Question for Merry

I am so glad that this funeral turned into a wake .

Pam M at least it is winter time otherwise your veil would be very hot and I won’t say what else.
Does it make consuming the usual beverages served at a wake difficult. If so I would be inclined to forget fashion and not wear it.

I am thinking of a title of a new thread. I know that I need more coffee before I can think.

See y’all on the new thread.

Mark’s death was devastating. About a week before he passed away, a horse reared and flipped over on him, landing on his chest pretty hard. They think that this, combined with the diabetes (which he had a nasty version of, it was so unfair), was just too much. When he didn’t show up and didn’t answer his telephone, someone (can’t remember who) went over to his house and found him in dead in bed.

Since he was training at our stables at that time, it was even more devastating as people turned up and found out, over and over.


I was looking through some old Chronicles from 1975 this afternoon, and saw his picture. Is he still training?

Also Merry, on the showjumping 20 years ago thread, check out Melanie Smith in her rust breeches and navy coat…looking good!!

I join bumpkin in congratulating you on baby greenie’s successful o/f debut (and the hack win).
Very cool!

Sorry for the poor grammar in the above post. My brain is not functioning due to lack of sleep. So I will now say good night all. I will see you all in BB land tomorrow.

…really got a shock when she got back from Melo that year and found out lots of her barn had moved to HB with Tracy. At one point she (Jamie) was going to work for Ginny Spooner last year as well. Let’s hope things move in the right direction for her.

You are not going to believe this but it was I, SuaveReno, not Jackie that blew the whistle on Chris at the OC A show. Chris was 3 years my senior and was a senior when I was a freshman at CdMHS. I was really upset because this show was my last as a junior and I really wanted to end my “career” with a bang. Eric Atterbury was the judge (and he was kinda poopy judge to begin with) and I believe she won 3 flat classes. So I had my Dad drive back to the house and pick up my High School annual and we showed it to Ralph V. Walker, then Chris needed to show her birth certificate and the rest was history. So Katrina had no knowledge of her age??? Hard to believe since she was at UCI at the time and had to be riding during the day. Interesting stuff.

As I mentioned, my marketing side takes over and I kinda go overboard. I guess I was over-compnesating for the lack of effort my trainer has put into getting her sold. Sorry, I am just enthusiastic.

Does anyone remeber seeing Noel Harrion (son of Rex andstart of the Girl from U.N.C.L.E.) at the shows? I used to see him at the Fullerton Recreational Riders shows all the time.

I remember Stacy and Georgiana. CeCe Durante was related to Jimmy Durante, I think and Ce Ce Presle was Cecil B. De Millne’s grandaughter. She had a terrific grey horse. I can’t remember his name tho’

Actually, he had a junior hunter that went well for him. What WAS that horse’s name? I keep wanting to say Dexter Dan, but I don’t think he had him…did he?? Threes and Sevens seemed to like him pretty well, too.

OHMIGOSH, so many memories flooding back. Mr Harris’ place was closed down only in the last few years. Well, maybe five or six.

BB ROUNDABOUT CONNECTION: the Therapeutic Riding Center of HB, which used to located at Mr Harris’ place when it first started out, went to my barn, where Taryn (another BBer) and I are and where Doubleclear used to work with the TRC.

I remember Stride Rite. I remember getting to ride him several times when I wasn’t even 11 and thought it was utterly cool.

Mary Soluka is still in the Back Bay, but they’ve made Birch into a big whizzing four lane that connects to Mesa. Now she gets traffic noise AND airplanes.

As for Ed, he sadly passed away but I can’t remember when. If memory serves me, he was training in Mammoth or somewhere around there.

Gosh I’ll never forget in 5th grade we had a filmmaking class and my film was about Bob and Ed.

What memories!

You know, I have suddenly realized the reason Merry has sooooo much trouble these days memorizing courses: Her brain is filled up with all these names and visions from the past!!

And yes, the great Barbara Worth … who then became Barbara Worth-Oakford, but the medal never changed ITS name. And there was also the International Medal (which morphed into the CPHA Medal, I think) and the Rosewood, which was a kinda bridge medal for the kids between the Onondarka Medal and the “big” medals. The Rosewood was “created” by a husband-wife trainer couple whose stable was named that. Darned if I can remember the name … but I am SURE that Merry will!

Coreene, I keep meaning to ask … you mentioned the name Argyros. As in George? Do you work for him?

Yes, Maggie married (and subsequently divorced) Brian Flynn.

And then, she was diagnosed with Muscular Dystrophy (I think that is the disease–its the one which comes and goes, but eventually will leave you wheel chair bound. But there is another one which also begins with “m”, and I get them confused).

I remember being jealous of Maggie. Smart (she was an attorney), wealthy, cute, nice husband, great rider. Then when I heard about her physical problems, it was like a horse had kicked me in the stomach.

Just goes to prove that you can have everything, but disease knows no boundaries.

In the fairly recent past I HAVE seen her name down as a Judge somewhere – so I guess that the disease is under control and she is still involved in the horse world at some level. I have (through the race horse part of my life), also heard her name mentioned as the owner of race horses. So I guess she owns some of them now.

Where shall we meet on Saturday? And when?

Re Hap Hansen and Portia’s saddleseat mention - I saw an ad for a QH reining stallion in Horsetrader yesterday and it made a great thing of “Owned by Hap Hansen.” A little side hobby? Or could there be two of the same name is a small part of SD County?

CHEF - I am taking today off work and so will email you those addresses tomorrow. Friday got to be just a complete overload and I forgot to call our dear BBer from Oklahoma re lunch as well and now feel like a total ditz California blonde (which I am, so I guess if the horseshoe fits)…

Have been away for a day or two, just read about rusty…I am so sorry. Your dear friend, thats incredibly hard. You have my deepest sympathy…

I have been to parties at Eric Clapton’s when I dated his jockey
I also sat with Ginger Baker and him at Ascot Horse Sales on a nice day I think Ginger Baker was looking for Polo Ponies.

[This message was edited by Bumpkin on Feb. 14, 2001 at 07:21 PM.]

Yes, PamM, we “did” the whole Gary Ryman topic already, LOL! (But may he R.I.P.).

Should we publish an index to all the tidbits we’ve hashed out already?

You know, SuaveReno, that whole Chris and lying about her age: I think that was one of the first shows I ever rode in, and it was filled with controversy!OOOHHH! How it foretold the intrigue I would later encounter in my horse show life! I just remember Chris’s suspension with the AHSA as being all hush-hush, because remember, back in those days, practically all we had were little schooling shows OR the A shows. Bravo to you for turning her in! Long, long after that, after she left Katrina’s, I was working at the Warehouse restaurant in Newport. I did the books there, but I had to work on the floor one Sunday brunch, and there was Chris on what seemed like a “date” with this much older guy. It was kind of awkward, like, “Hi, remember me? I’m the one who inherited the fancy horse you used to ride before you were 8-balled by the AHSA?”

By the way, my sister Beezer is not cracking the whip over her reporters at the Times today, so she’s not near a computer. I’m sure she’ll check in on this thread tomorrow. I must go now and feed my koi and bullfrogs.

Since Suave is leading a really incredible life (ha! LOL yesterday the water heater ruptured in in the am and I discovered is the pm, as I sloshed my way to the kitchen)

Anyway, I should be working on the environmental manual I am writing (I envy you real writers), so every few paragraphs i have to come back to the board and laugh and wish I was at the barn. I mean, just what can one say about underground storage tanks that hasn’t been said before, like pull 'em up!

Thanks for keeping me going through my mundane real job. What was al lthis college hype about a satisfying Career LOL! If any of you have a satisfying career will you hire me. i make a good cup of java and can be amusing to have around

So who is this person I might know. How about a hint???

Katey, I’m sure sweats would be fine…we’re the casual crowd! I am wearing rust breeches to the wake. I think the thread would want it that way.

AAJumper arrives at the wake in rust breeches complete with show bow, plops down a dish full of artichoke cheese dip. Just then, she hears the buzz of a blender and rushes off to get a strawberry margarita…

doubleclearjumper: Mary’s place is where it has always been, near Orchard Street. Many years ago, we could ride across Newport Blvd. from the Orange Co. Fairgrounds, past Mary’s place, and into the Back Bay. Then they built UC Irvine. Then all the condo’s, etc. Virtually all the horse-keeping will end as each piece of property back there is sold off. The places along Pacific Coast Highway are all gone… for years. Again, used to haul down there and ride in the ocean. Joan Irvine of course has her place, and Coto de Caza is still going… though not nearly as nice or populated as when Max Bonham was there. Most horse-keeping in Orange Co. is relegated to major equestrian centers now. Very sad. I guess that’s “progress”.

Okay, since it has stopped raining and I must go “pony” horses on the trails today, I can’t dwell on the past too much, but here goes:

Zuleika Bronson… wow, that’s a heavy name, huh! I never knew her myself; I showed AO with the mom, Jill Ireland (I think her “show name” was Michael something-or-other). The mom was quite a good horsewoman. My best Charles Bronson memory was of him at Del Mar one year wearing this outlandish one-piece RED jumpsuit! But of course, he had on the over-sized Hollywood sunglasses… didn’t want to be recognized or stand out

Other star types I got stuck competing against: Stephanie Zimbalist while she was doing Remington Steele (she was very cute and a crack-up!); Linda Blair with her horse God Bless; and Jennifer O’Neill at the apex of her modeling career. She had some nice conformation horses, yet I MUST point out that our mare, Las Vegas, beat hers at LAEC for the conf. championship!

My sister, Beezer, got to do the Paul Newman thing. She had to ride against Clea. But Paul at least wore horsey clothes and wasn’t against screaming at his kid from the rail!

Now, as for the more mundane folk: Cindy Simington is very talented and a real “hand” on a horse. But look at the great instruction she’s had her whole life. Good for her.

So Candice Schlom is in No.Carolina. She wasn’t my generation, but she did have a spectacular runaway at Indio a couple of years ago on the grand prix field. The horse literally took off with her and ran up and around the grass berm! People were diving behind palm trees, kids were being scooped up in peoples’ arms… my sister and I were like, “Geez, do you think her dad insured THIS one?” LOL!

The Young Fleet horse at Banner Farm is not a Fleet Apple relative, but an AQHA horse that was an awesome jumper.

Must go throw western saddle on Trakehner mare and make like a cowgirl now.