Question for Merry

Anyone wearing the above mentioned outfit must also wear bright red lipstick and comb their hair into a page boy which sticks out below the hunt cap (in a tasteful hairnet of course. We do not want to be tacky…)

Jamie Mann is was the assistant for Richard Spooner at LAEC.and now maybe for David Josiah??? Well, she’s at LAEC anyway.

That’s funny the the Coutsoftides came up, I was actually pretty good friends with Lela for awhile. The horse world is so small.

I agree, this topic has been most entertaining. While I hardly contribute (hey, I’m only 26 AND extremely shy), I am thoroughly enjoying my enrollment in So Cal Gossip 101.

Coreene played hooky from work on Friday, and as she mentioned before, does not have a computer at home (come on dearie, that is so 20th century!!!). I will be sure to thank her on Monday for her incredible, life-altering creation of BB perfection.


Waht is John french’s deal as a private trainer for Cathy Mendez? I thought that meant that he would only work for her---- but if he is riding your horse (which I can see that he obviously is…) then he must have some sort of side training thing going on? Or does he just ride other horses at shows, and only has Cathy Mendez’ horses at home?

Quick - name the source of that quote! (Think of it being said by an actor with a heavy accent.)

I believe I can confirm that this is the longest thread ever. Generally, before any hope of reaching this vintage, they have long since deteriorated into fighting, name calling, or overly frequent use of the word “thong.” I salute you!

I loved her photos!

Gretchen Tank – now there’s a name I hadn’t thought of in years!! Thanks for the info on Cynthia.

Here’s another Fallaw picture of Maggie at the State Fair that I always liked:

Merry you are the “queen” of this game!! Yes you are quite right it was Don Simington at Onadarka! Never saw them much at shows, maybe the old Turkey Day show (do they still do that??) but do remember going to their place in Calabasas to get my horse. Still can’t forget that hair though!!

Hmmmm if you don’t know John Annello, I’m guessing he’s disappeared. I know he was at the Zulieka B. place in Malibu too for a while. Does she still ride? I think her sister does right?

Wow CA still has the Rosewood, Onadarka, and CPHA medals?? Those names bring back old memories! I never had a horse to ride in the Barbara Worth medal, but that was, to me, the ultimate class to win at the time. Can you tell its been quite a few years since I’ve been back to CA to show?? Think the last CA show I did was in 1988.

PamMRe: Maggie Flynn, it’s Multiple Sclerosis. And oddly enough, my girlfriend (an AHSA judge) recently told me about judging with Brian Flynn! Seems he was bent on always pinning a horse in the hacks that was a tad off behind, and when my friend pointed that out, Brian said, “But it’s just in the hind end.”

As for all the Flintridge horses/names, my era was very much Susie Hutchinson, Hap on Green Dolphin, and then Anne K. inheriting every ride after Susie broke her leg (like Gemini). I liked John Sadler, who rode O’Shea in hunters, and then jumpers like Record Time. Then, many years later, when I was working at Hollywood Park for (who else?) Monty Roberts , who do I run into? John Sadler! He’s a race horse trainer, and does quite well with the more expensive claimers and allowance horses. We were just cracking up about all the old horses we remembered.

I’m thinking Patrick Rostron??? I believe he was training up in Portola Valley during the timeframe you mentioned…but (stealing from Dennis Miller here) of course, I could be wrong!

One could, say, wear the brown field boots with the rust TS, and then a very nice new coat and shirt. Decorate throat at will, lipstick of choice, hair up or pageboy and then try like hell to find an approved BROWN helmet.

OR: you could just whatever struck your own fancy and convention be damned.

Say you were having an English day - you could toodle into the ring in your scary beige (they do a scary beige Over There - sorry DoubleClear but I don’t like it) or canary breeches, too-short boots, stretchy velvet collared jacket (HAVE YOU SEEN THOSE PSEUDO SHADBELLY LOOKS THEY HAVE? DARK BLUE WITH A RED VEST?!?!?!), your man’s necktie and a dark blue helmet.

Whoops, there goes the phone, gotta run …

AA, you go girl! Those who are not with you in person will be rootin’ for you in spirit.

Bumpkin’s Collection Of English Horsey Rockstars For $500, please include:

(the late) Cozy Powell, racehorses
Kenny Jones, polo
Steward Copeland, polo
Mike Rutherford, kur tunes for his wife Angi


Bumpkin, Georgina is now Rodriguez, and yes was Rosemarie’s daughter. She still rides and shows, I think reining… Has some very nice horses.

You can’t leave this thread for a moment Beezer. It takes days to catch up!

Suave, very nice mare. Nice and flashy too, one of my fav’s with all that chrome.

Those Hack & Yak’s are hysterical coreene. By the way, does anyone else see the big 50 looming up? (not the year, pages)

Jaime Lynn: Master Dan is another Linda Hough trained horse (owned by Megan Johnstone). She bought him from George Lindemann when GL moved on to bigger and better things. At the time, Megan had 4 junior horses – two large and two small (since that is the maximum amount you are allow to qualify…). She had Master Dan and Watership Down (bought from the Nielsons in NY) and Homegrown (bought from Marie Reynolds in NC) and _______ the very fancy chestnut mare who went on to be the dam of January’s Best (Magic ____???)

Magpie: Her name is Ann _________. She is about 5’4", with a cute round face and a chipper smile. She was at Flintridge when I was there (all 6 months of my tenure) and she went east shortly thereafter. Her last name is veddy veddy “Plymouth Rock”. I am sure she had at least 12 relatives on the Mayflower. I just cannot remember her name! I DO remember that she went to Bakersfield and during the entire show, no one from Flintridge warmed her up or even watched her go and she came back FUMING! It was that very summer she went east to ride.

And what about Patsy Bell!!! Has no one mentioned her yet? She had Who Cares – and then she bought Kaiko from Pat Warren and rode with me up north when she married Alan Severinson. What a NICE person she is! And a beautiful rider.

Merry you know more than me. Like I said I was 8 to 10 back in those days and don’t remember much. Debbie Call sounds really familiar. Other girls that were closer to my age that also moved from Ed’s to Bob’s were Maria Cardigan with Quincy and Lisa Argyros (sp?) with a junior hunter I was in love with named Good Christian. Her parents are still in Newport Beach and live down the street from my dad. I can’t recall too many other names just remember the faces and horses come to mind these days.

As for the state of that area, it makes me sad. We moved to Irvine in 74. It was all open land back then. I started my first riding lessons at the place you all referred to down by the beach between Corona and Laguna. Wasn’t it called Seahorse Riding Academy?? I can’t remember why they got closed down, but it was their demise that moved me to the fairgrounds. Now its all development everywhere you go. Kinda sad. I hardly recognize things anymore when I go home to visit the parents.

Gosh, you’re right, I had totally forgotten. I lived overseas for a few years and I think it happened when I was gone.

Thanksgiving marked five years since I did the Humpty Dumpty headfirst on cement and I still have a few problems with it on occasion, so I can only imagine how bad it must have been for her.

I propose a Topic Vote that one day we all meet up and reminisce.

Other names from the past/questions: does Anita Linn still work with Mickey Hayden? What ever happened to Tammy Hickock? I know she was doing jumpers still when I was working at Santa Ana Feed (the old one on First and Grand) while in college. That’s more carbon dating.

I was there at a show, and I was walking around with my trainer, and I look over and see this man who looks EXACTLY like Tom Selleck. I was staring at him wondering if it was him or not, and my trainer whispers “that’s Tom Selleck!!!”

Oh WOW, I’m at the Orange County Business Journal on Michelson Drive!!! Email me and I’ll give you our office number; my email address is

MERRY - Robin had a show a few months ago that was supposed to be for three days and day three just vanished. It was canceled for lack of interest/enteries. I know that the people from Ginny’s barn are only going to Indio for weeks 1 & 2, but those few do not an entire show make. I’d call Robin and find out. Greg has totally shelved his Grand Cheval series at HB.

I bought my very best, most wonderful junior horse from Patrick in 1984 when he was training out of Charter Oak. He was, I believe, one of Randi Snider’s horses and I’ll never forget Patrick’s face when we went to try the horse and my MOM decided she would hop on for a little hack too Old Woody didn’t care that she had her sneakers or loafers or something like that on and he just went for her I think that’s what sold him!! But Patrick was very nice to us as well…

Well, if anyone happens to read this before they leave, I’ll be at the 10:00 Linda Allen clinic. I’ll have my black Victorian Farms jacket and a green sweater w/jeans, white nike tennis shoes. Hope to see some of you guys there!


Thank you, Bumpkin, for that news update from your front row seat in the Twilight Zone of the past. Now, since you’re tuned into HORSES of the early 70’s, who else is in there? Lane Baker? A young Kenny sigh Nordstrom? Who are the big Flintridge horses? What about Foxfield?

And so who dares me to actually CALL Bob McDonald and find the answer to coreene’s question that started this entire thread: “Whatever happened to Kimmie McDonald, and is she still riding?”