Hmm, I can see it and use ir?
I am on Safari on a mac laptop.
Hmm, I can see it and use ir?
I am on Safari on a mac laptop.
I have SolarFlare’s issue of my place not being remembered, so when I clicked the icon to go to first unread on this thread (on my 2nd visi it brought me to post #1.
The page number navigation in the lower RH corner seems inconsistent - I got excited (thought fixed) when it worked to skip me forward several pages on a thread in current events (I was on maybe 3, clicked 7 & it took me there). Then I came here (as mentioned above, to post #1) and when I tried to get to page 2 at the bottom of the page, nothing. Had to use the arrow at the top of the page. Weird.
Also, “Like” worked on the current events thread I was on, not when I tried to “like” a post on this thread.
Both of threads were read in Chrome on a Chromebook.
Posting is slow, I had to triple click to get a post posted. Not my internet.
Not quite a glitch, but it looks like the forum settings were mostly reset… Some settings that I as a member thought were important –
OFF TOPIC posts are showing up in “TODAY’S POSTS” - I venture to OT occasionally but I would prefer that we go back to OT not being included in that search query.
No “VIEW TODAY’S REPLIES” topic like last time.
Thanks for all you do.
I can’t quote/ reply at all in the current events section. I can’t edit a post I’ve made. I can’t tag someone.
Can’t edit my post above, so that’s another glitch –
but “search queries” (such as “view today’s threads”) expire within minutes which is a change from before, where a search query wouldn’t expire for hours. If I try to click “page 2” of ‘View Today’s Threads’), it will not let me view page two as the ‘search query has expired’.
I did intend to reopen Current Events, but I don’t think I’d set permissions correctly before. I think I just fixed it, so y’all can check that out!
Quote not working
Next button not working
Clicking a page number not working
as of 12:24 MST
The browser back arrow (Safari) does not cause the page to to reload.
Can’t get past the first page of a thread. “Next” is not working and using the page # does work either.
At least Post Reply works :lol:
Posting too quickly after a previous post does work
However, posting the above did get me to the third page. And it posted fast.
@cayuse Until we get the page number feature at the bottom of the page fixed, try using the ones at the top. Do those work for you?
Haha…yes…yes they do!
My “like” button is busted. (WMW my like was for you!)
Moderater 1 yes, the top of the page works! Thanks!
I tried to Edit a post (which I did test last night) and the Edit button doesn’t appear to work.
I don’t see the drop-down menu at the bottom of a page that allows going to a different forum.
Mark This Channel Read (at the bottom) doesn’t appear to really mark it read and takes me back to the main Forums page rather than leaving me on the ongiznal forum page that I was trying to Mark as Read
Advanced Search is missing?
No edit or quote function. Firefox Windows10.
Thanks for asking!
Haa, I found the log in button, its rather obscure at the top of the page.