Question for Merry

Oh, the AtoZ show was like “Indio: The Sequel”. That’s when the Love’s had their ranch, which gets back to Fleet Apple, who was mentioned earlier in the thread!

“Six Degrees to Fleet Apple!”

I love Palos Verdes!!!
I lived there and in Rolling Hills for a short time
If you were horse crazy, that was a great place to live.
Do they still have the bridle paths all over?

(Drum roll, please…)Rust Breeches!

However, I must acknowledge that she also was wearing, in that scene where Aspercel first arrives, what appears to be a cashmere twin-sweater set, a skirt and a string of pearls! Yeah, right, I wear my cashmere around the horses. The manure dust clings to the Mongolian fibers so nicely.

Okay, you’re right, coreene, it was Karen Healey he rode for (no, I never rode with her), but wasn’t he somewhere else first?

And of course I remember “Twiggy” Langer, and her great gelding, Post Time. She often wore a light grey coat on that chestnut. Looked nice. The duel was usually between her and Kim Anderson on the grey West Point (her sister was Kris Vienna, who was married then to racehorse trainer Darrell Vienna).

Scarey Kentucky Woman is no doubt back at home pissin’ and moanin’ about all those tire kickin’ west coast idiots.

and, boohoo, DISAPPOINTED!!!
I wondered why you were making those remarks about slowing down, etc…
We shall never ever let this thread die, unless of course we start a new one…which I know I suggested about ten pages back, haha

Beezer, this is too freaky. We must have lunch.

Saddlebag:Thanks for info on Gary Ryman’s murderers. So it was just a crime of opportunity? Gary was just a hapless victim? How very tragic. I remember Russell Stewart telling me that Gary was one of the very few people who could ride both jumpers and hunters equally well, and adjust his riding style accordingly.

elizabeth:Jump in here anytime! You can issue updates on exotic animal races throughout North America!

Twister:I believe Randy got a Rolls Royce, too!

Okay, now some trivia: Here are a couple of wacky jumpers from the past: Mighty Mouse, the little black horse Timmy Postel from Foxfield rode. The horse always wore a fluffy shadow roll on its noseband, and still went around with its head up like the prow of a Viking ship. And a gray horse named “Rainmaker” from, I think, Rainbow Canyon Ranch (Mary Gatti). That horse wore racing blinkers because he ran out at fences all the time! Geez, were junior jumpers at A shows spectacles, or what?

I rode briefly with Dennis in Chino Hills, of all places, just before he made his run to Texas. I’m pretty sure he’s in Houston…saw his ad in The Chron not all that long ago. Sad loser guy who had run out of talent by the time I worked with him. (Showing my pre green at Del Mar, he managed to go off course in two classes. The judge said, in front of me, “Dennis, if you were in my barn, you’d be cleaning tack all night”!)

And does anyone remember one of his riders named Erin Staidl? She’s about 35, I think, so would have been in the juniors in 1980 or so.

Dublin: Afraid I don’t know of/about Robert Foley … though as must be obvious by now, I am much more aware of the HORSES than the trainers/riders. But if anyone knows of him, it will be Merry.

For the Equine Affair attendees: If it’s raining, Merry will refuse to wear her beloved Spruce Meadows jacket because of the leather sleeves. But it is a sure bet that the “skinny blonde” will be in jeans, a turtleneck and some sort of heavy coat (because it will not, you know, be above 70 degrees and that is just NOT acceptable ). I believe the ring the Linda Allen seminar is in is the main show ring over by the barns. Anyone know an obvious landmark where we can try to hook up??

Check out Mapquest - HCPEC isn’t too far off the 405. Skip all places in Long Beach if you like trails or whatever. Palos Verdes is glorious.

Will you be looking for trainers at these places, too? That’s a whole new drama. I mean selection.

Which junior rider of the 60’s, ended up pregnant by a groom and moving to Mexico with her new husband (the Groom) and with the Baby?

Let me know if you need a hint…

[This message was edited by SuaveReno on Feb. 18, 2001 at 11:20 AM.]

Rancho Loma Prieto. The Reeds. THAT’s IT! That is the farm name and the family name I could not remember… And it was/is near the epicenter of the big earthquate and was also ravaged by the big fire…

That is where I went horse shopping and then subsequently took an out of town friend to look at horses. And Melissa was the trainer and was showing the Reed’s jumpers.

YES! NOW I REMEMBER! The fog has lifted! I can see again!

Aye, when it was but a wee tyke it questioned the meaning of life: “Why, oh Wise One, do the movie stars have all the money, and all the fancy horses, but they make utter fools out of themselves and basically ride like cr*p?”

Then, it began to utter the names of the Famous Ones: JJ Smith, Gary Ryman, Bob McDonald, Mr. Harris, Linda Hough, Tammy Hickok, and Bob McDonald yet again. And just as it asked the unanswerable, "Who is Melissa Cardenas and is she really telling the truth about her past?"someone stepped forward with the answer.

We raised this thread on summers in Santa Rosa, sunsets in Malibu, rainstorms in Pomona. We even gave it a pet recently: a gray Jorgi Schneadle (Greyhound/Jack Russell/Corgi/Schnauzer/beagle). And all along we gazed at its change in tastes: plaid huntcoats, stock pins, poofy breeches, stock pins.

As we gaze into the poor lass’s eyes for the last time, we see she has a question on her face. What is it, dear? Speak up, my child.

“Whatever…” (cough, gasp, gurgle)…“happened to Kimmie McDonald?”

[This message was edited by Merry on Feb. 23, 2001 at 12:52 AM.]

Now I may have to go through old boxes in the garage during our upcoming rainy weekend and look for old copies of Horses.

what a great combo he and Susie were!! He was such a wonderful horse. I remember on my two trips to the California State Fair all of us Oregonians being so totally in awe of Jimmy Williams and the whole Flintridge group… I remember Jimmy having the cutest little dog, too, I think named Huggy Puppy?

Anyone else recall another good combo from the past – Julie Smith and Periwinkle?

Can we keep this thread going forever? Please pretty please??!!

Yes it is a bit cool around here, at least it is not raining.

when you lose your friend. I will go to the barn today and give my horses a treat and scratch their eyes and keep you and Jiggs in my thoughts

You are welcome to post on this thread of course, but JMHO you will get much more help posting a new Thread on your “problem”.

Dublin: that’s a dear photo! Oh, that horse shows could be so pleasant and “fun” again, the mood that photo conveys.

suave: Okay, we may have just missed crossing paths, time-wise, at the fairgrounds. As soon as I saw the Daily Pilot photo, I knew, without looking at the caption, that was DeeDee Beauchamp. Again, didn’t know her personally, but I “knew” her as one of the gals riding hunters at the fairgrounds. As for CHRIS CORNELL… LOL!Yes, she was Katrina’s “rider” whom I er, replaced, let’s say. The whole hoopla came to a head when, as I recall, she lied about her age at the A-rated fairgrounds show so she could still ride Juniors and Jackie Kruckenburg nailed her on it! The last straw, to Katrina, was when she rode a horse for Don Swan while Katrina was gone. That got her fired. I was just a young teen, sort of on the outside, but I just remember thinking, “So, she rode a horse for another trainer???Big whoopin’ deal.” Little did I realize the animosity between Katrina and Don! I inherited the rides on Sweetie/No Exit, whatever the heck that little red TB gelding was called that Chris rode. Must say I cleaned up on him, and until recently showed a similar horse in the amateur division and my mom and sister would always remark, “It just brings back memories of you on Sweetie.”

As for asking questions about trainers currently, I see you have e-mail. I’ll e-mail you and we can be a tad more discreet. But go ahead and “ask” the names here… You’ll probably get far more e-mail responses than just me!

Here are the latest from Indio. Sorry but I don’t know how to upload more than one at a time.