Selevit Injectable

I disagree about her riding ability. Sure, she can stay on, but her hands and style leave a lot to be desired. I’ve been watching her ride for over 10 years both in video and in person. I’ve seen heart in throat moments more than once.


Ok. So you are saying you ride better than Kristin? Good for you.


I agree about that but unless I missed it (quite possible), her name was never clarified when she was first mentioned in this thread, leaving readers to wonder who the heck KMSFH is and is her opinion worth listening to? I’m old school
AP style, where a person’s full name is written the first time they are brought up in an article and then they are referred to by last name in subsequent paragraphs. Makes things less confusing.

The use of just her initials makes one think she is important enough that everyone should recognize her, which I don’t feel is the case. Despite her having a “fan page” on FB :smirk:


There are quite a few interesting exchanges on that post


Not at all what I said, try reading it again :roll_eyes:


And who is she, not the owner right?

Can someone give her a longer phone camera stick things? Mr DeMille closeup.




No she is not the owner. She is Somebody With Opinions.


Thanks, I’m not keeping up so am easily confused, but this situation is quite upsetting no matter how you slice it.
Appreciate it


The owner and the trainer do comment on her post though

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Yup. She clearly has had direct dialogue with KC and Rudy Leone.

As I said earlier… Kristin is outspoken and colorful. I can understand if some people are put off by her style or don’t feel it’s appropriate for someone to just spout their opinion when a situation like this happens. But, I think her comments regarding the thought that unsound horses should not compete? That’s hard to argue with.


The commentary about lame horses was not directed at the Chromatic team or situation. It was something that happened in L.A. at a show.

Kristin is an outspoken trainer in Calif., not connected to Chromatic other than with her opinions, and some how having earned additional commentary on this thread. 'Cause…you know…COTHForums!!


In the context of the story she told (horse lame at the trot in warm up, rider just picked up the canter and jumped anyway), yes. However, in the context of an older schoolmaster who loves his job, needs maintenance, and is sound with said maintenance, those horses are absolutely invaluable to inexperienced riders. I don’t think we should shame people that provide injections/Adequan/chiro/arnica/whatever into not riding their horses, again (because this is COTH), if the therapies are able to keep the horse sound for his job.


Did you watch that whole video until the end? She tied the two situations together. Talked about both

And… she posted another video recently talking more about soundness and showing.

She’s pretty blunt about her perspective.


Ok. Wasn’t aware of a defamation lawsuit. Care to link the legal complaint you are referring to, assuming there is a public filing? She’s been outspoken on a number of topics… but SafeSport bans also come to mind.

ETA- never mind. It’s about the EHV outbreak and Sami Milo.


I called it pearl clutching to not believe that horses need anti inflammatory intervention at this level

Imagine you fly to the Middle East to participate in a series of marathons. After the first marathon you may bathe, ice your legs and wrap your calves. Then you are confined to a bed that is a bunch of shavings on top of cement. Maybe someone will come bring you dinner in bed and some bon bons as treats but you can’t really move until the next morning. Then you can stretch a little. Then it’s back to the bed. Then in the afternoon you run another marathon. Afterwards, same protocol, bath, ice wrap calves back to bed. Then day three you do it all again. No one has given you any anti-inflammatory help. Your diet has been turned upside down because you eat the food available there except for your protein bars or shakes which you can travel with (grain). You can only move around a little bit between marathons otherwise you are confined to a bed. How do you think you would feel after three days of marathons? Oh and when you are done you take a plane home where you have to balance yourself to remain upright and are confined to a space smaller than a bed. How do you feel when it’s over? I have empathy for these horses being asked to compete at this level, and the least they deserve is a little anti inflammatory support. In the marathon example perhaps you do it for your own glory. These horses do it because we ask them.


Yes, you mentioned you have an older schoolmaster who gets extensive maintenance, but is happy doing its job, and you love riding it. And that’s fine. Good for you.

But forgive me if I missed it… but I don’t think Kristin posted on a public platform shaming you for continuing to ride your schoolmaster?


Not sure why my horse is being brought into this. I’m talking about the thousands of schoolmasters being shown every weekend that are on maintenance.


And because her opinions are loud they must be true, right???


Well… for context… earlier you said this, so I just assumed you were referring to your own horse…