Popping in here to add my own experience—I had a Schleese fitter out in the fall to look at my (non-Schleese) saddle and was almost immediately told that the panels were too long (I need an 18” and my horse is short-coupled). They tried very hard to sell me on a Schleese, but after riding in a couple demo saddles, I couldn’t stand the twist in them (and was not financially or emotionally in the position to drop $7k on a new saddle after being told that the $7k new saddle that I’d bought used for $4500 wasn’t a good fit) so I just made my excuses and popped over to our local independent tack store that weekend.
They found me a saddle for $800 that fit me well enough and that my horse seems happy in (after I took a few on trial to see which ones he expressed his disdain for—apparently he hates foam panels) and I figured that would tide me over til I could figure out what to do with my supposedly poorly-fitting monoflap. Fast forward to recent weeks and both my trainer and I have been feeling a bit skeptical about what I was told, so today I marked where the panels end on my horse’s back for both my monoflap and the cheap saddle, and in a shocking turn of events, they end in the exact same place
I’m going to have my trainer’s fitter look at my monoflap the next time she’s out to see if she can tweak the flocking for my horse or if more substantial modifications are required, but I am so beyond frustrated with this whole affair. My consolation is that I didn’t get convinced to buy one a Schleese and the one that I did buy in the interim will be a good backup if I ever get a project horse or am riding other people’s horses in my own tack. Ugh.