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Ride IQ

I listen to podcasts while I’m doing flatwork. These earbuds stay in even during polework at the canter, and when my mare decides she’s seen a ghost and we must escape it. Decent sound quality especially if you’re just using it for voices and not music, and great battery life. And they’re relatively inexpensive if something SHOULD happen to them.



I use generic shokz. I love them for everything

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I use ridely. I tried RideIQ.

I listen to a lesson before I ride. I find the audio distracting while riding, as it inevitably goes out of sync with what actual part of the exercise I’m riding, and I’m so focused on my part of the exercise that I miss what the instructor is saying about other parts.

Thank you, guys!!!

Whoops, I missed the topic change.

Shokz are great, but when the wind picks up you will struggle to hear. I recommend one ear bud, fully wireless.

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Ordered a pair of these (seemingly the last pair available on Amazon, so they must be good!) Can’t wait to try them out!

I just use the regular Apple ones (not wireless not that fancy lol)

I use a pair of wired Sony’s. They were relatively cheap. I intentionally use ones with a cord in case they fall out. I wrap it around my helmet harness and I only use 1. I’ve never had one fall out.

I just play it off my phone speaker and put it in a thigh pocket. But I ride alone :slight_smile:


This worked until one of the instructors had an arena with a lot of crows and my horse kept spooking.


I use my wireless airpods BUT I use a hairnet. Put the airpods on, and then one of those real women ride hairnets. Drop it down over my ears and the posts for the airpods drop through the netting. The top part of the earbud isn’t small enough to drop through the netting. It’s like a little safety net for them!


That is SO smart!!

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Do you guys think the lessons are beneficial for very low level/bringing a horse back into work?

I have been so tempted to try because I NEED the direction anymore. But my horse and I are so far gone from time off at this point I don’t even know if it’s worth it because we may not be able to do the content.

Thoughts? Or suggestions for a similar program?

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Yes!! They have lots of lower level things + quite a few walking only warm-ups. (I’ve used the walking ones when its just too hot - or too cold - to do much).

2 week free trial, can’t hurt right? Enjoy!!

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I still don’t understand how people are using this live.

I listen to the rides ahead of time, but I can’t listen real time because the narrator will talk about what he/she’s doing as they’re coming back to the rail from a 20m circle, and I’m 10 strides out. That doesn’t work for me.

You just alter what you’re doing. Especially if your ring is bigger or smaller or your horse isn’t cooperative.

This is where I am, too. Bringing horse back into work so can’t justify paying a trainer but need more direction than I can provide myself. :slight_smile:


I don’t know about the other instructors because I always come back to jon holling! but he often counts his tempo and it’s pretty easy to get in sync. The jumping ones I don’t follow to the t but it is still helpful to have someone in your ear giving you things to think about as you go around.


I find Gina Smith really easy to follow too, she always talks about the size of her ring and where she is in it and what not also which is helpful. I also find with most lessons its not a huge deal if you aren’t exactly where they would be in their ring. I just do the thing when I get to that location if its location specific or add a circle if it needs to catch up.

You can pick the lesson you want to ride based on the work you want to do, or the coach you want to ride with, or the time you have available. I This app is an absolute game changer! I started using it when the pandemic took my job and I had to cut weekly lessons out of my budget but now just can’t live without it. It keeps me focused and all my bad habits at bay.

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