Question for Merry

Am I the only one sitting here twiddling my thumbs while waiting for the transition from page to page? I have a DSL connection and it should be reasonably fast, but it sure isn’t. Is it because of the number of pages? Or, am I all wet?

If it might be time to create a new topic to continue with the marvelous exchange, but make it immediately recognizable to all of us fans who are hooked on the current topic, how about something like “Merry and Beezer Do California Gossip?”

Okay, CeCe Presley’s gray horse was named… coming to me… it was an ocean-themed name… Wave something? Tide something? Silver something? Ah geez, someone smack me in the head…Down, Beezer! Not you!

Oh! Was it High Tide?

Hunt teams: I can ante up a plain sandy-bay, very lopey pace. Anyone?

Now, for my delve into the horse-shopping-swapping foray: This girl in our trainer’s barn, who’s is 13, is just the cutest kid and a naturally talented rider; excellent eq., good leg, soft hands. Solid intermediate level. She needs an older eq/medal horse, one that ideally has a lot of miles, and is dropping down a peg from the 3’6" and will be solid in the 3foot medals for a while. She does mostly county and B shows. Think “old campaigner” here, although not a complete cripple. Anyone from say, Fresno south have anything to divvy up?

I’m on the phone right now calling their father to come get them. As for the JRTs you’ll have to talk to your sister about that one. Oh, gotta go, my 1yr old is now on top of the buffet table along with the JRTs licking the ice sculpture.

Ha ha, I’ve beaten my sister to the punch on this one.

You mean George Meyer. He came from to the Or.Co. Fairgrounds from Peacock Hill… now THERE’S a barn from the past!Carbon date that place, Coreene!

Beezer bought the horse Beezer from George when he was at Peacock Hill and had stopped teaching high school and gone into training full-time. We owned that horse for 24 years!

George’s wife (Carol?) died of cancer about 10 years ago. We had the same doctor, so that’s how I found out. It was hopeless (I believe breast cancer that had metast. to bone quickly). He has remarried. He now trains at Sycamore Trails in San Juan, and his place is Pacifica Jumpers. Every now and then I run into him at a show. He’s always very cordial. Kind of funny that way, how when you both know where each other started from, the humble beginnings, how that sort of breeds familiarity and a level of respect.

The horse you’re referring to that George was the agent for at $1M was… gosh dang it, I can see the stupid beast in my mind… it was a dark bay with a white stripe. AUGGH! I don’t think it was the Natural…

Paging my sister…

Merry, I was talking with a bb friend yesterday about how funny it is that we could be so interested in a thread where we knew absolutely no one. All your rememberances are fascinating, so, you’ll get no complaint from me about the length of the thread.

dmj, that is so funny – I called Park Place, listened to the answering machine, and hung up without leaving a message. I won’t bother calling back! LOL

So much for a lesson! Does anyone have a horse that needs a hack on Thursday or Friday evening . . . ?

Still reading eagerly. You guys are amazing, what memories!

CWP - email Portia, I believe she just had one made for her by Couger2 and could probably help you.

Is the sun going to shine again? It has been raining for 5 days straight. It even snowed about 5 miles from here. I am trying to decide whetther there will be any left when I try to take my daughter up there ito see snow for the first time.
It was snowing near a friend barn.

No, sorry, we were never in HORSES magazine.

Geez, coreene, do you have e-mail? Do you go to any of the bigger Orange Co. shows? What about the year-end finals? I didn’t go last year, but you couldn’t miss me in the past few years, trust me!

Gee, Beezer, should I tell them in which magazine they can currently see BOTH our photos?

When are you going to Indio? I am going to be in the Desert this weekend at a convention but I will have pleanty of time to drop by.

Karen at Leather and Spice in customizing some children’s chaps for my daughter, Kari who is now riding Cosmopolitan, Karen Lucian’s old horse. I am living vicariously through her to some extent. Anyway, I am digressing, I need to pick her chaps up and would love to see you ride.

I was there week 1 & 2 (completely demolished my piggy bank )John French rode my filly Alexa in the Baby Greens (she did really weel for not being quite the hunter type). Course, he could probably gallop in on a broom and win. I think he’s a terrific rider.

Dublin’s photo album is BRILLIANT and it’s filled with all sorts of simply GLORIOUS photos.

Bumpkin, congrats! Any secrets?

Step over to the other thread. You’re all invited to the wake.

You said you do freelance work. What type? Do you do magazine work? horse related? just curious, I love writing and am looking toward my future and wondering what exactly I’d like to make my career. Thanks.

Remember the ads that began: “Whinnies from the nursery of Mrs. Wm. P. Raines”? (I think I have the name right). I was always pondering exactly what that meant until-- Duh!— they were birth announcements from her breeding farm!

Remember all the Blakiston Ranch horses? What about the conformation horses of that era, Casmareb and Set a Spell? Both of those mares were sold to Trakehner breeders out here.

HORSES magazine was so much superior to Show Circuit. It just had a different “feel” to it.

I’ll find you this weekend and we’ll figure things out. I get bored during clinics as well, but I’m at my wits end with Dave’s spookiness and need a fresh outlook on how to handle it. I also would like to see the clinic on regaining your riding confidence/boldness. I’ve been scared and hurt by so many horses in my past, and it’s really affecting my relationship with Dave.

Ooooo I love Gesa, she is a really neet lady. Dave was in heaven, and was out in so many places. He feels so much better now, even looks better-much smoother along his topline.

…and demand rust breeches (always a personal favorite), hunt coats with velvet collars, white shirts with plaid chokers with big pins, brown field boots, flat bridles, brown helmets … and then toss in Show Bows, too!

So would you wanna group after the first or the second?

I’m not good enough, not blond enough.
I didn’t get too meet Beezer and Merry and AAJumper this weekend.
Of course, maybe that is because I was on Catalina Island for the weekend, where it was sunny. . . .

Just wanted to work that into conversation!

Go to, click on Hunter/Jumper from the main menu. They change the articles every couple of days, but it’s there now. Look at/find “Flatwork for Clean Flying Lead Changes”. Go to the entire article. That’s me, at home, on a 17.3 hand horse we bred and raised. We sold him, by the way---- to SANDI NISSON!

And who rides for her? TAMMY HICKOK. Who originally rode at HILLSVIEW. And once rode with BOB MCDONALD.

Oh, geez…I just realized pretty much the entire Hunter/Jumper section at is full of my articles right now… and my photos! That’s me on the chestnut mare at Sonoma Co. Fairgrounds (Santa Rosa); me on the wicked pinto Art Deco mare at a schooling show when she was very green… oh, and cousin “Katey” on her horse that Beezer and I found for her illustrating the “True Blue Hunter” article. So now we’re all “OUT”!!! See, I told you you’d be sick of looking at me! The magazines you’ll have to find on your own.

[This message was edited by Merry on Feb. 15, 2001 at 11:09 PM.]

I think JJ Smith did some of the stunts.
He was the South American rider that competes for the Championship at the WIH.

My old horse, Tulie, was quite photogenic so it seemed like we’d always get at least one good picture per show. And of course, I can never resist ordering pics! I was at Indio week 2 and they got a really good pic of me and Cypress over a really pretty light blue/yellow/white oxer and I think I will order it when I go back for week 6. Oh, by the way…I saw that you mentioned Karen at Leather and Spice earlier. She is SO nice…we (my trainer and barnmates - we tend to travel in a herd) always go visit with her whenever we see her at a show. Inevitably, one of us buys something while we’re there! She had some nice Van Teal huntcoats on sale that I bought from her (in November), and I love the Brighton belts she has.

I go to 4-5 week long shows per year. Last year we did Indio for 2 weeks, then Memorial Day Classic at LAEC, then Blenheim in July, then the National Preview at LAEC…no small shows in between, though. This year I’d like to go to Showpark at the end of April (a source of contention, since my friend wants to go to the Del Mar National the next week, and I don’t want to go to that one), Memorial Day at LAEC, Blenheim in July, Jumping Festival in September, and the Preview and LA National at LAEC. Then maybe a few Gold Coast shows in between. I have to plan my schedule carefully because of work and having to take time off. But I made sure to put a pic of Cypress in my office at work, so that when I am really frustrated w/my job, I can remember why I’m there!