Recently diagnosed with breast cancer

I hate to hear this. Been there, done that. I will be thinking of you.

I wish I weren’t on the opposite coast, I would love to come give you a hand. Continued jingles!

Wil be praying you through!!! :yes:

Sending you lots of {{{{{{{JINGLES}}}}}}}

Sending positive thoughts and prayers from KY.

You have so much on your plate, dealing with cancer and foaling. I pray that you have the strength that it takes to get you through this trying time in your life.

The power of COTH jingles is great. Believe in a positive outcome. Sleep when you need to do so. Find a friend, with whom you can discuss all of the feelings that you have right now. Always take a friend with you to Dr. appointments. Sometimes, we miss things or forget questions, because of the stress. A friend can help you remember to ask the right questions.

Please write us updates, when you feel up to doing so.

Weekend Jingles & AO ~

[I]Weekend Jingles & AO ~

Thinking of you and your family two legged and four legged ~

Please know you are in the thoughts and prayers of many ~ ((HUGS)) ~[/I]

Thank you all! This has certainly been an interesting time and I am sure it will be an adventure.
They have changed my plan. I am now having surgery next week, before chemo. A second mass has been discovered on the recent MRI. So, they have determined surgery first is my best option. Next week they will do demolition and reconstruction at the same time. I will have the double mastectomy and have them replaced during the same surgery.
I will just keep reminding myself that my breasts are attached to me, I am not attached to them.[/QUOTE]

Just saw this and wanted to send you a hug and support from another survivor. I had the double mastectomy and chemo and did very well throughout my treatment - really, it was more of an inconvenience than anything else! I did the demo/reconstruction at the same time and have been cancer free now for almost 6 years. It is very do-able.

I was able to work, ride etc throughout my treatment and hope you have the same experience!

Just now seeing this. Good luck on Monday Gen. I will be jingling for a super successful surgery and quick recovery.

I wish I were closer. I would happily volunteer to be your “muscle” during foaling season. I can’t imagine any better way to learn. Perhaps someone near you would be equally as eager for that opportunity.

JIngles & AO for this week ahead ~ ((hugs))

Jingles & AO for your week ahead ~ you will be in my thoughts and prayers ~ ((hugs))


Will be thinking, jingling, praying for you tomorrow. Your such a strong women physically and mentally, you can do this.

Susan, in Texas

Many jingles coming from Canada for you tomorrow and all week. Kick that devil out!

Thank you! Tomorrow is the big day. Finally something will be done to battle this beast in my breasts. I have been referring to my mastectomy as a makeover. Keeps my mind is a positive place. Heaven knows no breasts will be better than the these diseased things attached to me now.
Surgery is at 1pm.

I already sent you positive vibes on another forum and on FB, but more can’t hurt. Will be with you in thoughts all day.

I’ve been hoping for an update. I pray all went well.

Hope you are resting comfortably tonight Gen. Continued jingles.

The news is good. They got everything. No surprises. Gen’s daughter has been giving updates. I hope Gen has good drugs on board tonight and that she has a good restful night.

Thinking about you and hoping that you will be home soon and feeling better as quickly as possible.
Sending healing thoughts your way…and best wishes!
She even posted a picture!!! and still smiling!!

Sending comfy post surgery vibes!

Great news! I thought about you all day and didn’t go to bed until I saw the update last night. Glad your son was home. My husband always takes those “you don’t need to come home” things literally. We are working on that! Continued jingles.