Selevit Injectable

Excellent analogy


Iā€™m dying to know what happened after Pepe called her.
What happened in that barn, and on her end.

I canā€™t imagine how he feels.


Right? I donā€™t have anything close to a 6 figure horse but I would never sign that team or no team.
I wouldnā€™t sign that for my dog


When youā€™re in the league of these owners, riders, etc I think you have a better understanding of the contract. I believe the owner was confident she would be consulted before and about medications. For online quarterbacks to say they wouldnā€™t sign such an agreementā€¦ riiiigggghhhhtttt. Bye-bye then, take your horsie and exit from the world stage. So all the breeding, training, and competing to this point is for naught.


I used to say I wouldnā€™t sell my horse Tiger for a million bucks.
It was a safe statementā€“no one was going to offer me same.


For a breeder, itā€™s never for naught.


She may have been ā€œconfidentā€ of that but thatā€™s not what she signed. That confidence didnā€™t hold up so well

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Re bold, How do you know?


:smile: I know! I used to tell one of my horses that if anyone offered me 10 bucks for him, heā€™d be in their trailer before the ink dried.


Because she wasnā€™t consulted about Jack as per the agreement she signed that was posted up thread and her horse is dead . Or did you miss that part

I didnā€™t miss that the horse is dead.
I still havenā€™t heard what happened between the time Pepe called her to say they wanted the horse to see the vet, and the horse arrived at the xties, collapsed, seized, and died.

Iā€™m not willing to assume anything about the contract, consultation, or the events leading up to his collapse.


I had one I used to say,
ā€œFree to a good home. Iā€™ll pay you to take her to a bad one!ā€


If I were an owner with one of my first horses at this level I can absolutely understand signing.

Where I start to lose understanding is when you have owners who are regularly sponsoring horses at this level (thinking of McLainā€™s owners, Beezieā€™s owners, etc) who actually have the power and leverage to negotiate these types of contracts.

That is why I am surprised a lot of this language has lasted into present day.

ETA: To be very clear, I donā€™t blame any owner for signing, and Iā€™m not trying to shift the responsibility for anything that happened into anyone who signed the agreement. Iā€™m just expressing surprise that owner pushback didnā€™t cause some of these provisions to go away before now.


It is also ironic that the World Cup Final is the least ā€œteamyā€ of the big championships. It is every man/woman for themself, not a national team score. Yā€™all might be stabled together but no other US riderā€™s result hangs off the effort of anyone elseā€™s horse. So it is even less obvious that care & custody has to be bestowed on the USET.


I would guess two things:

  1. A lot of people, even pretty savvy people, donā€™t read contracts all that closely. Especially if told this is the same contract that every other savvy person whose horse has represented the team has signed already.

  2. There may have been informal verbal assurances that the vet provision was intended for emergencies, during which it would not be unreasonable for the vet/team to want to provide treatment without delay.

Between those two things and the fact that this hasnā€™t happened before (as far as I know), Iā€™m not that surprised there hasnā€™t been pushback.


It was mentioned earlier that the ā€œcall owner firstā€ courtesy has been extended to bigger name owners who had more clout and this owner assumed the same courtesy would be extended to her when she signed the contract.

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Iā€™m not sure that was stated as a fact. I think it was a supposition. Mainly because Lee McKeever would have just ignored them.


@Midge is correct - that conversation was all theoretical, assuming Lee wouldā€™ve told them to kick rocks until the owner said otherwise.

It would be clarifying if we were told the other two horses treated the same as Chromatic. I doubt that will happen unless it comes up in a lawsuit.


Now that you say that, we donā€™t know what anybody elseā€™s contract looks like. Weā€™ve only heard about the one for Chromatic from his owner.

Strictly supposition, but maybe some other owners take a big red pen and cross out the parts they donā€™t like before they sign it.


Letā€™s not forget, KC said in her first statement that she was already working with USEF to alter the contract. Frankly Iā€™m surprised they got to it that quickly after Chromatic died - maybe she had already expressed her frustration when she signed it and they told her she had no choice?