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Really, Dressage Hub?

Wait, this is funnier, forget what’s written on the photo (although it’s a little on the nose) and imagine it says

Groom attempts to broil horse!!!



Thoughts on her references to the -2 for tongue out and elimination for a blue tongue? I can find that NOWHERE in the USEF rulebook. Something about the tongue out being an indicator of resistance and should be taken into account in the judging, maybe she is mistaking the -2 for a rider clicking their tongue? It’s a real shame that she has so many followers that this kind of stuff is what gets passed around about the sport.

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I thought Dressage Hub was meant to be educational, ripping apart riders is not being educational. I would expect them to show good riders and explain why this rider may be good. Maybe a description of what could be bad, but not publicly shaming a rider.

Posting a video in slow motion is also very interesting, you can easily nitpick anything in slow motion, and everything is magnified to look 10x worse! I know ANY video that is posted in slow motion, you can make a rider look bad, or even a snapshot at the wrong time can easily be taken the wrong way. I would rather see the video posted in regular frame motion without an manipulation.

I did comment about it, and her response was typical of someone who’s out to get people. Shame as Dressage Hub should be about educating the sport and giving it a good reputation, instead she is bringing the sport down by only focusing on the negative. I don’t follow Dressage Hub, the fact that she asks for Donations just irks me, so she can sit at home and nitpick riders.


This isn’t even focusing on the negative @LadyB, it’s literally just making up libelous nonsense.


PS, be prepared for the DressageHub owner to track down your email and contact you personally because you started this thread, even if you delete it later. She may even accuse you of “committing liable.” :lol: :lol: Yes, “liable.” Ask me how I know…


Don’t worry @right horse at the right time , because I literally came here to post this nonsense and you had beat me to it. Plus I’m super easy to find since I posted the same pic here as I did on the ridiculous post full of ridiculousness.


The person who runs Dressage Hub is supposedly all about riders being above the bullying and negativity, yet she herself is the biggest bully of them all. That is all that I have to add. I blocked her several months ago.


She booted anyone who made a negative comment. So it looks like everyone is on her side. Fake news.


Do you mean that the pictures I so proudly take (and even sometimes post on FB!) of my horse’s slight foam when we have a good ride mean I’m plotting to cover up the mouth yankings and beatings he receives on a daily basis in between his massages and pedicures? FOR SHAME, RHRT! ;D.

This is such a cluster.


I wish I were smart enough to figure out things like this. Thanks for posting.

I also wish I were smart enough to figure out how to respond to multiple posts with one post in the new format…


Seriously. Mine too. He would literally stop in his tracks and stand there licking it off.


Can someone please tell me what [she] (and yes, she IS the one responsible for the identity theft mentioned upthread) puts forth as her qualifications for being judge jury and executioner of all things dressage? WhoTF does this kid think she is? And that crap gets to stay up on FB, but sales of horses is banned. SMH


She’s welcome to track me down as well - training level rider enjoying my horse - actually, I might just have to get some marshmallow fluff just for fun and post pics ;). Did she leave your posts up? She took tons down. She’s having a very public meltdown. Friends should take away her internet access for a bit.


Well I certainly think that anyone who is acquainted with Susan Jaccoma ought to point out that libelous crap to her. If it was me getting roasted you can bet your sweet hiney I’d be sending in the lawyers. I started to post something (I do not and never have “liked” that page) and thought better of it.


Oh no of course she didn’t, my initial post with picture was removed. So then I suggested they might be confused and reposted it. And then I couldn’t comment anymore on anything :lol::lol::lol: I was shunned


I think anyone acquainted with Susan Jaccoma should tell her how lovely that horse looks. But she probably already knows


No, that’s awesome. I always just think of Dwight from The Office. unshun! shun! . I has all the sad :lol::lol::lol:


Back in the day she was trying to fling lawsuits at everyone [edit]


Well I asked a question on the Dressage Hub page and she deleted it so I posted again asking why it was deleted and now I’m banned. I know neither parties other than by name not personally so what does that say about this person. Ban your audience you want to like your page all because I wasn’t bashing just one person.


I literally only posted that many horses salivated without underlying issues, posted a pic of my fei horse, and noted she went in a loose ring snaffle.

I then reposted the same thing when it was deleted.

I can only infer that I was banned because I WASN’T bashing anyone.

It also leads me to conclude that Dressage Hub is nothing but a slam book.