Question for Merry

Coreene:I figured everyone at HB would be at Indio already. I have a logistics question for you. Robin Serfas is starting a show series at HB. The first one is Feb. 10/11. Of course, we’ll be at Equine Affaire, but our trainer was thinking of taking a couple of kids to the show. HOWEVER, about 3 yrs. ago Beezer and I drove all the way to HB for a B show during Indio and the place was deserted! Greg Moeser was running the show, and he just cancelled it! Do you think the same thing will happen? Should my trainer just forget it?

Spunky:Yes, many trainers are at Indio, plus I have a hard time thinking of many who have 3ft. lesson horses! I suggest you call Coto de Caza and ask for Caroline Bonham’s number; Orange County Fairgrounds Equestrian Center and ask for Kathy Hobstetter’s number (Foxpointe Farm). Both of those numbers are 949 area code. I have no clue if they can help you, or if you’d even enjoy the lesson! But it’s a starting point.

As for Twinkie Nissen: I haven’t seen her name around for the last couple of years. I think she’s breeding H/J’s on her farm.PamM, I used to have to ride in AO’s against her on Marcus Welby, but I do also recall American Hero and Three Cheers. Plus, since her husband was often the horse show Official Vet, it was kind of funky, because Twinkie knew everyone associated with the show… not that she wouldn’t have won a lot regardless!

Merry-- You mentioned Joy Carney – is she now married and with the name Joy Carney Campbell? I knew her when we both rode with Lumpy Kilham in the late 1990’s (the last time I saw Joy was a few years ago and she had moved down to the LA area somewhere).

As for Joe Montana – I have never seen a jump crew move so fast as when he fell off his horse in a 2foot jumper class at Calistoga a couple of years ago!! I don’t know if he still rides jumpers, but his family still owns a ton of horses.

Merry and I will keep our fingers crossed (of course, you won’t be able to SEE Merry’s fingers since they will be clothed in gloves because of the anticipated chilly weather ) that you will be able to be there. I’ll be the one carting all the blankets and coats necessary to Merry comfortable. (Actually, more along the lines of an oatmeal-colored fisherman’s sweater, jeans and a dark-fuchsia jacket.)

There was a photo of her jumping a horse that some of us may recall, High Barbaree, Reserve Champion Jumper - Monterey, 1971.
Since this was one of the smaller photos in the back, there is no stable name.
I will keep my eye out for High Barbaree in other issues.

I’ll have to check, but I think I had my old mare at Big K then. Or was it 80-81?

A few friends are at the Fairgrounds right now, but it wouldn’t be my Top Five. I think I’m too spoiled with the trails behind HB to ever leave.

Groovey Babby!!!

Dr Evil and Mini me…has possibilities…

I agree with Coreene definitely a cutie patootie!

C&C, I know who you mean but now I can’t remember his surname. I’m not going to the barn today (have spent a glorious day shopping in LA for things for me and not for my horse, which only happens once a year), but I’ll find out tomorrow and post it on Monday.

Last that a friend heard re Mickey H was three years ago; he was at Nellie Gail and Anita’s mom was doing his office work. Anita had been working for him, but who knows now. I don’t know if Mickey is still there - we had zillions out at Huntington Central Park Equestrian Center for the (used to be GTE) Summer Classic in August, and though I think he was there I’m not 100%.

Beezer, email me at so we can find out if we do actually know each other. Do you live near EVA? This is the only place I know in Yorba Linda, but I think my vet lives there now, too (Christina Garloff).

When you rode with Bob, did Kim Ostman still ride with him? She was a few years older than me, but I remember I was madly in love with her horse Fun N Games.

Doubleclearjumper, do you remember when Rosie Hennes had her four or five stalls behind Huntington Crest, which was previously Horse World and Gold Bar before that? Where was your horse in HB?

Oh, the memories. I had my first horse at Meadowlark. This is really going back a long ways. They still had 8-track tapes then.

Am now blowing the carbon dating materials off my sleeves…

Whoda thunk I coulda started a topic that went this long?

More on Zuleika Farms. Kim Bronson has a very nice stallion named Shine that is at Indio. I am always a sucker for chestnuts anyhow, but am now looking at stallions with short back/no back to breed to a mare with a long back. Not my mare, but I’d take the baby.

I must be out of my mind to even be thinking of this…

Anyhow, wanted to bring this to the top as well…


fyi, Park Place and its lesson horses would not be suitable for what you are looking to do (just wanted to save you the call)…

But yes, I’ll be wearing blue jeans and some sort of turtleneck, I’m sure, and if we’re outside, the jacket (and it’s not a gold horse: it’s a chestnut and the rider has on a red coat!).

CWP, how weird about the custom horse dolls, as I created my own pattern for stuffed horses and made them to order and put dresses on the girls and pants and a jacket on the boys! I sold— well, hundreds of dollars of them just by word of mouth. A couple of Christmases ago, I was living at my sewing machine. It’s a great cottage industry (all cash!) but I can’t even look at the pattern right now. I don’t know of whom you’re talking about, but if they’re at Pomona, I’ll get their card!

NancyL I saw Joy Carney-Campbell’s photo in Show Circuit a couple of years ago in the AO’s, wearing a shadbelly and winning something, so I assume she’s still riding. She is such a long-time horsewoman; she’s tough to beat because she doesn’t make many errors.

Did anyone go to Pomona today? I’m sure the rain put a damper on things today too, though. It seemed to rain on and off all day today. UGH. And I was supposed to go trail riding!

I have been looking in the olde HORSES that I pulled out of the attic of my rental house, and whenever I see photos of sisters I stop and wonder.
Now I do recall Merry saying they had been sent horses from another trainer(s) to show when their own horses were laid up or something, and that those horses were for sale.
I saw one full page, two photo, ad last week that was two sisters who were showing horses that had done well and were just sold or for sale.
I really should take note of the issues and write these things down when I come across them.
It is kind of fun just wondering to be honest

I just love posting with you all (no pun intended). This is clearly the best forum I have been on in some time. It’s great to remember to old days. You all are terrific!

Regarding the OC Fairgrounds proposed relocation, I heard that through Kathy Hobstetter and I am not quite sure where she got her information.

That would sure be nice if that happened. We really need a decent facility here in OC.

I don’t know how many of you know Karen Lucian out there but I wanted to let you know that her mare, Utmost (Diva), whom she bought last year from Larry Gelfke at Indio, had to be put down as she shattered her pastern beyond repair while bucking on the lounge line. So incredibly sad, she was such a beautiful and talented animal.

Did any of you notice that we did break the 5 digit mark in the ‘views’ column. 10,000+ !!! I am sure that there are many like myself that don’t always have something to say, but HAVE to check in at least once a day to check the latest chapter!!

Dead I say! LoL, you can go post on the wake thread now! lol

Well, this is sort of late in the conversation, but Gretchen Tank is definitely still around and going strong! She lives in San Bernadino County I believe. She occasionally trains my trainer at shows, and has been out to our barn a few times. In fact, I just saw her at the show at LAEC today!

Hi Bumpkin!

Yes, I believe Bavaria did come from WA, but don’t know that for sure. Which issue do you have with Boston? I remember a few issues with Meredith on the cover, including one that was just her in civilian clothes. Weird how much I used to look at those HORSES magazines to remember all this? And just too bad that Show Circuit doesn’t have the same thing going for it…

oops Spunky - I tried to catch you before you made the call. Oh well! She caters to kids almost exclusively.

Good luck!

Hey, so maybe you need to get involved a little more in the “business transactions” of the family horse farm!

And as for questioning my motivations for giving you the Lovely Spot to ride, just look at it this way: if not for you, she’d be a broodmare on someone’s pinto sporthorse breeding program— far, far away. This way, every time you achieve a moderately successful round on Spot, there are spectators who will be looking on with admiration.

I KNEW IT! I could tell she was a wingnut (Beige Gal, not Merry) just on sight. And some of those outfits - especially the very frightening matched Yee-Ha scalloped chaps with the DO NOT TOUCH signs. Scary.

I was most impressed with the Paso Fino Saddle Meets Dressage Saddle thing over in the Spanish Horse area. The one with all the flowers carved into it. And didn’t you love the Yee-Ha sidesaddle, but didn’t it scare your backside at the thought of trying to stay on…

Where did you sit during the 1 PM Linda Allen Earthquake Rain Thunder Lightning Hail Seminar? Bet we were right next to each other and didn’t even realize it. Tis great fun scanning a crowd looking for people when you don’t know who they are …