Question for Merry

Thanks so much for your comments about “Reno”. he’s a keeper! He is a cutie and takes very good care of these old bones over fences. I got him last year in Germany and he’s just 7. I am hoping that my daughter will mature into him and he can become her medal horse. At Indio we won the maiden EQ championship week 2. What a stitch. All the ladies in the class were really sweet and we’re all about the same level. A major benchmark for me this year was to leave the ring after completing the course the without feeling nauseous It’s H*ll getting old. I hope I can start to do the "Adult " fences this year like the rest of you. I feel realy behind the curve. When I was at July Theme this year, I was studying the long stirrup course over and over (I know…how hard can that be), when one gal walked up to me, introduced herself and asked me if this was my first show.

However, I do have a darling 17h filly that John French showed successfully at Indio. We took her there to sell but my trainer didn’t market her.

So if any of you want a terrific up and comer please email me and I’ll give you specifics. Heck, I’ll even cut out my trainers commission!!!LOL Really!

Chef, thanks for the compliment on my pics! I’ve known Tulie for 12 years (my entire riding career). He was owned by my previous trainer and I used to be his groom!!!

What about Poncho Frankel?
I remember when she married Jimmy Kohn, back in the late 60’s.
She had a very unique jumper style.

Taryn, I’m definitely going. I just hope it has lots of shopping and less of the Multi-Level Marketing-Type Trainers, like some at our barn are now wannabe disciples of!

How is Dave?

HILL’S WESTERN SHOP! I remember my mom taking me there after endless begging so that I could ooh and aah at the silver tack.

A Few More Places From The Past: the Van Ruiten’s place on Trask in Westminster. The Aberdeen Angus place on Magnolia in Westminster, between Bolsa and Trask, where they also bred some pretty nice horses. And the little stable next door. El Dorado and a few of the other rental/boarding places on the Santa Ana River.

For those who might not know, John Steinberg from Steinberg’s Tack and Feed passed away three years ago. Business is still going strong though.

I am running to The Thrifty Horse! I haven’t purchased a new anything in years! (except for the new horse so the purse strings are tight)

And Yes, PV has all those wonderful trails throughout the city. I learned how to ride on my friends Backyard QH’s before taking any “formal” lessons with Millie Semelroth a long-time staple in the PV area. Actually, when I switched trainers, she didn’t have a real barn so I boarded all my horses in people’s back yards and rode to my lessons in public rings. I am quite proud of the fact I made it to the Medal and Maclay finals using this little system…Chef (who probably never saw the outside of a ring before we got him) wasn’t too excited about having to fight the peacocks just to get to the ring, though. And I can’t tell you how many times we would skip a lesson to set a nice new course for the following day, only to come that next day and have every jump ripped out of the ring.

Merry…I was a long-time participant in the ETI shows circa 1985-1990. In fact, my mom was always on the board and after I graduated to doing bigger shows, I still helped run the shows, announce, tabulate points, buy year-end awards, etc. I swear my mom knows more trainers and judges in the horse show world than I do because she was always working with them. We may very well have met! Our ETI was always known for having the best riders of any local circuit because Julie would bring all her well schooled and turned-out kids.

And Yes, Las Amigas De Las Lomas is still around. I can’t remember if they moved it to Ernie Howlett Park or if it is still at the Empty Saddle Club.

The only other recognized show in PV is Portugese Bend with the PCHA Finals. That was also moved to Ernie Howlett from Empty Saddle. And this year they took everything off the grass (baseball field) which is a shame because that really made the show special (along with all the volunteers). Without the grass, Ernie Howlett isn’t really a great place for a show of that caliber and I am afraid that it will someday lose the PCHA finals because of it.

Anyway, Dennis Henderson (AKA “Odie” right? or am I thinking of another tall guy w/ mustache?) was actually at Seahorse for awhile and went to all the ETI shows. He was scary for even a local guy. And yes, last thing I heard was that he was in Texas somehwere.

I was browsing through the Ride-Away catalog from GB this morning, and wow, there were hunt coats with velvet collars!!!
The coat I quite liked was called the County Show Jacket.
It was very similar to a cutaway, had the points, waistcoat, but was short like a normal hunt coat!
And came in tweeds or navy blue.

Of course the GB styles could be just catching up with our 70’s styles???!!!

You can’t keep ANYONE straight!

Re: Russell Stewart, Bushkins, Winrock Farm, etc. The CRAMERS were the ones who had the horses with religious names, like One Way and Easter Sunrise. They were part owners of Star Milling. The kids, I thought, were very nice and well-mannered, very quiet. And very dedicated riders. The mom rivaled ours as Queen of Horse Show Momdom, however.

Mr. Bushkin was an attorney in the entertainment industry.

How do I know all this? I, unfortunately, worked for the Stewarts in the Winrock post-Bushkin era. Sad, sad chapters in my Life With Horses. A whole 'nuther world, let’s just say. Honestly, just thinking about it, even though it was so long ago, is like ripping a scab off an old wound.

My source was “in one ear”…eeons ago

Quick question…how do I find out about a trainer in terms of their business practices without opening anyone up to libel???

Is there ummm like a better business bureau for that sort of thing??? I usually found out that word of mouth is probably the best in certain circumstances.

Please advise.

And with a sudden (and nowadays RARE) flash of remembered insight, she discounts her previous suspects. Neither Ginny nor Betsy went to Long Beach, but more to the point, they were great fun and Beezer can’t imagine them annoying anyone (except their boss … which would have been … hmm … ME! ) But I’ve revisited the timeline you gave. And I think I now have the correct trauma-causing person. And I am sorry.

Another western name from the past (hitching along with Merry’s post about the Chex horses) … Buddy Ebsen’s daughters had one, named, appropriately enough, given Dad’s TV show of the time, Barnaby Chex. And Ronnie Richards … what a great name from the “dark ages”!

I’m sure you all will find another Calf. girls topic, and it will begin again!

As for me, MO, Thanks for the laughs, and entertainment. It’s been a hoot!

I will never forget crazy lady from KY.

And thanks for all the help with MCJ!!


If I had a prize, you’d get it. I am pretty darn sure that Wanda was indeed her name!

Beez-a-rama, you mean you’re not into toiling in the dark on behalf of your nephew?

What say you re we all try and set up a time to meet in Pomona next week?

I, too, am very sorry. You have my deepest sympathy. There is no pain worse than that of losing a dear friend.

Yes, my horse is at the old CT farms, now Southland Farm.

We used to be at the gorgeous Malibu Valley on the corner of MuHolland and Stokes…with the ring right along the road and the grassed in bank on the one end. Unfortunatley it came to the city’s attention that the owner didn’t have a CUP for ust to be there and we had to leave

The new place isn’t nearly as nice but it works for us and we do have the indoor. Fortunately the Morgan trainer left and now we have one of the best vaulting teams in the county there. They are so much fun to watch. They used to be at Barron’s Gate…what a place that is!

Sure, I remember Troubadour! And Peggy Osterkamp had Mateus. But both those horses had just left the scene when I started showing. Peggy Osterkamp’s family’s dairy is literally down the road from my house. I’ve run into her a few times in town. She had Eastern Flier turned out in a corral in front until he died. Her younger sister, Karen, was in a student teaching class with me, while we were getting our teaching credentials (yes, the state of California allowed me to instruct the youth of America!).

Yes, it must be really strange to you to see “Long Stirrup” classes. I had to have that one explained to me, too!

Okay, Calif. clique, let’s all take a deep breath. We seem to have breathed new life into this thread yet again!

It’s alive, alive, I say!

Did I forget to mention that she is very reasonbly priced and completely sound

I vote for LOTS of adult beverages…

Read the post re colored warmbloods. I think we’ve met!

Thanks Taryn and Merry! I think I might go on Saturday, but I’m not sure. It’s about an hour away from me, so I’m not real interested in going by myself. I might see if I can convince my riding friends to join me. None of them wanted to go to the seminars at LAEC in December though…I went by myself! Maybe we could arrange a meeting place for those BB members who are going to attend.

Well, the baby greenie I’m doing right now looks/moves much like Echo; same mom, by Hall of Fame. I’m having so much fun with a horse that actually A) moves like a hunter and not a dressage horse; B) doesn’t “hot up” under you; and C) is just plain bay (not a pinto—enough with the Quicksilver shampoo!). I have totally made my mom promise NOT to sell him.

With your background and knowledge, your input would be welcome here, Jules!

As for Tommy Lowe: okay, if he’s still around, I don’t feel so old! He’s another one who always wore the aviator sunglasses ala Jimmy Kohn.