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Secret Santa 2021 is there a thread?

I’ve been away for a while. But am back now, and would love to participate in the 2021 Secret Santa. :slight_smile: J

We’re sitting at 37 and time is passing quickly.

Add me to the list please

Could this be pinned somehow like last year’s SS thread? Just hoping everyone who might be interested could get a chance to see it.

If this doesn’t end up happening, I’d be willing to to exchange addresses with someone through private message and do a private exchange!

I had been thinking that, too!

Is it too late to sign up? I know the deadline was Halloween in previous years.

Maybe we can be one another’s Secret Santa. It doesn’t seem this one is going to get off the ground. Maybe we can give it another week or so, just to be sure?



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If anyone else wants to do secret santa through pm let me know!

I still want to do a Secret Santa here, so let me know what will be happening.

Hey everyone,

I also really want Secret Santa 2021 to happen. I’ll volunteer to lead it. If you send me a PM with your email and a description of what you sort of like that fits into the $35 range, I’ll send you an email telling you you’re in. I’ll assign the first person to the second person, and the second person to the third person, etc. This way, it’s truly a secret Santa. If anyone wants to be mine, let me know! In the mean time, I’ll put myself into the fold so no one knows who I am buying for.

Does this sound OK? I don’t think @ChocoMare is organizing SS2021, although I hope she still wants to.

What do you all think?


Thanks for volunteering J-Lu!! Sending a PM :slight_smile:

I’m in! (Love to shop; Not many humans to shop for). Sending you a PM, @J-Lu

Hey guys!

I’m volunteering to arrange SS 2021. Sorry, but I’ll likely PM everyone who said they wanted in on this thread if they don’t contact me just to let everyone know I’m going to make sure it happens. I hope to do that this weekend. I can’t provide de-grinching but I somehow doubt that’ll happen this year. I have none of the skills as Chocomare but I can organize and email people.

If you want in, PM me with your email and a description of yourself and what you might want for $35. That in includes a description of your tastes in things, colors you like, styles you like and also what you DON"T need. If you don’t need things like saddle pads or boot socks, let people know. (That said I once received a saddle pad in my favorite color with my horse’s name embroidered on in and I use it to this day. I also received Harry Potter Deathly Hallows polo wraps that are freakishly popular). I’ll assign people in order of official entrants. I’d hate for this tradition do die - I’ve done it and loved it for so long!!!


Thank you, @J-Lu!! Pming now!

I hope I sent a private message. Phone service is terrible! And it stopped sending notifications!!

Thank you for volunteering. I sent a pm.

I will also volunteer to degrinch!

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Thanks, everyone!

My billet fell off my saddle (luckily before I got on, Sir SpooksAlot was not pleased) and had to drive to Pinehurst Friday afternoon to get it fixed (OMG, The Country Saddler, I was so thrilled with their service and store). Thus, I had to work this weekend on current projects and no extra time this weekend to do this. BUT, I’m assigning people in order of signing up and will contact everyone who expressed interest on this thread. I want to get all emails out by the end of the week because of the really bad supply chain issues going on.

Yay! SS2021!

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