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Severe Tongue Laceration with pics

Hey all, just wanted to share a bit of a crazy injury with you all.

Last night when I returned from a ride my friend I spotted a pile of blood in the middle of the barn. I couldn’t figure out where it could be from. Noses and teeth were all clear on the horses across from the blood. So I decided to check their mouths again one more time. I open up my mare Valleys mouth to find this:

So Valley likes to lick everything. There was some baling twine on the stall beside her that was old and hung to hang ribbons on. She somehow must have gotten her tongue around it and caught and the twine nearly ripped her tongue in half.

Luckily we caught it early. Vet was there within an hr and stitched her all back together!

Anyone have any knowledge of tongue injuries as such or advice for recovery?

:cry: oh my… poor girl!!! Jingles she heals well and quickly… it seems like sometimes if they can manage to do something to themselves… they will do it… sorry no advice… just OUCH!



Ouch! Poor thing. That looks painful. Jingles!

I have not personally experienced it, but from what I understand tongues heal quickly and well so she is likely to be fine after this. (And I doubt it will make her not play with things in the future.)

How much you want to bet your photos end up on some ‘bits are evil’ post on facebook at some point?


not to laugh at my poor Valley girl but my friend and I were totally joking that I should post on Twitter the pictures and ask if I need a new bit? :rofl: But then we realized there are too many crazies who might take it seriously.


They heal well, especially if stitched. Haven’t had one myself, but have seen a couple. One vet came out to a local boarding barn with “show” saddlebreds to stitch up tongues regularly, sharpened bicycle chain bits. I saw the bits. The vet never reported it to anyone, just did the sewing. Barn owner evicted the trainer eventually, couldn’t stand watching it any more.

OMG I’m horrified but not surprised sadly. I honestly feel sick thinking of my poor girl with her sore tongue ripped in half just having to deal with how painful and uncomfortable it must be for her. I would be mortified if I ever caused even 1% of this damage from a bit.

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I doubt it was the bits causing the issues with tongues and more likely improperly applied and removed tongue ties. There are idiots in all disciplines but I’ve never seen that happen with bicycle chain bit or mule bit or any other saddle seat bits honestly. Most don’t ride on the same contact and try to have a quiet mouth, not what a sharp bit would do. But not saying you didn’t see it, crazies are everywhere, just saying I’ve never seen it at ASB barns I’ve ever been at.

My pony had a tongue injury prior to me getting him. He was in a hoarding situation with an older gentleman that had dementia. Someone forgot to take off his tongue tie and he lost a big chunk of his tongue. At least that’s our speculation. He healed fine with no medical care and just a big missing chunk. I just have to use bits that allow tongue relief and stay on top of dental care.


I knew a pony this same thing happened too. Unfortunately twine was wrapped around tongue for much longer and mare ended up having the end of her tongue removed. It healed ok but of course, could no longer be ridden with a bit and didn’t cope well in bitless bridle.

I feel like I know of another horse this happened to and horse healed fine. My brain is just struggling to remember the details this morning.

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Someone I knew had a horse do something similar after getting his tongue stuck in a cracked water bucket at a horse show. Lots of blood and drama at the time but he healed up just fine and quite quickly, although I don’t remember the specific timeline. Hope your mare is back to 100% in no time!

Friend’s horse’s tongue was nearly bitten off playing with another horse. It healed well. Doesn’t look that pretty, but stitched up and healed fine. The good news is that tissue in the mouth heals pretty fast.

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Oh no, poor girl. Hope she heals quickly!

My mare did a similar injury after she was electrocuted in a lightning storm. Healed up just fine by herself, no aftercare apart from some Bute. Maybe a few squirts of horse mouthwash (like when they have mouth ulcers).

Glad to hear this! The vet gave me some wound wash so I have been doing that twice a day. Poor girl needs bute, her antiabiotics and the wound wash all syringed. Im sure that all tastes great on her tongue LOL

It appears to be healing really well. I can’t see that great and am a bit afraid to grab hold of it and pull it out for a better look :joy:

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Ow ow ow! That looks like it stings a bit. I don’t have any direct experience with mouth injuries but I know mouth wounds heal very well. Fingers crossed for a speedy and noneventful recovery!

Haha yes my mare wasn’t a fan!

Mind you, the vet thought she had Hendra because of her symptoms (couldn’t move, bloody nostrils, elevated temp), and no one was real game to touch her because Hendra was being considered as serious as Ebola.

It was only that my vet (over the phone at this point) was trying to decide if I (my property, my self, and my horses) be placed under DPI quarantine, and I had to take the mare’s vitals for him to make the call… as I was on the phone to him, I accidentally poked her in the nose and she opened her mouth. That’s when I saw her tongue! “Hey Dave… err she’s bitten her tongue in half! And I just found a section of fenceline completely dissolved…”

So very, very lucky.

The mare was due to have shoes put on the morning of the storm, but my farrier called in sick. We theorised that the mare would have been killed if she’d had the shoes on; as it was, she received one hell of a big charge. A shot of muscle relaxants and a cold bath set her right. Her tongue healed up, and six months later she dropped a surprise filly on our laps!

Hopefully your pony has just as an uneventful recovery.


PS to this day, the picket that received the full brunt of the strike has a lovely big burn down it. Thirty metres of electric fencing was vaporised. Lucky, lucky mare.

Hey everyone! Thought I would update the thread.

Valley had her dental yesterday and it’s just about a year since this happened.

Here’s the scarring. You can see the thin spot at the back that wasn’t cut, that’s all it was attached by.

She hasn’t had any I’ll effects from it. She’s a dream to ride!


When my 4 yo mare had her teeth floated for the first time since I had owned her, vet noted a scarred tongue that looked as if it has been almost severed. I didn’t check her tongue in the PPE! :grin: She has never had problems with bitting or contact.

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