Recently diagnosed with breast cancer

Thanks for update ~ Jingles & AO for rest & recovery ~

[I]So glad to read the update ~ thanks for providing this news FalseImpression ~

Jingles & AO continue for rest & recovery ~

((hugs)) [/I]

Checking in today. Still jingling for a fast recovery from surgery.

I am doing pretty good. Surgery went well and the pathology results came back good. Clean margins and limited lymph involvement. Chemo will start in 2 weeks.
It feels so good to finally be fighting back. Having some issues with the pain meds but that is nothing compared to the sheer joy I feel from knowing the mass is medical waste.
Thank you all!

Great! Dye your hair pink before it falls out. I;ve been thinking about you and will keep you in my prayers.

I just wanna throw this out there … Gen you are GORGEOUS and oh-so strong!

Doing the dance!!!

Attitude is 50% of the fight! You have a great attitude. And you have a great support system of people. Remission and riding will follow!

Great updates. That good attitude will carry you far in this adventure. Keep it going!

Breast cancer

First off support meds are your friend. Here is a list that helped me. Pain meds are for some people but not for all. I didn’t use them. These meds did help my quality of life while going through chemo.

Zofran- anti nausea medication. I received the sublingual tablet that dissolves under the tongue and you feel better within a few minutes.

Promethazine- I call this the “big gun”. This is another anti nausea that I used in suppository form. This medication tends to make you drowsy and I only used it when in dire need of nausea and vomiting relief.

Klonopin- Anti anxiety medication that really helped me function. I took .5mgs which is a low dose. I didn’t want to be knocked out or feel “high” or sedcated. Some prefer Xanax. I didn’t like Xanax. It made me sleep all the time.

Dicyclomine- I probably spelled this incorrectly. It’s used for stomach cramping. It is a miracle drug.

Implants. Oh implants. I have had implants since I was 19 for cosmetic reasons. Ask for gummy bear implants aka cohesive silicone gel. No leaking. When cut in half they look like a gummy bear. Solid form. Better results. No rippling. No loss of volume. Excellent for reconstruction. I have had numberous breast augmentations and can answer many questions. Feel free to reach out to me.

Life is NOT over. Chemo affects us all differently. I was in college when I was on chemo. I maintained a 4.0 gpa and made the dean’s list while on chemo. We are women and we are STRONG! We can do anything. That being said… make arrangements for the days that suck. The days where you don’t want to get out of bed.

I wish you luck and you can beat this.

Jingles & AO laced with strength and patience continue for you ~! ((hugs))

Jingles & AO laced with strength and patience continue for you !~ ((HUGS))

Been following this thread and wishing you well from VA - as others have said, you have not only a great support group but a wonderful attitude which is so important in any kind of health fight.

Just wanted to add, if the meds come up short with either pain or effects from chemo, as your doctors to recommend an acupunture specialist - my friends daughter used this when she had cancer and it really helped.

Looking in on you ~ hoping you are taking care of yourself emotionally and phyiscally

[I]Looking in on you ~

Hoping your are taking care of yourself emotionally & physically ~


Jingles & AO for healing and rest & recovery ~[/I]

Jingles & AO your recovery continues ~ ((hugs))

JIngles & AO your recovery continues ~ ((HUGS))

Thank you everyone! I am doing pretty good. Had a little set back but the doctors are getting that under control. Next week I go in to get my port installed and chemo will start the following week. I will be on a 2 week schedule for the chemo and will start with 16 weeks. Then they will decide what the next step is. Radiation is also planned now.
Thanks again for your kind words and support. I really appreciate it.

^^^^ Thanks for the update. Your attitude is terrific, and that is so important. Keep us posted, and keep on it!

Thank you everyone! I am doing pretty good. Had a little set back but the doctors are getting that under control. Next week I go in to get my port installed and chemo will start the following week. I will be on a 2 week schedule for the chemo and will start with 16 weeks. Then they will decide what the next step is. Radiation is also planned now.
Thanks again for your kind words and support. I really appreciate it.[/QUOTE]

Just curious about the port. Many Dr’s do not suggest them due to possible complications with clearing the port/heparin. It’s really done for the convenience of the chemo staff, not the patient. It is just another surgery to have installed and another to have removed. As long as you have good veins it may not be needed.
I had chemo at a major NE cancer center and they do not do ports unless the patient has unuseable veins.

As reference I had 8 chemo sessions plus a year of herceptin every three weeks.
No port.

More Jingles & AO for you during this most difficult time period ~ ((hugs))

Jingles & AO continue for you during this most difficult time period ~ ((HUGS))

I think the use of a port can depend on what drugs they’re using. I was told that the port was used in my case to have access to a larger vein, b/c faster mixing of the drugs with a larger blood volume caused less damage to the vein itself.

Sometime, you gotta just trust your drs to … umm … know what they’re doing. None of us are medical oncologists (and if any are, they know better than to try to diagnose or advise over the internet), and I don’t think it’s productive on supportive for us to be second-guessing anyone else’s medical professionals, beyond suggesting questions to ask. JMHO.

Gen, I love your new hairdo… won’t last long but I bet that’s what you will go back to. Hang in there!! Will be thinking of you on Wednesday. Relax, and keep on smiling

I am so glad that you are maintaining your sense of humour!
Your hair look fabulous too!
We ( my mother and I ) pulled out the horse clippers for a full head shave, once the hair started to fall out with Chemo. Do not worry…it is only hair, it grows back.

Thank goodness you have your port installed…far easier for blood draws and Chemo.
I am thinking about you and will continue to follow your blog thru your treatments.
You are an amazing lady, for sure!
Best Wishes…