Question for Merry

Is this a five star thread? “NO”, shout we-all. “It is a 10 star thread.”

But, five is as high as they go. Unfortunately, my efforts at having this thread die with the five star dignity that it deserves have gone for naught.

I say we petition the administrator to give this thread the 5th star it so richly deserves. Over 700 posts – all in friendship. No meanness (unless you happen to be M.C. ) Not one administrator admonishment! Truly a top o the line five star-er if there ever was one.


Ocean View… yes, I believe so! Would you believe that the poor, cash-strapped Edison electric company owns power stations in Yorkshire in England? Maybe they should sell those before they gouge CA consumers for electricity!

I have the Holiday Issue of 83 right here.
It has Shana Dishell and Finesse on the cover.
Whatever happened to her?
I think Matilda is still alive.
I love this colour photo of someone in a sun dress, highheel sandals, and what looks like an ankle chain, holding two huge imported warmbloods in front of the Blakiston Ranch show tack room adorned with mass ribbons, it is right across from the page with Valor!
Dublin there is a photo of Tailor Made in this issue also, not owned by ND then though.

[This message was edited by Bumpkin on Jan. 29, 2001 at 03:44 PM.]

Hmmm… I don’t recall the Cardenas girl myself, but you must remember I was kind of boy crazy at the time (hence the Kosti/Kenny stories earlier!)

But I so totally remember Jimmy Kohn. If I thought long enough some of his horses out here would come back to me. (Paging Beezer… Will Beezer please come to the front desk…) Jimmy did practically all jumpers, as I recall. His place was called Horses LTD., and he also operated quite a sales barn out of there. I just remember being told to watch him ride, that I could learn a lot from him. So, what happened to him? How did he die? Was it a riding accident?

Now don’t forget, if you find any Show Circuits, you pick them up for Bumpkin and Dublin

You go girl!!!

Did she also have saddle seat stuff there too? Or even Miniature hore thing’s?? Too funny, I would have probably liked to go back to round 2 myself.

OK, so I’m not really Ms. Smiley. But I do share a small piece of two Pulitzers (honest … I have the stupid little plastic plaques commemorating them … somewere. In a box in the garage, I think. )

But Merry is the real star of the family. Me? I am just the wind beneath her wings. (Note to Merry: there was no YOU in finding Katey’s horse! I dragged that kid all over looking for him. You did, however, give him the seal of approval … so I guess that kinda counts.)

[This message was edited by Beezer on Feb. 16, 2001 at 02:01 PM.]

Merry I agree this rain has to stop. I am going to have to start teaching swimming lessons instead of riding lessons. We are all water logged. How ar ethe koi doing? are the growing to fit the size of their large containers. I am assuming that your puddles are noe the size of small lakes.

ceCe Pressley’s nice gray horse was named _______. Damn. I can picture them in Horses – I can SEE the horse and Cece with her red hair. I just cannot SEE the name…

Da Bear’s job in life is to pack beginners around – anything up to 2’6". He is a total point and shoot horse (he also wins all the beginner rider under saddles). He is a dear. But he is a tad too short strided to do the 3’ – or, should I say that he can do it (and win) with a pro who can nail the first jump and keep on truckin’ down the lines (he jumps like a pony --knees under his chin ). But with an ammie, he sometimes has to take an extra stride before he jumps out of the line. SIGH. But he is cute. His secondary job in life is eating. I have never seen a full grown horse stay so fat on so little food…

Is Peddie Happe still in the horse show business? (He trained/showed my mare Roulette before we bought her in the early 70’s).

Also, what about Debbie Nordstrom Sands?? My sister was an assistant trainer to her at Westlake Village Eq Center years ago…

Remember the Ostrich and Camel races???
Do they still do those?

Oh, yes, John Baumann! I’d forgotten about him. He was in one of the age groups between Merry and me, so I didn’t really have to ride against him except in the medals. I remember one of his horses, Heaven Bound, but know he rode several others. What I recall most clearly was he had this habit of opening his mouth over the top of the fence … think just about every picture of him has him making this O with his mouth. Last I heard/saw of him was many many years ago. He’d become a professional braider and was quite happy with the money he was making.

And while I am VERY sorry that I will be unable to live up to Merry’s faith in me, I fear the only thing that I can readily recall about Jimmy Kohn was that he ALWAYS wore these wire-framed sunglasses. And that was just not, as our trainer at the time said repeatedly, done.

Anyone remember Dennis Henderson? Have news on his (latest) whereabouts? Or, bringing this full-circle back to Bob (the mention of Ronnie Freeman made me think of this), anyone remember the nice Appy that Ronnie sold without the owner’s knowledge that resulted in the nasty court case? The horse (reunited with owner) wound up with Bob and was renamed Grand Theft.

I had a gorgeous dark navy pinstripe with a navy velvet collar, with the 4 foxhead buttons. Those were the coats where you buttoned just the top 3 buttons. Of course, as the fashion pendulum swung all the way over, we then got the light tan coats with the chocolate brown velvet collars, and my fave, my own guacomole-creamy green coat with a dark emerald green velvet collar. It was smashing!

Rusty, I don’t freelance, unfortunately. I work for a small civil engineering/survey company, and we got hired to do the civil engineering (grading and drainage) for a private equestrian facility. There is a really good consultant doing the architectural work for the barns and accessory structures. He is also giving input as to the general layout of the facilities and the design of the arenas, in terms of specs for the subgrade and french drain system. We take his recommendations and do grading plans for the subgrade and also final grade of the arenas, as well as the drainage system. If you are interested in more details or names, email me!

Gosh! I am just going back reading all the old posts what a terrific feeling.

I rode with Peggy Osterkamp (I was about 6 at the time) and spent many hours riding at Winrock Farm.

Do you remember Jackie Krugenberg and Joy Tathwell? Patti Huddleston???

I remember Pappy J. I think Don Swan got him for a girl named Susan. I can’t remmeber her too well except she and Don used to have ayelling match at every lesson.

Merry: Did the girl that died have a bad fall from a horse at Coto? I don’t mean to be morbid.

I should go say hello to Tulie and bring him some carrots. I ride at 9am on Saturday, so I will stop by around noon. I’ll wear a black Victorian Farms baseball hat so if you are there, you will be able to recognize me. And I’m extremely jealous of your covered arena…we have to slog around in the mud! Fortunately our small arena was rideable yesterday, although our big jumping arena was still too wet. Hopefully it will be dry in time for my lesson tomorrow!

thanks for all the information!!

I have to agree with you, that Kenny Nordstrom was a cutie…Richard Sands was easy on the eyes, too, but I think he went back to his native Australia (or was it New Zealand?) after he and Debbie divorced.

Kenny had my horse Gaily Go for sale on consignment while I was in college in Southern California and I went to see him shown in the open conformation division at The Forum in 1971. One of the coolest things was seeing my name up on the huge basketball scoreboard as owner! Here’s a picture of them from that show:

You’ve gotta love Kenny’s sideburns…


I am so irritated with myself because I recently saw a picture of brown Vogel field boots advertised in a non-horsey magazine (Bazaar maybe? But I haven’t bought that magazine in eons so it couldn’t have been…) and I didn’t keep the article to share with you all… They and another pair of boots by a regular shoe designer were pictured in one of those “in fashion” type of articles and the boots looked so horsey that I took a closer look and read the accompanying article–sure enough, Vogels!

O.k. - I went and looked at the place where AAJumper keeps her horse, in Moorpark. Very, very nice. Possible home for Buster, if I fly him out.

However, I am thinking I might want somewhere going in the OTHER direction, b/c I might someday transfer to Orange County. Can you guys think of a place near Long Beach or Huntington or Newport?

Oh, please help!

Mousie Williams – Is she still around and teaching?

and Cindy Shoemaker – I know she and Bill got divorced after his accident – where did she go?