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@Huntin’ Pony ”‹@Bluey Is the Off Course issue still happening?

The glitch with liking posts in the Hunting Forum should now be fixed.

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It looks like the top level forum page is no longer updating “last post” for each forum. The most recent across the board that I see there is in the wee hours last night.


Off Course is working now, can enter thru clicking on the name or last post.

As above, no posts in each forum, on the main forum’s page, are updating at all.
The last post there is old, there are many new ones by now, just not listed as such in that page?


@Simkie I don’t think I’m seeing what you and Simkie are seeing. Could one of you send me a screenshot please? Thanks!

One more notch for the computer gurus working on the glitches, they got their bug!

This morning, the post updates on the main page for every forum are current.
Much, much easier to navigate when you know where to go right on that page.

The new post tab is a big help, but being a mixmax of threads, lacks the general overview at a glance that now fixed page provides.

Thank you.

Posted at the same time, see my post above.
They fixed it, why you can’t see it, I think?

Tell them thank you, please.

This one seems to have resolved overnight, yay!

But one new thing has popped up… :lol:

Email isn’t going out for PMs received anymore. IIRC, that was some back end setting with the switch to the new board? Is it possible to get it back?

One more oddity…

On mobile (android/chrome), once there’s a notification, the word “notification” disappears from the top bar and from the drop down.

Pictures :slight_smile:


What I see, and if you want screen shots, I can do that…

I read both topics in this forum and posted a reply in the Unapproved topic.

I Marked All Channels Read (I think it is).

Both topics were unblinded (having been read).

Clicked the browser back button (Safari, Mac). The Forum itself is still showing bolded implying, at lest to me, that there were unread topics in the forum.

I clicked Shift-Reload to force a page reload of the list of Forums. The Forum name still shows bolded implying unread topics.

I have also seen when I have posted a reply in a topic, Mark the Channel Read, go back to the main Forum list and the ‘Last Post’ for the forum is not the topic I just replied to. If I go back to that forum, I see the topic I just replied to at the top of the list of topics.

Let me know what screen shots you’d like to see and I’ll work on collecting them.

@Where’sMyWhite what I think you’re seeing is that when you hit the back button, you are going back to a cached page. The content is not refreshing when using back.

Forums are not unbolding at all for me. Do they ever look “read” to you?

Forums never unbold. Topics will unbold after the Marked Channel as Read but the Forums never.

I should be able to re-load a cached page with shift-reload, no?

Perhaps I am misunderstanding your previous post. What do you mean here?

I should be able to re-load a cached page with shift-reload, no?

Yes, absolutely. Reloading should force a new copy of the page. But forum default does not seem to be that back refreshes the page, just that it displays a cache.

Thanks, I always use my username not my email address so that’s not it. I generally use Chrome but after having problems tried Internet Explorer and Safari with no luck. However, all the problems seem to now be resolved so thank you very much.

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Simplified the test…

I posted this reply and Saved it.

The topic still shows up bolded as it would appear that Saving the post doesn’t force a cache reload.

Forced a cache reload via shift-reload and presto, the topic is now unloaded and I am shown as the last poster. (not BAC)

Back arrow to go back to the list of forums.

All forums, including this one are still all bolded.

Forced a cache reload via shift-reload and all the forum names are still all bolded.

I checked again via opening another Safari window and see that this post (since I’d previously Saved it) was last updated by me. But, the forum name is still bolded. I used to rely on the bolding (unread topics) and unbolding (all read topics) to know which forums to check.

Did this make more sense?

I am confused what behavior you’re looking for here.

Yes, the forum name is still bolded.

Or are we just agreeing that the forum name never unbolds? It has not done so since the downtime. That is a known issue, mentioned earlier in this thread or another. Probably one of those custom pieces that the devs haven’t gotten back in place.

I didn’t recall that this was acknowledged as a known problem. Yes, we are agreeing and I’m whining that I miss the old behavior :o

That’s all :slight_smile:

I miss it, too! :smiley:

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Just posted in OT (weird town names thread) and 1) when I hit submit, I got this {“nodeId”:10673341} even though the post posted. 2) I had a short list of towns in the post separated by . These were stripped out when the post posted. 3) The edit didn’t let me correct my post and the quote button did not work. 4) The page numbers at the bottom of the page did nothing when I clicked on them. 5) Entering the page number of a multi page thread just took me back to page 1. Had to arrow through to get to the last page. Had to do that here, as well, to get to page 9. Running win10, Explorer 11. I will check later on my personal laptop to see if these issues persist on Netscape.

Got {“nodeId”:10673348} when I posted the above and will get another when I post this. (Edit and quote didn’t work here, either.)