Servis, Navarro, 25 Others Indicted on Performance-Enhancing Drugs

Two suppliers of substances plead guilty

Wow! This is no bueno for Servis, and the Vets. Federal rap with serious prison time, if found guilty…


Although the superseding indictment is only against Servis and the vets (Chan and Rhein). The others in the original indictment are not named in this superseding one (which added mail and wire fraud conspiracy charges).

In the mean time, the winner’s share of the $20M Saudi Cup purse won by Maximum Security is still in limbo. The Jockey Club of Saudi Arabia will not finalize payment until the criminal charges against Servis in the US are resolved :frowning:


Lovely… Clenbuterol found in 77% of Servis and Navarro’s horses.

From BH…

When we asked for the medical records on these horses—we haven’t gotten through them all yet—but we haven’t found any that had clenbuterol administration listed in the medical records," Palmer said. "That’s a strong indication that this drug has been given for purposes other than the normal, prescribed reason for getting clenbuterol.

From Dr Scott Palmer, equine medical directory for the ew York State Gaming Commission.


Mark your calendars for November 17. From BH

Navarro/Servis federal proceedings resume 11/17 (tomorrow) with status conference and arraignment via telephone with judge…

Interesting quote from the article

In a Nov. 10 letter to the court, Rita Glavin and Michael Considine, attorneys for Servis, wrote they have received seven terabytes of discovery materials in the last six weeks, containing approximately 2.4 million files, which they said was “more than 43 times the cumulative volume produced to the defense prior to Sept. 29, 2020.” Glavin and Considine also wrote that “it will take substantial time to review” these files, suggesting they and the attorneys for the other defendants will seek additional discovery time from Vyskocil.

:astonished: gotta love discovery

All 14 defendants pled not guilty (as I would have expected) at November 17 arraignment.

Sounds like earliest it may go to federal trial would be July but no date.

I wonder what he gave the Feds in return for the plea deal.

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When I read that article, I wondered if he has supplied Baffert. Or maybe Baffert has a west coast or private supplier.

One of the articles mentioned shipments going as far west as California…

There has to be someone, somewhere who has first-hand knowledge of what Baffert has done as is willing to flip.

Now, there are more pleading guilty…

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I wonder if this will make the wiretap moot;

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Guess so!

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How much of a disconnect with reality do you have to attempt to use your lack of bad tests as proof that you didn’t use the drug you are on tape bragging about being untestable?


He’s not the brightest star in the sky.


Navarro has pled guilty, including saying he shared drugs with Servis.

Servis must be feeling a little lonely at the moment. There’s nobody left to rat out and make a deal. Things aren’t looking good for him.

I feel sorriest, I think, for Maximum Security, a horse who seemed to have a lot of try in him, although I don’t think there’s much doubt left that he was drugged to extend his limits. And of course for XY Jet. And all the other innocent animals who had no choice in all this.


not sure if anyone has seen this. I hope you’re not eating lunch while reading this disgusting account of what transpired with these poor horses. These folks should NEVER be allowed to step foot on a track again, anywhere.

‘Animal Abuse In The Service Of Greed’: Prosecutors Reveal More About Navarro’s Doping Program, Boastful Text Messages - Horse Racing News | Paulick Report