September Yearling Sales 2020

The Uncle Mo’s are usually quite popular at the yearling sales.:yes:

Do you know why colts/fillies are withdrawn? Private sales?

I believe private sales are not allowed until the horse has gone through the auction ring. @LaurieB I believe, said that it is usually for Veterinary reasons. Maybe she’ll explain the rules (again) for us.

That was a mini Curlin!

I give up. There are so many beautiful yearlings, if I keep typing I’ll miss them. That was a lovely gray Medaglia d’Oro filly.


I thought that Astern colt was worth more. Bet he’s RNA.

Right, this time. RNA

#292 filly by Keen Ice… whoa she’s a stocky thing. 💜

Hip 290, a Cairo Prince filly, left the ring and the announcer said “your horse”. We’ll see if she is RNA. He also said “your horse” when the RNA Astern colt left the ring.

She was RNA.:yes:

I’ve noticed some of the handlers seem much more at ease/smoother handling than others.
Could be experience or the fact that some of the fillies/colts are a bit more fractious than others.

Thanks so much for posting the yearling that looks like The Tetratch (sp) – that’s wild!!! I’ve never seen one like that with so many of those spots! He is reincarnated!

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#328, another “your horse”. We’ll see if it’s RNA.

RNA at 90K.

A blast from the past for sure! He’s related alright.:yes:

Usually the barn/farm employees hand off their charges to those employed by the auction and they present them in the ring, then hand the horse back to the barn/farm employees after the bidding is over. That has changed this year with COVID. Most of the handlers we’re seeing in the ring probably don’t have much experience handling in the auction ring. I thought they did a pretty good job under the circumstances…


Im so in love with that Arrogate filly out of Uno Mas Promesa. Someone let me know how she does!

Keeneland’s first session doesn’t start until Sunday, so you’ll have to remind (me anyway). :slight_smile:

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oh, I will! Thanks! 😁

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A few times it looked like the handler wasn’t quite sure where to put the horse or which way to turn it…
so your reasoning makes a lot of sense 😊

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Can’t blame them for keeping that Uncle Mo filly. RNA at 190K.

I liked that Air Force Blue colt. 145K

Super Empire Maker colt! 470K hammer price. Sold.

The Tetrarch spotted Arrogate colt is in the ring.
Hammer price 200K Sold.:slight_smile:

Filly,Full to Caledonia Road RNA at 700K