Riding after Total Hip Replacement Surgery

I am having a total hip replacement to my right hip on Thursday, Jan. 28th, 2016. I have bone on bone along with bone spurs in my right hip, and have been riding in pain for many years. I have tried many natural and alternative therapies to heal my body., along with eating very well and exercising. The last technique I tried was PRP and dry needling. Needless to say, it was not successful. I have not ridden my wonderful horse since September, and have been on a crutch since October. I am willing to do whatever I need to do to ride, am following all directions of my orthopedic doctor explicitly. I am even willing to change from riding English dressage and trail to Western riding if I need to. I have a very sweet 15.2 quarter horse named Chip. I worked very hard to find the right horse for me, and now that I have himā€¦I can no longer ride.
I am looking for hope and encouragement from anyone that has had a hip replacement and is able to ride again.
Thank you,

Shiny new right hip as of 2/2015 (at 59 y.o.). I had a newer approach called Superpath. I was back on my horse in 4 1/2 weeks. Granted it was just a pony ride but I was able to mount and dismount unassisted. I had been mounting from the right for months as I could not lift my leg high enough to get on. Horse was very accommodatingā€¦I trained her well. I still get on the right since I have an issue with my left foot but I have mounted from the left occasionally since surgery and the hip is no problem.

Most total hips have activity restrictions for at least 6 weeks. The Superpath approach does not cut the muscles surrounding the hip so the risk of dislocation is much lower. Bottom lineā€¦listen to your surgeon and do what they say.

I have had no problem riding from a hip standpoint. For about 4 months before surgery, I did very little riding as it was just too uncomfortable. When I got back on the horse it actually felt quite good to passively stretch those tight muscles. I kept it short and took it slow but have had no problems with my hip. I have even tested it out, falling full on my right hip while doing some in hand work about 6-7 months post op. Horse looked at me like I was a real doofusā€¦which I was (I tripped over the whip:rolleyes:).

It is life changing not having that chronic pain anymore. I hadnā€™t thought it was that bad until it wasnā€™t anymore. I am in love with my new joint. It works so much better. Coincidentally, I actually picked my surgeon because his wife is a very good dressage rider:winkgrin:. He had no reservations about me returning to riding and no restrictions or change in the style of my preference.

Jingles and good luck on the surgery. Do what they say, when they say and I am sure you will have a good outcome and be back in the saddle before you know it. I go in from my 1 year followup next monthā€¦time flies.


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You will ride again and without pain !!!

Be brave get this done ā€¦ follow protocol and plan to ride !

[/B][B]Be prepared to CRY tears of pure JOY ! when you mount your horse and take your first rideā€¦


you may want to have a second horse saddled and ready because ???
the first one will be worn out and ???

no need to ask me how I know

Glad to answer any and all questions ā€¦ 1-17-05

B laced with strength and patience for you during this pre-surgery worrisome time period ~

[/B]adding i was willing to change to western if need be but found it was too confining and continue to ride in any and all my pre-surgery flat type saddles.

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Check out Haiku Farmā€™s blog. The author has had both hips replaced in the last two years, rides endurance, and is a total inspiration, IMHO!

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Just follow docā€™s rehab orders. My bionic hip (replaced when I was 52) is better than my other one. And Iā€™m STRAIGHT on that side!

I had anterior, and the docs kept me off for 12 weeks. They said it was because it would take that long for the bone to grow into the prostheticā€¦ANNNNNDD w/ the horse I had at the time there was no such thing as a relaxing rideā€¦

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Ten years in Sept for me. I was back on at four weeks, but I have a saintly quarter horse gelding, and supportive friends to hold the lead rope the first time. It will take time for all of the muscles that have been busy protecting that hurting joint to relax and stretch out to give more range of movement. Take your time, follow orders, and you will be SOOOO happy to have your freedom back! Best of luck!

Left one done in 2014, anterior Approach, back on my Horse after 8 Weeks.
Right one done same way 2 Weeks ago. Allowed to ride mid April. Had been riding with terrible Pain for probably 10 Years. Wish I had done it Years ago.

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Had thr in 2012 - anterior. No movement restrictions, and back on my horse after 8 weeks. GREAT pt in the interim - get PT!!! Hip is great - no issues. Just had my shoulder done last week. Not so fun, but it will be ok.

THR right hip, anterior approach in Dec. 2011, riding at 12 weeks.
THR, left hip, anterior approach in March 2015, riding at 8 weeks.

awesome surgery. No problems riding now.
Ditto on getting good PT. It makes all the difference in how quickly you come back.

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Thank you all the positive reports on THR!

Yeah!!! I canā€™t say Iā€™m not a little nervous about the surgery procedureā€¦but am very encouraged by all the positive comments.
My doctor only does the posterior approach, so I will be dealing with some restrictions afterwards. He is a very experienced surgeon, so thatā€™s what counts!. Will post again when I am in recovery. I have been in pain and limping for so long that it is hard to believe it will ever be any differentā€¦but I do believe and will continue to keep a positive outlook!!!

I saw 3 different surgeons, 2 of which offer both anterior and posterior approaches. However, all 3 suggested the posterior approach for me. (They explained, but Iā€™m not sure I grasped well enough to pass along the info.)

I got my hip in the summer of 2013 at the age of 55 - and I LOVE IT. 4 years prior, I had arthroscopic surgery to repair torn labrum and shave bone spurs. That helped a bit, but the THR has been a miracle. I wish I had gone that route from the beginning.

I can ride all day now. I probably waited 3 months to get back in the saddle post-op, but it was well worth it.

Best of luck to ayutzy!!!


I had it done, and now ride fine.

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i have the labral tear thing going on in my non-bionic hipā€¦i actually LOOK FORWARD to having the surgery!

Good luck you you, ayutzy! I hope everything went well today and that youā€™ll be on the mend in no time.

ā€˜Helloā€™ ayutzy ! Youā€™re on the other side !!!

ā€˜Helloā€™ ayutzy !! Youā€™re on the other side !!

Congratulations !

With time youā€™ll be better than before !

Hey, Ayutzy! you are almost a month out. Howā€™s it going??

Hi everyone, I am having bilateral anterior THR in mid-September. I havenā€™t been able to ride for over a year and a half, some of that is my GPā€™s delay in referring me to to an orthopaedic surgeon. I am bone on bone in both hips. I now have a great surgeon who has said that once I have healed, I can do anything I want. He knows my active life style. I am 58. My question is, when did you all start feeling comfortable doing barn chores? What is realistic? Iā€™m trying to sort out my horses so my non horse husband doesnā€™t have as much work to do. My young horse is hopefully going out to a trainer for three months, but my older retired horse and my mini still need care. Would love any feedback you can give. Also, for those of you who got on prior to three months, were your new shiny hips cemented or not? I have a fear of loosening the prothesis and then having to have a revision. This bilateral surgery is bad enough, so I donā€™t want to go there again from doing something foolish or premature on my part. Canā€™t wait to get my life back though!!

No actual HR surgery. How long does your Dr say to wait post-surgery to ride?

Can they verify via x-ray or other diagnostic procedure when they are ā€œhealedā€?

I know many who choose to ignore Dr recommendations but I personally wonā€™t as, like you, have no desire to have to re-do anything that got mucked up from getting back to activity too soon :slight_smile:

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Boarder at our barn has had both hips replaced (separately) in the last 5 years. She is now 82. Riding 3x week in her english saddle. I cant remember how long she was off, but I will say that she is my role model! You will be back in saddle.

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Thatā€™s amazing to hear that so many people can ride well after a THRā€¦ never would have expected that