Looking for some brands/styles to try on a tricky to fit young horse. I have a young horse who really hates feeling constricted through his shoulder, but when we try saddles that have freedom through his shoulder, they are probably too wide and lift at the cantle/rock slightly leading to him being sore. So far, we’ve stuck to mostly French brands but tried a County and an Amerigo DJ Salto.
The best he’s moved has been a M tree County (with big shoulder shims) and a M tree Devoucoux with D3D panels (still rocks slightly).
I’m about to venture off into British/Italian territory to try longer tree points, but live in an area with limited reps, so it’s a lot of shipping in/out saddles to try. Next saddle on deck is a Renaissance (wool vs. foam which is a whole different debacle). DH/family/friends/trainer are sick of me talking about saddles. Looking for input on anyone else who’s successfully fit a horse of a similar size/shape and what they go in!
(Also let me know if the Google Drive links give access to everything or just the photos, because I’ve never uploaded photos here with Google Drive)