Rest Easy, Brandon Gibson

Plaid Horse Adult Amateur Group.


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It may have been me. I want to share it on here but I donā€™t know if itā€™s allowed. I am still in complete shock and heartbroken :broken_heart::sob:


I am still in complete shock :broken_heart::sob:. I had so many different thoughts and emotions running through my mind all night, and I still do today. Another young, talented, amazing rider and great friend of the equestrian community is gone. I am completely heartbroken. I met Brandon through breeding horses and our love for colored warmbloods. He looked at a horse I bred many years ago but it wasnā€™t ā€œthe oneā€. I was so excited for him when he found Grimoire dā€™ Elphen aka Graham. He sounded like a little kid at Christmas. If you just followed his life on social media you would never know that he was suffering a silent battle. Many years ago I made a post about my depression and he reached out to me and told me that I was not alone. Everyone is fighting their own battles, including myself. Some people can hide it very well from the outside world, especially through social media. Unfortunately, sometimes the silent demons that you face on a daily basis start to pile up and take over. I feel that the pressure in the horse business does not allow you to show weakness. Because itā€™s like a frenzy of sharks trying to steal clients from one another. This has to change!!! I was becoming one of those ā€œstrongā€ friends - on the outside. And I realize now how important it is to check in on your strong friends. Check in on the people in your life that seem like they are handing the uncertainties of life with grace and poise. Check in on your loved ones that always seem to check in on you first. In this ever-changing world of pandemic uncertainties, try to listen for the signs of hopelessness and despair in the ones that seem good or strong. You never know whether their strength is coming from having to constantly mask their true feelings. And remember, the strong friends experience sadness too. So, reach out to those family and friends and let them know you hear them, see them and care about them.
Itā€™s ok to not be ok! Everyone deserves grace, a support system and a safe space you feel comfortable sharing your story and expressing uncomfortable feelings.

In a world where you can be anything, be kind. The people who look the strongest on the outside are usually the ones that are truly suffering.

Rest In Peace Brandon Gibson


It was your post. Iā€™m sorry for your loss.

Having lost my mother to suicide, it is so hard to see some of the same unintentionally cruel things being said again. I didnā€™t know Brandon, but I hurt for his family and friends with some of the things they are hearing and seeing right now. Suicide is terminal mental illness. If you wouldnā€™t say something about someone who died from complications of any other illness that you think they could have addressed differently at some point, donā€™t say it about someone who committed suicide. If someone died as a complication of diabetes or heart disease, no one would call them selfish or suggest that if only their family or friends had been more supportive the outcome would have been different. Once someoneā€™s mental illness is advanced enough that suicide is legitimately on the table, no one in the world can change that except for themselves. No matter what else is happening, a rational person does not solve the problem with suicide. The mental illness is to blame. It is a tragic loss and itā€™s human nature to want to explain it or fix it so you donā€™t have to feel that pain again, but the lack of quality access to effective mental health treatment is really the talking point. All the love in the world canā€™t overcome such great darkness, sometimes.



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I screenshot Bonnieā€™s post, but Iā€™m not sure if I should share it on here. I can if you guys think it is ok.


do it


This is very well written, and a way I hadnā€™t thought about it before. Thank you for sharing, and Iā€™m sorry for your loss.


Thank youā€¦.I still canā€™t wrap my head around the fact that he is gone :broken_heart::sob:. He was an amazing person and horseman.


If you donā€™t post it please send it to me. I thought she was a heartless, evil person before but if it is as bad as it sounds there needs to be repercussions


So very true :cry:. I would not to wish the demons of depression on to anyone. Itā€™s a battle for sure.

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Thank you

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IMO if someone posts something on a public account (as hers is) it is published and is fair game.



OH MY GOD. What a total piece of garbage.

edited to add that Iā€™m referring to Bonnie Navin and not Bobby7 or to JG


Not only is that heartless it is also baseless. People DO NOT take their own lives because someone hurt them. If that was the case we would all be dead. Every single one of us.


That is nauseating. Every time I think she canā€™t stoop lower, she proves me wrong.



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