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Sad Day for the Cat Colony TW- death

I’ve posted a few times about the urban cat colony I am the de facto manager of. The short version is that we bought a new house in a “transitional neighborhood” in a town that is starting to gentrify and found out that there was a booming colony made of ferals and dumped pets there. The houses are built like townhomes, so teeny tiny yards and homes are like 5 feet apart - most space is communal or is a parking lot.

After fostering 2 pregnant mamas and their resultant liters, I TnRed the colony with the help of a rescue (muni shelter did NOTHING). Anyway, there has been a core group of about 8-10 kitties who are part of the normal crew. They are all spayed/ neutered and me and a couple other homeowners feed and keep a loose and eye on them. Some are very friendly and most likely are dumped pets, others are much more feral- yet they have become accustomed to the daily doings of the neighborhood and know when to show up for kibble if they want it.

I know a life on the streets is very hard on a cat and that they deal with dangers all the time, but for the last 3+ years, I’ve gotten used to this outdoor colony. This is the colony where Nic and Daisy came from. I know I shouldn’t get too attached to these cats - they are not mine, and most have no desire to be indoor cats, but as an animal lover its hard to not reciprocate their affection.

Trigger warning - graphic description

This morning was a big shock. I found one of the older, very gentle but shy kitties was dead in the parking lot. Around 4am this morning, I did hear yowling and cat screams, but it sounded like a territory beef between toms (there have been 2 intact males that I see from time to time - both have evaded my trap). But this was nothing a cat or racoon did. There was so much blood everywhere and a lot of trauma to her head - so much so that her eye had popped out. She was lying in a pool of her urine.

I was just stunned. Maybe she was sleeping under a car tire and was run over? She has survived in this area for at least 3 years and seemed to be in good health, I have a hard time believing that she just forgot to be careful of cars. I hope her death was quick and she didn’t feel anything. Such a grusome death… we do have a lot of homeless people in this neighborhood - maybe I listen to too much true crime but my deeper fear is that this is animal abuse and that the cat screams I heard this early morning were her fighting for her life.

I’ve been in a fog all day. I truly hope that this was a quick incident with a car. I’m posting pics of her - I called her Siam since she had crossed blue eyes so I think she had some siamese blood in her, and I’d rather remember her like this than the sight that I saw this morning.


What a beautiful girl. RIP sweet Siam.


How awful.
My condolences and thank you for caring about these cats.


RIP, sweet Siam & bless you, @BatCoach for caring for this colony.
Pls don’t overthink her death, I lost my boy barncat @ around 6mos (just after I had him & his sister neutered) to the road. His injuries were very much as you described. I found him on the road that runs past my BR window & hadn’t heard a thing.
I consoled myself that at least I’d known his end, he hadn’t just gone MIA.


It makes my heart hurt to read about this. It’s so easy to get attached to these little ones and there are so many bad things that can happen to them. Try to focus on the fact that you made her life better than it would have otherwise been, and there was nothing you could have done to prevent what happened. Rest well Siam.


What a sweet kitty. RIP

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Thank you, I needed to hear this. Pragmatically I knew it was just a matter of time before one of the outdoor crew met an untimely end between cars, dogs, coyotes and people. I just wasn’t prepared.

It doesn’t help that another colony cat, Mouse is in poor health so I’m taking him to the vet on Friday for a “quality of life” exam. Im prepared to pay to have him PTS if the vet thinks it’s best.


I’m so sorry, BC. As others said, you’ve gave her a better quality of life than she otherwise would have had, and you’ve made a huge difference with the other kitties’ lives as well. Hugs to you.


BC, if you did not care so much, it would not hurt so much. But caring is not only the right thing to do, it makes you the special person you are. You took care of all of them, and now you show your love by grieving the passing of one.
You are a good person.

I am so sorry about the loss of Siam.
Good luck at the vet with Mouse. What a blessing that Mouse has you.


I am so sorry for your loss BC.

You have done so much for this colony. I hope your heart heals quickly.

I am so sorry for your loss. Take comfort in the fact this beautiful girl’s life was significantly improved for you being in it. You gave her safe harbor. Godspeed Siam. :heart:


I am so very sorry. Rest in peace beautiful Siam. Caring for outside cats can be so rewarding yet so devastating.

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Poor kitty. I hate finding them like that. The last house I lived at I got sick of picking their little bodies out of the road. You made her life better and tried to make her as safe as possible. I’m sorry she is gone.

you do so much for this little group. Jingling for Mouse. And thank you for caring for them.

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I’m so sorry to hear this. I know you’re devastated even though you’ve made all their lives safer and more comfortable. It seems like cold comfort when something like this happens. Sending hugs to you.

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Im sorry about your kitty…
I too prefer to believe that perhaps she was run over.
However, and I am mentioning this for your safety, it is possible that someone in your area does not appreciate the kitties or your caring for them and was making a statement… Cat colonies can and often do make huge nuisances of themselves in peoples gardens, on cars etc and sometimes people respond in not nice ways.
We had a similar issue in my area for a time.
Please be careful and let your friends know to be so when they are in the area visiting or caring for the kitties.

I’m sorry you had to find her.


So sorry about Siam. She was beautiful.

When I was a kid, my brother had a Chihuahua who ran out into traffic when we were playing in the front yard and was hit. We all saw it and were there immediately. He had massive head trauma, and an eye was completely popped out. I still remember that sight with the eye lying next to his head. But he was dead already, and we were just seconds getting to his side. As bad as it looked, it was pretty much instant.

Thank you for all you are doing for the colony.


I’m so sorry.

I also want to think it could be a car - I’ve picked up so many kitties on the road (not mine) that were run over, and the injuries are often as you describe. Perhaps she got into an engine to stay warm over night, or was being chased by another cat and ran into the path of the car.

Is there a security camera feed you could have someone look at, to be sure? If it was a person (God forbid, but we all know people suck), I’d want to know ASAP so the problem can be addressed in whatever manner necessary.

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Thanks everyone for the kind words. She was a feral cat with no owner, but I cared for her as much as I could. I left some flowers at the parking lot spot where I found her.

@Annie10 “the area” is my housing complex. Think of an apartment or condo complex where the parking lot is just steps from people’s front doors. The kitties dwell in the landscaping, sidewalks, and do sleep under cars for warmth. Siam’ s body was found about 60 feet from my front door in the parking lot - its the only road in and out of the complex.

I am also leaning more towards the car accident probability. Most neighbors and the HoA are accepting of the kitties after I did a presentation where I outlined that since we are surrounded by vacant lots, a sr. living trailer park, and restaurants with open dumpsters, even if we ‘got rid of’ all of the current cats, a different assortment of ferals would move in. There are just so many feral cats here since the shelter won’t support TnR or offer low-cost spay/neuter. So its better that we have the controlled, neutered group that we have rather than having a bunch of breeding cats. I think the HoA was just happy that someone (me) was making efforts to control the population and care for the health of these kitties.

If it was an incident of animal cruelty, it would likely be from transient person, not a fellow homeowner.

DH did confirm that a lifted truck with huge tires was parked in the spot where she was found. Most likely a visitor or a member of the sober living house since the residents change often. I’m going to believe it was an accident where she got trapped under a tire and the yowling I heard in the wee morning hours was a typical tom cat fight and unrelated.

Thanks again for being a sympathetic sounding board. Non-animal people just don’t understand the feelings of sadness over a cat that isn’t even mine.


The shelter in my area if you bring the cats in in a trap, they will neuter it, etc. and then you can either pick it up at the end of the day or they’ll bring it back to where it came from and let it back out. There’s also a low-cost clinic here that if you bring it in, they’ll take care of it for you and then you have to pick it up at the end of the day. I think each resident can do like six cats a month or something like that. Is there nothing like that where you are? You want to PM me your general location? I can look around I know a lot of Animal people all over the place that knows some out of the way and hidden benefits that are available to help animals.