Selevit Injectable

…yeah…more BS. There isn’t a gathering of “friends” on the aisles, or in stabling, at a tightly secure FEI event!!! Unless this person’s “friend” was associated with the other team members as an owner or groom or rider–very few have security clearance to be in FEI stabling. Such BS from one or two people spreading it.


I just think it’s a really sad situation, with a lot of moving parts and people involved, and a lot of unclear or unknown information. Probably wise not to rush to judgement.

Maybe just let the legal process play out. And… if nothing else… hopefully everyone who has followed this thread has learned something about the dangers of injecting meds containing selenium, and will be extra cautious about that after learning of this situation, and hopefully that saves other horses from a sad fate at some future point in time.


I could see maybe she questioned the wording and was verbally told they need to have that wording for emergency care or in case they can’t contact her for permission. But since you and your vet want to be involved on routine non-urgent care of course we will abide by your wishes. Pat on the back little inexperienced little lady. (Subtext be a good little non-involved owner and shut up). IF there was a conversation like that in hindsight maybe she should not have been as trusting and required an amendment to the loan agreement. But hindsight is sometimes 20/20.
I have not read or heard anything to suggest a conversation like this took place but it is easy to see how she may have been told this is boilerplate loan agreement and everyone signs it. It is just in case of an emergency to provide the best care for your horse.


Yes, I agree with you. Us–the public–will never know the whole truth anyway. And I think there will be major adjustments to how USEF, and the horse owners, will handle things at international events moving forward. I do believe there is one person telling tall tales, so far off base, should not be taken with a fraction of truth!!


I understand your position on that one person’s comments.

Here is a comment from an entirely different person regarding the horse’s soundness. I watched videos of him… both in late 2023, and of his first round at Riyadh. Her comment about the horse traveling differently across the ground resonated with me. Obviously anaphylaxis from selevit still seems like the most likely cause of death… but I think there must have been a lot more to the veterinary management of this horse than either the owner or USEF have covered in their public statements. And that makes me think the rush to judgement concerning the team vet who was onsite with the horse MIGHT be unfair. I don’t know… but it seems like it’s a more complicated situation than outsiders probably can appreciate.

If one reviews the WC Finals videos and videos of prior competitions, it is clear the horse was traveling different across the ground…not lame in any one limb, but maybe stiff/sore in back and/or hind end. Compare the videos and decide for yourself. This maybe the cause of the treatments he received. A jumper needs superior fitness and energy to jump that high/wide for several days in a row sometimes doing multiple rounds in a day. Many top horses have gotten extremely tired and/or sore at the WC Finals in the past. Perhaps the approach to this venue ought to be re-thought??? Certainly a fitness program needs to be instituted for jumpers going to the current multi - day format of WC Finals …not unlike preparing for XC in eventing. Maybe this horse would receive less than a cornucopia of meds if he was coping better with the halfway around the world travel and then jumping three big rounds. Just a thought. This said, anaphylaxis is most likely cause of death given timing of death after administration, and the product’s known risk.

No consultation with the owner was required, however, it was requested, and as far as we know, USEF officials agreed. I understand that still doesn’t make it definite that they would notify the owner.


When my vets come for anything, they always do a wellness exam…listen to the heart, etc. before any treatment…even vaccines. I wonder if that was done before he got his selevit, etc. If it had been done, it would certainly shed some light on what happened.


I wonder why two other team horses in Riyadh were also given selevit. Did anyone discuss that with their management teams? Were they given the med IV? Did they plan on giving it to every horse there, and stopped after the situation with Chromatic unfolded? Or, were only certain team horses getting it? Who made these decisions?

My guess is we will never know the answers to any of these questions, and this whole thing will get quietly settled.


That would not surprise me in the least.


I’m trying to catch up on the thread.

What recent video? Is there a link? Thanks in advance.


Realistically, it is not anyone else’s business. But it could certainly be an eye-opener for anyone else who is thinking of sending their horse to an international competition.


It’s not anyone’s business… but the owner has now made public statements and implicated the US team Vet in the death of a horse, and what amounts to veterinary malpractice. And a lot of people are wondering if their USEF dues are supporting this? And if so… why? And no one has heard anything from the team vet, probably because a lawyer told him to stay silent.

Anyway… if it all does get settled privately after this… but the vet isn’t formally charged with wrongdoing… I think that’s a challenging outcome in some respects.


There are some good thoughts here. I, too, wonder…had this been McClain’s horse…and McKeever had said “no”…


Despite the various twists and turns and offshoot subject matter herein, I would say this case is NOT about any of those–NOT about Chromatic’s fitness, soundness, or previous vet care and management. It’s NOT about a “vet going rogue”–he was following team and USEF/USET protocol it seems to me (but I am not freeing him of liability!).

It IS about Selevit or similar, being used OFF LABEL, and “the team” taking over the care of horse and allegedly making decisions without the owner’s knowledge and/or consent, resulting in the death of a horse.

It stinks of liability!!



But then why didn’t all the team horses get selevit? Reports say it was only given to Chromatic and two others. If it was a team protocol, it seems like they would have given it to all of them. :woman_shrugging:


I know it’s used off label, but I didn’t realize HOW off label. It says nothing about horses.


I believe they’re referring to a video posted on FB by Kristin Medall Simpson-Ferguson Hardin, who is for whatever reason being referred to on here as KMSFH. I see no reason to turn someone’s name into an acronym when they post something publicly online.


Because those are her initials an typing out out Kristin Medall Simpson-Ferguson Hardin is a right pain in the backside. If you’d like to share a link, it would be appreciated.


We can just call her Kristin Hardin, as she has been referred to at shows for years.

ETA she replied to a few people (including KC) in comments as well. She’s (Kristin) a piece of work :roll_eyes:


OK, that video is coo-coo! O____o
Puts her opinion in perspective.


Kristin has her own style and speaks her mind on social media. As I said earlier… she’s pretty colorful. But… she also can ride a heck of a lot better than most of the rest of us, and has been doing so for decades. She knows a thing or two about jumping. :woman_shrugging:

The video @Demerara_Stables linked was the second one she posted. There was an earlier one that spoke to the issue of competing horses with soundness issues. Again, I don’t know what I don’t know about the Chromatic situation. I’ll reserve judgement. But… she’s not wrong that there are way too many situations where unsound horses are out there competing for one reason or another. And… it’s bad. And sad.