Question for Merry

from AIDS, in the mid '80’s. John French went to California to catch ride for Patrick’s customers when Patrick first was hospitalized. But it quickly became a permanent job when it was apparent that Patrick would never have the stamina and energy necessary to continue running a show barn and riding all those horses at shows.

But, contrary to the original post, Patrick had a barn full of happy ammies. He was great with us. One of his ladies was named Rosie Garlock and she had a mare named Society Girl. This mare was a tad short strided, so Rosie never took back down a line. If the line was set on an easy stride, it was a “one cluck line”. If it was set a little long, it was a “two cluck line”. Rosie won a lot of ribbons, and all she needed to know from Patrick was whether the line was one cluck or two… I always cracked up when I overheard them talking at the back gate…

Yes, Patrick truly had a way with older ammies. And we loved him.

  1. that I’ll meet Beezer and Merry tomorrow
  2. that I won’t spend too much time buying all sorts of things I don’t need
  3. that this rain passes by very quickly!

Yes, I know your old horse. Tawne trains with my trainer (well more like takes a lesson now and then.) I am assuming he is the bay with the light muzzle and very overzealous to the jumps? They are doing really well together.

YEs, I will be at Indio for week 5 & 6 but unfortunatley because of the life interrupting thing called a job, I won’t get there until late Friday night.

Who knows if we will even end up going due to the lack of stalls, my trainer not having a hotel room (so I get to listen to her snore all night) etc. etc. And now (god forbid) our groom isn’t coming. Sometimes its more trouble than its worth!

Good luck in the classic. You’ll do great! If you are around for the weekend portion of the show, we should get together.

…with Hillary Ridland. I started with her back in 1995 and have been off/on since then. I had my last horse with her during 1999. Unfortunatley, my company decided it would be fun for me to travel non-stop beginning in January of 2000, so that put a damper on having a nice show horse!!

Now I ride with Chef! :slight_smile:

MO, it would seem to me that using Melissa for what she’s good for, training and riding, but not transacting any buy/sell/breed business with her might just be in your best interests. Since good trainers/riders seem to be in short supply in your part of the country, I’d sure give that some thought. I’d hate to see you burned again, but since you want help and Melissa seems to still be a good rider and trainer, you may be cutting off your nose to spite your face in this case.

Being from Western Michigan – it seems like that was a past life – I can understand that good horse facilities might be few and far between. Winter sure can dampen the enthusiasm!

Cheers, Maggi

PamM,any thoughts on “Ann” yet? It’s driving me nuts…big, somewhat strong, chesnut horse called Skylark? Don’t I get some type of award for knowing/mentioning her and Patsy Bell, and I’ve never been to Calif.?! I used to braid Ann’s horse some when I wasn’t as old and lazy as I am now, and remember once putting close to 60 in - I think it took me hours! LOL But she was nice enough to let me do that horse in the eq’s some.

Do you all remember Kelly Carlin? I remember George had a stallion called Stone Unturned at one point. (who did she train with?)

And Veronica Ali? Who kept getting FLUNG face first into fences on the fancy green conformation horses her (ahem) trainer would buy for her… Mohammed Ali and his good friend John Travolta came to quite a few shows when Veronica was riding. I cursed her (ahem) trainer for not mounting her better so she would want to stay around.

I remember that Mia Wood’s Pep Talk was one of the cutest horses I had ever seen.

I am still trying to find the (alleged) issue of Horses with “Valor Retires” on the back. Evidently Linda Hough (Sutton Place had the back cover) put Valor on there and I never knew about it since I was already in law school and I guess I did not still get the magazine.

If anyone has such an issue (would be from 1983 I think) I will pay BIG BUCKS for it!!!

And then, of course (be still my heart) there is the entire Montana family who rode and Joe who came to cheer them on…

Re Park Place, I second that.

Gold, chestnut … whatever. And how could I have forgotten the turtleneck?? It’s standard Merry attire!

Two other names from the past: Lolly and LuLu Miller. Lolly married Mike Edrick and they ran a very successful barn out here but not sure if they’re still together? I’m sure someone can fill in the huge gaps in my memory banks…

Yes, Beezer and I saw AAJumper and froze to death in the stands with her. Boy, Linda Allen is a trooper! She gives a clinic in the wind/rain/cold and smiles and makes NO sarcastic comments; only constructive critiques. Paging George Morris…

It’s nice to go to a clinic and hear kind of the basics being taught, yet have it attached to real-life examples. She reminded riders to adjust your track for your individual horse, how to save time in a jump-off, how NOT to run all the way to jumps on a long approach (you’ll have a hard time getting your horse back for the upcoming turn),etc. It was unfortunately bitterly unpleasant weather! We just could not bear returning for the huntseat clinic, although I peeked at the riders and they were out there in their huntclothes, drenched! We stayed inside and went shopping! I bought a pair of Dansko paddock boots from the Mary’s outlet. My sister, of course, shopped until I had a migraine and my mom was going to collapse from exhaustion, so we had to drag Beezer to the car kicking and screaming.

As for the thread dying a slow death, I assume it will be inevitable. Don’t despair, Calif. clique (and former Calif. natives). We shall resurface again, even if under another unifying topic! I love the fact that we’ve gotten to know each other and gotten acquainted! As soon as the sun starts to shine again, we’ll meet up at shows!

I’ll Take Twilight BB Zone for $500 Please!

Chef was easy; she email me and there was here name. Same with Dublin and Bumpkin. Taryn is Taryn…

But the weirdest thing on Saturday was I kept wanting to walk up to people I’d never seen before and say “SO, do the names BEEZER and MERRY sound familiar?”

Too bad that it started to rain before it was over; maybe I’d have plucked up the cajones to ask Linda Allen my big question: WILL BEEZER AND MERRY PLEASE STAND UP?

Hey, SISTERS, where were you sitting by the way? We probably sat together without realizing.

I am sitting here trying to finish all my work (OK really catch up on the BB) so I can ride but as I am getting ready to go I look out the window and it is RAINING!

I live in So Cal for a reason…no rain. I think the timing will work perfectly so I’ll be hitting Indio w/o sitting on a horse over 3 weeks. I see my legs turning to Jell-O as I write!

It’s actually just a photopoint album, and is listed on my profile page, she says, blushing

Dead! LoL, you can go post on the wake thread now! lol

OK, so maybe I was wrong about Gretchen being in AZ now… but she was for a while I thought. Jumper (another ex So Cal rider) used to ride with her… maybe I’ll get her to confirm.

Anyway, back to George Meyer!! Yes that is the one. I thought maybe my memory made up the 1M price tag, so I didn’t actualy write it here, but I guess I had it right. And yes it was Presurized too!! Sorry to hear about his wife though. She was really the PR person in the barn. It is kinda nice to see that soem of the same names and faces are still out there and that they all haven’t gone on to other careers sans horses.

I am still kicking myself as I went to a giant tack sale last year, and stacked up were dozens and dozens of HORSES free!!!
I grabbed all the thick ones, Christmas Issues etc…
but I should have just taken them all.
DANG!! hahaha

Pam M Maggie is still very involved in the show world. She actually came and judged Menlo in '97 I believe. Looked great too. Still doing her lawyer thing, and has gotten more involved with racing. Actually saw her interviewed on either 20/20 or 60 minutes concerning some bad guy from Ohio. She was great.

As of right now, it has changed a little.

Saturday, in the Practical Horseman Arena (or, as our mom referred to it in a classic Mom-ism, “Practical Sportsman”), Linda Allen is doing a 10:00 a.m. clinic on Jumpers/Assessing the Course, etc. Then at 1:00 p.m. she does the Huntseat Equitation offering, focusing on trends in the showring. (I assume that means no show bows and the introduction of the newest fad, RUST BREECHES!

Beezer, I can relate to your last statement. I would die right now if a picture of me was put into a magazine right now. Not that any one would want to put a picture of me in a magazine.

Hack & Yak. Definitely a division.

back to the comments that you made regarding the Horse in the Grey Flannel Suit…at least your daughter prefers that to Barney. i can’t tell you how many years I had to put up with that Purple Dinosaur. Was Kenny Nordstrom in that one too? I wasn’t sure if he did the Dean Jones stunts. Do you remember th “Horsemasters”? I recently got a copy off of EBAY. What a stitch to watch it!!! Love those styles.

Tell me…I didn’t see it in the thread…are you an Equine Vet? I would have loved to have been a vet but i couldn’t get through the math. I count like trigger!