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Sad Day for the Cat Colony TW- death

Oh boy that would be a dream! No, my city and my county both offer nothing like that. Since moving into this house about 3 years ago and seeing the stray cat issue up-close and personal I’ve become very well-versed on what is and what is not available in my area. I’ve posted on it before, but our new municipal shelter that cost 35 million to build and has a 24 million dollar annual operating budget offers no services for low cost s/n, TnR program or feral fixes. Its absolutely appalling and I’ve been part of protests, letter campaigns and fundraisers to oust the current leadership. The shelter has a few lawsuits against them for numerous reasons, its just a sad mess all around.

If I do trap a cat for TnR, I have I make an appointment about 2 weeks out for a vet in a different county (1 hours drive one way) to get a feral fix. I can also apply for a voucher from a non-profit to pay for most of this surgery, but I’m still on the hook for about $40 of it. So when I do see an intact cat prowling around, I have to desperately hope the stars align and I catch the right cat the night before the pre-scheduled appointment, then take a 1/2 day at work to drive the bugger to the appointment the next morning. Its stressful since cats are going to cat and sometimes my target cat does not make an appearance. All the rescues and other trappers in the area feel the same way - its crazy that we live in such a HCoL area with zero resources.


I sent you a private message

I think this is the most likely scenario of what happened.

A huge standing ovation and a pat on the back to you for showing these cats love and tenderness.

Rest gently Siam.


Like I already said, this colony is so lucky to have you!!!

The shelter where I live does do TNR, but you have to get an appointment and that appears to be as miraculous as most things that never happen.
I filled out an application two and a half months ago, and now the cat I filled out the application for has not been around for weeks, which I guess does not matter since I have heard nothing back on the application.

One cat I finally just trapped and took to my regular vet. Paid the not reduced, several hundred dollar neuter cost just because that way I knew it would be done. (And then never saw the cat again after I let him loose.)

Just misery loves company rambling.


Good luck with Mouse today. Let me know if you can use a dribble.

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Blame it on Mercury in Retrograde, or just plain “cats are gonna cat” but Mouse was an very unwilling boy this morning. He would NOT let me get within arms reach of him. Since his decline, he has been more skittish which is understandable, but normally I can get a few pets in before he shrinks back. On a scale of 1(feral) to 10 (domestic) He’s been a 5, but now is like a 2. Foolish me, I knew that I should have tried to trap him rather than try to pick him up but I blew it.

I had to call and cancel the appointment - we will have to try another day.


Its nice to know I’m in good company! Its a quandary, putting heart, $$$ into animals that you don’t own and most of them don’t want any attention or interference, but we are not the type of people to turn a blind eye to an animal in need. We must be building up some good kitty karma points! haha


Oh no. Silly kitty. Darn it. Why don’t they understand we are trying to help them? I am sorry he did not cooperate.

Right now I have tom coming around that will not go anywhere near the trap. If I put the wet food even slightly near the trap (which is secured wide open) he will just walk away.
He is a smart boy who clearly knows what I am up to.

On the other hand, my barn cats will use the trap as a cat play gym.


I have one that did that and then proceeded to SPRAY the food!!! He is such a bugger and a bad antagonist. He wears a collar sometimes, but if you are a bad enough owner to let your intact cat outdoors in this neighborhood and he is constantly getting in fights and bloody, you clearly make bad choices and if that cat walks into my trap, I will 100% take it in to get neutered.


I am betting they would not even notice that their cat is neutered.


Oh I hate that. It’s like they “know.” Hope you get hands on him soon. I’m also good for a dribble.

OP, I’m heartsick you had to experience this. Thank you for your Herculean efforts. I seriously sleep better at night knowing there are angels like you.

PS You couldn’t have prevented her demise, but you DID enhance the quality of her life. For this, I wish you a lifetime of good fortune :heavy_heart_exclamation: