re not the brass buttons that were seen alot back then, they are the ones with the fox heads on them. Have I forgotten some major trend of the 70’s regarding the number of buttons or was I totally out of style then too? Retro fashion police please advise It has been a long day, that is my excuse for rambling on about a almost 30 yr old hunt coat.

We’re all up pretty late, but what fun to chit- chat like this.

Merry, I guess your page has become a real “chick chat room” how chique! We must think of some new topics so we don’t disappear.

Someone had mentioned that they thought Cynthia Cambell had died but I asked my trainer about a onth ago if she was still in the horse trading biz and she said yes. Although I don’t see her at any of the shows. When I rode in the 60’s (talk about carbon dating), I bought a grey hunter from her. Unfortunately, by the time I started getting good placings at some A shows, I went away to college and sold her to Leslie Oertly.

Here’s a extremely yellow picture of me and Eliza.

PS. Does anyone remember Susie Dickenson who rode with Leslie in the late 60’s?

Coreene, with a bit of time on her hands this a.m. before having to deal with a fruitcake demanding ciient who really should jump off a cliff (client, not Coreene), suggests going to:

…for old videos and books. This is in addition to (on the book front), and And if you need something foreign, go to All these companies happily have way too much of my money, but my library stays happy.

Didn’t know Bree Walker rode. She was married to Jim Lampley (sp?) the sportscaster. I always thought she was great. Plucky gal of the You Go Girl variety.

Bumpkin: I actually have a schnauzer! It’s our second one. We love them… as house pets! My current one is named Merry because I got her as a Christmas present about 8 yrs. ago. She’s the world’s best dog. I know that for a fact. I have the trophy, so there! (Of course, I was the judge and she was the only entrant… ). But alas, Merry does not like the horses. She becomes a black hairy puddle whenever she sees one. Do you think a male would be better suited for part-time horse show life?

As for CeCe P.'s gray horse. If it wasn’t High Tide, then who was? Okay, what about Silver Lining? Someone’s fancy white/gray horse had that name out here. Wasn’t it hers?

Wait until my husband goes to bed.

But just so I’m not tempting you, it’s nothing lurid. Just me being a goofy girl.

Ok,ok lets start chapter/part 3 or is is 4?