Question for Merry

Your JR’s are sooo cute. When I was at Indio weeks one and two there was a person there selling ton’s of terriers. I don’t know if anyone else saw him or not, but I thought the best way to get a JR is to go to a breeder.

Do you handle your own dogs or do you have a handler when you show? I showed SCWT’s for awhile until my male short circuited and had to be put down. He started getting pretty aggressive abd the final straw was that he attacked my older daughter. Not too seriously but it was just the beginning. I came to find out that his grandfather had to be put down as well for a bad temperment. JR’s seem really cute and not to aggressive. Would that be right?

Beezer: Do you raise JR’s too?

Now it’s time
to say goodbye
to the "Question for Mer-ry
But who KNOWS what happened to Kimmie!

Thanks, girls. This one has been a blast, but it’s time for retirement.



PS: Just hit the “Close thead” thing and it says I can’t -now shooting emails to the administrators to ask them to do so.

Coreene, yes, I vaguely recall Kim Ostman … think she was one of the ones who moved with Bob to the fairgrounds? Would have been about the same era as Pappy J, I think. Also remember “talk” of the girl who died but since it happened before Bob moved and long before Merry and I started riding with him, I don’t know any of the gruesome details.

And you say you used to groom a bit for Bob? At Peacock Hill and other shows?? I can’t HELP but wonder if the real Beezer was one of the ones you might have helped with, though Merry and I usually did our own grooming to help cut costs.

Do you remember Yvette Batista (sp?) with Private Collection? He was a really pretty chestnut horse with a star and won quite a bit. Or Jeanne Rodriquez? They were my “Bob era.”

And Rusty! Please don’t tell me my favorite northern environs are going the way of the bulldozer! Merry and I still have hopes of getting back up there to show. We have some lovely memories from our “excursions” to Northern California.

Horse World! I bought my first split ear bridle there. Just for hacking, you know.

How about Rasmussen’s Saddleback Saddlery? Old Santa Ana Feed, when it was on First and Grand? Gosh, that was in the days before Dana Smith became Dana Gimple before she became Dana Smith.

I worked at that original SA Feed when I was in college. No air conditioning, and our record was when it got up to 106 in the store one day. We were not amused.

Beezer, the old Montgomery Wards in Huntington Beach used to sell tack, too.

Regarding the Flintridge era you mention. Was’nt Melissa Cardinas (Johnson) a rider then too? With Susie H., and Anne K. ? Bumpkin also mentioned earlier in this post a Jimmy Kohn (sp?). Didn’t Melissa also ride with him? He is the trainer who moved out to PA. and passed away last year,am I correct? Also, Did Melissa have a big Hanovarian breeding program at one time? Sorry for all the Q’s(?), but I’m just curious.

What time are you going?

This is how I earned my civil engineering degree through “Study at Home!” exercises: 1. Get shovel; 2. Dig one long, connecting trench so that lakes in corrals flow freely into arena, forming one huge lake; 3. Now dig trench from arena lake up to fence line; 4. Under cloak of darkness (caused by looming thunderclouds and a sheet of hail) dig trench under fence onto neighbor’s property; 5. Stand back, approvingly, as water flows onto neighbor’s land, forming huge lake in her arena.

Okay, now, about that crazed Kentucky woman at Equine Affaire! So, I’m walking down the aisle in the John Lyons Shrine Hall and I come upon this large booth displaying some— “remarkable”— western show outfits. I pointed them out to Beezer, saying, “Hey, the western folks get to wear lavender sequins and embroidered foo-foos and I get dissed for wearing rust breeches?”

I then notice, due to factory-installed Huntclothes Radar, that the same booth is hawking English riding apparel. I see huntcoats. I see lovely shirts. I step inside and also see
Scary Kentucky Woman , now to be referred to as SKW. She’s got big hair, a tight suit, and beige opaque stockings (NOT apropos for winter, but I digress). I’m admiring the huntcoats, but when I touch them I register a “red alert” (i.e., cheap fabric). SKW informs me that these are “Van Teal huntcoats. They’re just on the market.”

I notice they’re only $100. I ask, “Is this just a promotional price to get them out in the public?” SKW skews her purple-mascara eyelashes at me and gives me the corporate history of Van Teal, chastising me for not knowing their imminent domain over everything huntseat.

Passing on the huntcoats, I slide over to the Van Teal shirts, 1/2 of which are stacked on a shelf system, the other 1/2 are on hangers. The ones on the shelf are boldly marked “50% OFF!”. I just want to browse, because, oddly enough, I recognize some of these shirts as being in my closet at home. SKW barges up and says, “What size are you? You look like a 12.” I begin, in my own, self-deprecating manner, to explain that I have to buy a 14 or a 16 because of my ape-length arms. So SKW slaps at a couple of shelves and says, “These are your sizes.” I look, I kind of mentally go “ick”, but then notice the ones on the hangers. Some of those look appealing. But SKW snaps, “Those aren’t on sale!”

Now I go back to the shelves, and decide to look once more. Maybe I could tailor a larger sized shirt? SKW intervenes. “I showed you which shelves were your sizes!” At that instant, I realize the price tags on the sales shirts say “$160.” with a line thru it, and a hand-written “$80.” I stand back in horror, then laugh. “You’ve got to be joking,” I say. “I just bought this exact shirt at Mary’s last summer regularly priced for $90. Plus, at Thrifty Horse, which is a consignment shop in Orange County (I had to bring them up!)I just bought a new Van Teal for $75.”

SKW was about to blow her big hair! “It must have been a different fabric! These are 100% Egyptian cotton!” I tried to explain that no, I bought the exact same shirt, but SKW was getting steamed at me! She just was not in sync with the local So. Cal. karma. So I said, “You’re not from around here, are you?”

“No, I’m from Kentucky!”
I smiled and said, “I bet you’ll be takin’ a lot of these shirts back there with ya’!” And I left.

[This message was edited by Merry on Feb. 13, 2001 at 12:02 AM.]

Everyone together now: “It’s a small world, after all…”

And I like NEVER do my own photos for articles, because the magazines always send some pro out, but the websites are a little less funded.

Beezer and I are venturing to the Mary’s sale in Del Mar on Friday 3/2. Praying this isn’t a repeat of Pomona, there should NOT be a scary Kentucky woman there, so I should be able to purchase clothing items in a demure manner. I shall investigate the beige line of breeches just for this BB.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> Speaking of old horse things my husband brought home a record on Stock Seat Equatation by
Ronnie Richards. Some one that works for him bought it at a record show or something like that. On the cover it lists the other one as Hunt Seat Equatation, I don’t remember who taught on that one. Does any one else remember these records? I know there are a few of you who also remember
what records are. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

We had that record (the hunt seat one)!!

I am not at all sure who it was, but if I had to pick a name I would say Jimmy Williams.

PamM, Bear is one very NICE horse!! What’s his job? Sorry, have to wipe the drool off of my chin.

Suave that person you saw selling the JR puppies is the one we’ve been alluding to. No papers, shots are questionable and price is outrageous.

I know exactly what you mean. I think a lot of people were surprised.

OH, re George Meyer, spoke to a friend last night who told me the story re the expensive horse. George had been getting horses from a gal for not much, and she called and said “I’ve got this one and he’s kind of skinny, but I think he’ll turn into something big.” He went there, walked right past the horse without noticing it and then bought him for $1500.

My sister is such a doofus! Geez, Beezer, don’t you realize you ride against Kyle King’s mom’s horses in your jumper classes? His sister just left Sarah Baldwin-Cline’s barn and was my timer the last time I judged jumpers at Bridleton! WAKE UP, WOMAN!

Horse World in Huntington Beach? Oh crikey, I was the part-time manager of Horse World for the Zych’s (the owners). I remember when the square dancing dresses would come in, and I would try them on and wear them around the store when no one was around!LOL!

Randy Redmer, I believe, is no longer with us, although if I speak prematurely, I apologize. He was my age; we rode together in all of our eq. classes. He worked for Diane Grod for a long time. Favorite Randy Redmer story: he ah, “spent time” with Barry Manilow at Indio one year when it was still the Date Festival. (Oh! Head rush! That’s an ironic title, isn’t it? “Date Festival”?)

To the best of my knowledge, Melissa never was on a USET team. The only people from the west coast to make a team from this era were Hap and Susie and Robert Ridland and perhaps several others who went to Spruce Meadows (like Ronnie Freeman) when it was still considered a “left coast” horse show and east coast people did not try out or want to go.

There has been such an east coast bias to USET teams (until very recently) that unless you went back east and competed in major Grand Prix’s you were not even considered for a team.

Only in the last 10 years have west coast riders been considered on a par with east coast people (unless they physically went back and beat the east coasters at their own game).

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> Sorry Portia, just have to correct you on the World Cup. Jim was Chef D’Equip as an FEI steward <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ah! Thanks for the clarification, wty! I knew he was someone in charge, just couldn’t remember how much in charge!

The last time I saw Jim McAvoy, I was maybe a 15 or 16 year old kid still taking my Saturday lessons on the school horses at Bradley’s, as I had done for years. I remember how excited I was so many years later when I read a story on the World Cup and it had his name in it.

…would probably faint from shock to see that a little question re What Is She Doing Now would have turned into a So Cal reunion of sorts / meet and greet / Mother Nature / fashion statement / gossip column / Big Hair discussion of almost 400 posts.

Of course, never did find out what she’s doing, ha ha ha.

CHEF, sorry to be a flake and that I did not send you that info sooner, but glad you became The Chef Who Got The Canary! I have always loved canary breeches. Why I could just wax lyrical …

RE THE RUST BREECHES: at Steinberg’s at our barn I saw the most darling darker plaid (very small plaid) shirt, can’t remember the maker, which would go SO nice with rust breeches and some very posh colored coat. As a matter of fact, the shirts are all so great tnat it would almost (but not quite) inspire me to show.

Love the pics — just curious – what class was that at Indio where you could use splint boots? Cut e horse!

And the 1960’s pic – so veddy veddy 60’s (nice auto release, there) – LOVE the judges–especially the woman with her dress and fancy hair do.Does anyone know who they are?

re: Melissa – saw a post about about the Bernie clinic and that he did not recognize his old friend. I LOVE IT This is too small a world to tell untruths and not have them come back to haunt you.

Merry, I canot get that page to load — so I still don’t know what you look like.

Yes, coreene, she was married to Jim Lampley. Why do I think they got a divorce??? Crikey, now I’m up to date on the life of L.A.'s newscasters? No wonder all the stuff I once knew about Shakespeare, Milton and the rise and fall of Constantinople has been crowded out of my brain!

Fleet Apple is no relation to Young Fleet!!!

  • I’ve seen/spoken with Julie Smith, as I’ve judged the ETI show 3 yrs. in a row up there at Ernie Howlett Park. Her students are, of course, always immaculately turned-out. She always has a smile on her face!

  • Tish Quirk had the Lucky Boy son, Best of Luck, as her hunter stallion. She now has that lovely breeding farm/stallion station in Valley Center. Hmmm… this weekend I may run into someone who can tell me more about HORSES folding…(NOT that I’m a gossip-monger or anything like that).

  • Ronnie Freeman: He’s one of those “You either love him or hate him” fellows. Personally, I’m irked by a guy who seems to always stroll into the arena, halt, check his girth, make eye contact with the spectators, etc. And there have been other incidents where horses have been sold without their owners really knowing about the transaction. I guess he runs quite a sales barn!

  • Dennis Henderson: Ah, where shall Beezer and I begin? When Bob left for Idaho, he recommended either Mike Neilsen or Dennis. Since Dennis schmoozed a little better, we went with him. Since we had our own place, we often just met him at shows. Then he began this downward spiral, into an abyss of a bad reputation. He never seemed to fully recover, although he did really well on the Arab circuit in hunters! I can’t help but feel sorry for him. He had all this knowledge, was once a top A trainer, and now he’s reportedly in either New Mexico or Texas. Anyone know about him?

  • And now, for my shopping recommendation of the month: Coreene, Chef, Taryn, and the visiting Spunky, you must go to that hole-in-the-wall place, Thrifty Horse! I went there today and there’s a whole shipment of GP huntcoats and Essex and Marigold shirts— all brand new. And of course, they’re CHEAP! Needless to say, you have to wade thru the ratty consignment stuff that’s been there forever.

[This message was edited by Merry on Feb. 01, 2001 at 11:18 PM.]

Well I’m hoping that you understand I meant “West Coast Jump” in a positive light, after being bought by BCM. And on a side note, I trekked across Holland last Spring to their head office so I could buy a Samsung Nations Cup jacket, which would never have arrived had I ordered it via the internet.

Re this whole fashion thing, I am just waiting for the return of the brown field boot. It will happen.