Hoping for some good experiences here - I’m giving myself ulcers trying to decide what to do.
Finally found a saddle my horse likes - whew! The trial one is a litle big for me and the flap is not close to forward enough for jumping, though I can flat well in it. I can feel it shoving my leg back. It’s freaking expensive. I’m over that. But the return policy - ummmm. No trial saddles with a forward flap to be had. Not new, not used, not any. Leap of faith to order one. The initial policy described to me was that the co would give me credit if the ordered saddle didn’t work but not a refund. I was ready to take that leap. But they changed it - now what I want is considered custom and non-returnable.
Did I mention the thing is expensive? WWYD? Fitter is well established and great to work with, but how do saddle companies get away with this sort of thing?!