Question for Merry

What time is the Linda Allen clininc? She asks, too lazy to scroll back and find the link to the site and scroll all over that, too…

That was the woman, the one in the scary beige outfit. I left the booth shortly after entering, mainly because the scary woman took one look at me and was like, there is nothing here to fit you … you have – GASP – something for a bra to actually hold up!! So she zeroed in on Merry.

Which is why I didn’t see the whole spittin’ match/cat fight that erupted. But I hear tell it drew a bigger crowd than the John Lyons seminar. I’m a betting woman, and I learned long ago that if there is one thing you do not do, it is bet against Merry in a fashion fight!

Found ya! Hey girls, I know that at least one of you is supposed to be working! Merry, I am quite impressed with your ability to keep this thread going! I used to post here before they changed over the boards but life has gotten so crazy that now I just pop in on occasion to lurk and see what is happening in the world.

This rain is really a bummer - but I have to say it has worked well with my travel plans - I had to go out of town the last couple of weekends and I see that I didn’t miss much quality time in the saddle.

So - I am officially submitting my resume to join the CA clique. . .okay - scratch that - one look at my resume and you’ll never let me in. But I do have some valuable insights to offer! Such as - don’t believe Chef’s prediction of her mare’s Indio debut. . .the girl has got no faith ; )

PamM Bear is just darling! There’s nothing like a chestnut with lots of Chrome!

Dublin: Your pictures are terrif I enjoyed every one. Especially your junior pics! I’ll take you up on the book loan when you get around to it.

It seemed like Ce Ce Presleys horse’s name began with a “p” but I am not sure. It reminded me of Chesterton. Does anyone know what happend to Troubadour, Patti Huddleston’s old horse? He was so cool. I think he was one of the first warmbloods that I ever saw as compared to our slender TB’s.

Beezer: I remember Jeanne Stevens. Is she still riding? When I went to college, she was having quite a junior career. There was also another girl who rode at Winrock, whose last name was Admundson. She would have been a contemporary of Jeanne’s.

The tears … or is it MORE of this damn rain??? … are robbing her of vision.

But now that she is here, she must start with a grand gesture and a repeated yell of YEEEEEESSSS!! for getting the color of Emmett Kelly correct. Thank you, thank you PamM, Twister and Sea Urchin, for proving that every great once in a while, the younger sister is actually right about something. I WANT THAT HALF POINT BACK, Merry!

And, yes, C&C, that would be the same Nikki Smith. The bay I mentioned her buying from Bob would have been the late '70s; she had started showing ammy and this was supposed to be a “replacement” horse for her junior hunter … which for some reason I recall as being a really pretty dark brown/black with fancy white trim. But I am SURE that Merry will correct me on this.

Now. As for this “funeral” … What’s the PC term these days? A celebration of a life?? Yeah! That’s it. (Quick! Someone find a copy of Elton John’s “Funeral for a Friend” and get it on the stereo. And pour me one of those margaritas! Assuming, of course, that there are any left. And Katey, please tell your children to stop teasing my JRTs!)

So, let’s all join hands around the ice sculpture of Clifford, the rental horse both Beezer’s and Coreene’s butts sat on (that ice sculpture’s a nice touch Merry, I gotta admit) and relive the special moments of this coat. (It is officially a coat now, its threads have been woven together so many times.) We have met. We have bonded. We have formed the cult of Fleet Apple and we know that he is not related to Young Fleet. We have learned that Merry lords it over Beezer.

This coat waits for us on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge of cyberspace. Let us enjoy our edible bouquets of carrots, apples and molasses treats, raise a glass of flat diet Coke (which, as we all know, is the only drink served at horse show concession stands) and speak in hush tones of what we have created.

For it is a work of greatness. And we, as founding members of the California clique, should be proud.

Now please … since I have hunted through my endless (and I do mean ENDLESS) closets of clothes for something appropriate to wear to this thing, do take notice of my sweater – purchased in England – and its lovely hunt scene pattern. I have matched it with a classy tweed skirt and sensible flats. Tasteful gold earrings, bracelet and a lovely pendant engraved with a portrait of the original Beezer complete the ensemble.

Sigh. Who gave Merry a drink?? Merry, dear, do get off the table. And do put your cashmere sweater back on. Parading around in your purple sports bra is inappropriate for the occasion.

The Gretchen at Showcase Stables in Redlands is Gretchen Lauritzen/Clark, not Gretchen Tank. Gretchen Clark is very nice, trains a lot of girls in collegiate competition, and does the B and county shows. Unfortunately, she’s kind of in the boondocks, but she owns her place and it’s quite nice.

Honestly, I haven’t taken a lesson in decades on another barn’s horse, so I am totally clueless where to send you! I just thought of a few names of folks who give lessons. And, at least out in this area, the solid 3ft. horse is usually sold to someone to use at the county shows, LOL, it ain’t a school horse. Now, if you want a lesson doing crossrails in a two-point…

Thanks, Coreene, on the HB show info. Isn’t it amazing how riders either support a show or they don’t? There is just no middle ground. They come once, if they don’t like the footing, food, management, the people working the back gate, the flowers around the jump— they won’t come back.

And the old Del Mar photo is actually very educational and enlightening, isn’t it? Look at all the people in the grandstand. It’s packed! So when we, as an industry, start belly-aching about not attracting spectators & sponsors, we need to look BACK and figure out what went wrong!

(Just my nostalgic 2cents here)

Sorry Portia, just have to correct you on the World Cup. Jim was Chef D’Equip as an FEI steward

Well??? DO TELL Merry!!!

Mo I will let you know if I see anything else.

No I heard JJ died in a car accident, while driving his Corvette someone ran into him.

The Horsemasters is a great old 50’s Disney movie with Annette Funicello!
There is a book also.

Did she end up riding with Bob? Very petite and short woman with two pretty fancy horses?? OR am I making things up again.

Re Kathy Hobbstetter, how about I started by taking lessons from her at Hillsview before Bob was there? My brother did, too. I’ll never forget the time I turned up and there weren’t enough saddles and I had the lesson bareback.

All legs is how I remember him.
He always looked like a Greenie
But is definately him.

Stacie Ryan and Tailor Made
Champion 1983 LACHDEA Senior Hunt Seat Medal Finals
With a thank you to Kosti for all his help, understanding and patience and a thank you to Nick for finding her such a wonderful horse.

mid-70’s timeframe - John Baumann…

And Judith Spreckels is now a “trial historian”, and has edited a number of true crime books, including ‘The Private Diary of Lyle Mendendez’!!
Have to admit I wouldn’t have pictured her doing that, post-HORSES… Did she stay involved in the horse show scene at all after she sold HORSES to the Quirks in the 80’s??

Oh I thought the red linings were so “flashy”!
My navy coat had a yellow, not gold lining.
My daughter laughs at it, when I bring out of the closet.
hmmmmm think they will come back?

I was just reading a Show Circuit and saw Betsy Woods in Santa Barbara, Ridgewood Stables I think it is.
Does anyone here ride with her?

As for Linda Blair, I used to show in her AO classes out here when she owned God Bless (this roany bay). Then there were the ah, “dark days” of her life. Last I saw/heard of her she was on the east coast, with hunters. She was on 20/20, or something like that, being interviewed about the sordid horse murdering for insurance $ scandal.

I saw Christine Lund at the Orange Co. championsip show in 1999, so I think her kid still rides (I think ponies).

Bree Walker, the newscaster with the different hand/finger “arrangement” (I don’t know what the PC term is anymore) took lessons out at Paddock a couple of years ago with my friends, but I don’t think she’s doing the news out here, so maybe she and her family have moved.

Gadzooks, am I a veritable gadfly, or what? I had no idea I knew/met so many horse people!

Emmett Kelly was not a chestnut, but a dappled dark nutty brown… yeah, okay, he has some chrome on him, but he was not a chestnut. So, I get 1/2 of your points on that one.

Oh, and by the way, it’s getting “rainier”, not “rainer”. Or are you referring to the type of horse you’d like next? (Even then it was misspelled). Nothing like razzing the little sister, eh?

And speaking of dogs… I need a smallish, NON-SHEDDING type of dog to accompany me to shows. Must be small enough to sneak into motel rooms. Must be willing to ride in pick-up truck. Must also make good household/indoor companion. Must not be a crazed Jack Russell. (Oh, and I’m not spending $500.) Anyone? Anyone?

Merry, please digress.